2,500 Year Old Holiday of Self Defense Feb 28 - March 1


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Jewish holiday of Purim starts next Wednesday. According to the Book of Esther, the evil Haman persuaded the Persian king to allow him to murder the Jews of the Persian empire, with the Jews not allowed to defend themselves. Thanks to the heroic intervention of Mordechai and Esther, the King issued a new order permitting self-defense, and the Jews slew seventy-five thousand of those who had planned to kill them and save the Jewish people from genocide.

Fitting example of when people are not allowed to defend themselves.

Ask yourself - has there ever been a time in history where Jews were made safer by disarming them? In 1938 Germany banned Jews from owning guns. Look at what then happened.

Could the overstretched Nazi war machine have murdered 11 million armed and resisting Europeans while also taking on the Soviet and Anglo-American armies? Could 50,000 Khmer Rouge have butchered 2-3 million armed Cambodians? These questions bear repeating. Over and over.
The right to self-defense is the most basic human right.
Without the right to self defense all of the other rights can be taken away.
During the 20th century over 250 million humans were killed by governments.
Liberals think that the right to self-defense aka right to bear arms is dangerous.
If you were in a Warsaw ghetto in 1943, or at Wounded Knee in 1890, you would thank the NRA for protecting people's right to self-defense.

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