1st Transgender US Army Officer Turns Out To Be A Russian Spy

Transgenders occur in all cultures, across all periods of time; that makes them a very misunderstood minority population. Not mentally ill ; although such groups have higher rates of mental illness then the regular population because of all the persecution and life stress. In general they are very brave individuals ; it takes a very strong man to wear a dress.
You should know!
When I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam war I was a medic. We dealt with classified papers all the time, and the saying was if there wasn't documentation it wasn't done. I'm sure your people told you that too. So much for your opinion.
Unclassified was a classification back then ,and about the only thing to which you would have access.
Not really. Clinton wasn't charged with any of the crimes he was accused of when he left. Neither was Bush. Or Reagan. Or even Nixon. Prosecuting a president, former or not, is unprecedented... and frankly, if Trump wasn't so clumsy in his criminality, he'd probably be walking away scott free.

Again, easier to catch a low level army officer than a president when his whole party is willing to cover for him.

Ah, those devious Ukrainians... Sure, you tell yourself that.
Who is Scott Free? Your gay lover?

The correct term is "scot free".
He always has been a racist, back in the '70s he had 14,000 rental units in New York City and not one single black tenant. That tells the whole story. You are an idiot to believe anything that trump says.
You're a moron.... go indoctrinate some child you can groom. Your not fooling any grown up.
The US Army’s first transgender officer has been indicted for attempting to pass medical information to the Russians

Another win for the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION.

First a russian spy:

And now a baggage thief!
BidenDoE copy.jpg

And never mind whatever THIS is:

How is it possible this crap gets clearance by the FBI to work in America's most sensitive national positions! Could it be because they keep hiring nothing but freaks trying to prove them just like any other person while they keep proving they are not?!

Meanwhile, the installed president is pawing his granddaughter right in front of a camera.
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About 6 billion people on the planet have seen his son's pornography in between banging his dead brother's wife, his disowned son's illegitimate daughter, and Hunter's crack pipe he smokes with the millions raked in from dirty deals with foreign enemies and what do the Left worry about? Do they worry about national security?

Whether Trump had dinner with some controversial figure he doesn't know or kept some personal mementos and keepsakes in his vault so needs to turn in his tax returns immediately!
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The Biden administration has reportedly not taken the necessary steps to revoke the baggage thief's security clearance. Then again, its not like Biden has been attempting to safeguard our National Security.
The US Army’s first transgender officer has been indicted for attempting to pass medical information to the Russians in a bid to aid Vladamir Putin’s campaign in Ukraine.'

He/She and his wife 'could face extensive time in prison for their plot, and they obviously should. Ironically, while originally celebrated, Henry being the first transgender officer in the US Army probably won’t be something the transgender lobby takes credit for any more.'


What is the ACTUAL source of the document quoted? It makes NO SENSE for a Major to be applying for security clearance that LATE in a career. And what is the strategic USE of "medical information" to the Russian military in Ukraine.

This pair is some kind of standard "head case" duo. Nothing in that article made sense. THere was NO mention of being arrested or put in the brig or any kind of military justice employed,

We're not getting the story here.
That's funny. I remember trump tricking a general into being part of his photo op in front of a church in DC ( one he didn't bother to go into ) holding a Bible upside down. Now that we know trump is a white supremacist, maybe he held that Bible upside down for a reason. The general later apologized for being part of that political stunt. He didn't need to apologize for anything, he was tricked into it by trump. As we all know trump never apologized. Of course he's nothing wrong with it.
If so, then who created the recipe for the photo opportunity ??? The dipsticks rioting and burning down everything because they hate America is who did. So blame the POTUS who at least had the Presidential gut's to show up on behalf of all law abiding good American's, when that sorry ace Biden won't even visit the border because he hates America so bad. Your Damned priorities are all screwed up fella. How about opening up your eyes for once, then maybe just maybe you'll quit running into those brick walls.
What a joke the Military under idiotic Biden the Vegetable, has become


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