1980 Redux?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
For those of us who remember Jimmy Carter, today's liftoff of Executive One was an even greater relief than we felt when Ronald Regan was inaugurated. Whereas Carter had only four years to diminish America, Obama was able to parlay his race card into eight years of unmitigated disaster. (I wonder how much of his current "popularity" is due to his departure.)

How refreshing it will be once again to see our government functioning on a rational basis instead of continuous political theater. The revolving door of back scratching and influence peddling between politicians, lobbyists and the media will be called out, and the Executive Branch will no longer be populated with appointees seeking greater personal enrichment.

This may seem like pie in the sky, but the first few years of the Reagan administration bears this out. Even the so-called Iran-Contra "scandal" was not done for anyone's personal or political benefit, a fact ignored by Clinton/Obama apologists who can't conceive of any other basis for making decisions.

Congratulations to our new Commander-in-Chief and the 30 States who elected him.
One can only hope that "Dirty Harry" Schumer will not be allowed to shut down the Senate (like his predecessor did).

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