180 Million For A Cathederal But Not One Cent For The Poor!!!

Ever wonder where ALL THAT OIL MONEY in ARAB countries goes, while they have over a BILLION POOR Arabs and believers in Islam?.... Catholics are NOTHING compared to the fucking sand *******!

This does not have a damn thing to do with Christianity and Christ's message to those that accumulate and amass fortunes....This billionaire has a one way ticket to Hell and Jesus says so..

Well the bible does say, where a man's treasure is there will his heart be also. Jesus did also speak of giving to the poor as you (the individual) feel compelled to, however He also never dictated to the Roman government that it was their job to do so. Charity has always been taught and illustrated by Christ as a personal responsibility, as well as viewed as an extension of Himself through His followers that follow His teachings without personal gain.

If the left wants to cite an example of "Christianity", they are free to use their own checkbooks as an illustration over their words and pointing fingers.
Neither Langone or Dolan revealed the name of the potential donor. The cardinal said he didn't know the person's identity, and Langone declined to name him, saying only that the individual was upset about the pope's comments about the rich being insensitive to the poor.
this was about a potential donor being upset, according to Langone.
Ever wonder where ALL THAT OIL MONEY in ARAB countries goes, while they have over a BILLION POOR Arabs and believers in Islam?.... Catholics are NOTHING compared to the fucking sand *******!

This does not have a damn thing to do with Christianity and Christ's message to those that accumulate and amass fortunes....This billionaire has a one way ticket to Hell and Jesus says so..

Well the bible does say, where a man's treasure is there will his heart be also. Jesus did also speak of giving to the poor as you (the individual) feel compelled to, however He also never dictated to the Roman government that it was their job to do so. Charity has always been taught and illustrated by Christ as a personal responsibility, as well as viewed as an extension of Himself through His followers that follow His teachings without personal gain.

If the left wants to cite an example of "Christianity", they are free to use their own checkbooks as an illustration over their words and pointing fingers.

Or by doing works of charity, that to me is better than a check.
Ever wonder where ALL THAT OIL MONEY in ARAB countries goes, while they have over a BILLION POOR Arabs and believers in Islam?.... Catholics are NOTHING compared to the fucking sand *******!

This does not have a damn thing to do with Christianity and Christ's message to those that accumulate and amass fortunes....This billionaire has a one way ticket to Hell and Jesus says so..

Well the bible does say, where a man's treasure is there will his heart be also. Jesus did also speak of giving to the poor as you (the individual) feel compelled to, however He also never dictated to the Roman government that it was their job to do so. Charity has always been taught and illustrated by Christ as a personal responsibility, as well as viewed as an extension of Himself through His followers that follow His teachings without personal gain.

If the left wants to cite an example of "Christianity", they are free to use their own checkbooks as an illustration over their words and pointing fingers.

Or by doing works of charity, that to me is better than a check.

Depends on the individual. For some it's more of a personal sacrifice to give a large portion of their hard earned income than only give of their time. Try giving by writing a check from your "gross income" in the amount of 10 percent right off the top before looking to your own needs, if you don't think parting from your own finances is considered sacrificial enough.

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