Trump put down a $3 million retainer fee for a lawyer for the classified documents case. Why?

Violation of the espionage act by taking documents that belong in the national archives.
Tax evasion by undervaluing properties, while simultaneously overvaluing them to get loans.
Illegal interference in the Georgia state election.
And then obstruction of justice all around.

is it really necessary for me to describe this because you wont read?
/——-/ Bullshyt accusations, but no convictions. When was Trump’s trial on those charges? I accuse you of crimes. Does that make you guilty? You clowns are pathetic.
Now here’s an example of a convicted, and tried crook. Got any fake outrage over this one?
He is being targeted by a treasonous criminal federal agency that has violated the Constitution and US laws, intentionally knowingly participated in a faed coup attempt despite already knowing the Russial Collusion scandal was bogus.

He is being targeted by an FBI that has intentionally knowingly set up and sent innocent peoe to prison in the past.

He is being stalked / hunted by an obsessed partisan group of criminals and traitors who have been attempting to arrest him ... and failing to do so ... for going on 7 years now.
/----/ The NARA left the hard drive in an unsecured location and didn’t realize it was gone for months…How can Americans trust a system like this?
The National Archives and Record Administration lost a whole hard drive full of HIGHLY SENSITIVE information from the Clinton White House - more than 100,000 Social Security numbers and addresses, Secret Service and White House operating procedures (EXTREMELY SENSITIVE), political records, and who knows what else.
/----/ The NARA left the hard drive in an unsecured location and didn’t realize it was gone for months…How can Americans trust a system like this?
The National Archives and Record Administration lost a whole hard drive full of HIGHLY SENSITIVE information from the Clinton White House - more than 100,000 Social Security numbers and addresses, Secret Service and White House operating procedures (EXTREMELY SENSITIVE), political records, and who knows what else.
They did not notice ut was gone until the FBI told them it was missing ... along with 'nuclear secrets'
/——-/ Bullshyt accusations, but no convictions. When was Trump’s trial on those charges? I accuse you of crimes. Does that make you guilty? You clowns are pathetic.
Now here’s an example of a convicted, and tried crook. Got any fake outrage over this one?
View attachment 709326
indictments come first, then trial, and lastly convictions.
/——-/. What criminal behavior? You democrats enjoy getting pissed on. It’s not something we Republicans would want.
View attachment 709262
Absolutely.... It's really amazing how they live in denial of their own alledged criminal behaviour's, while continuing to slam other's for pure political favor knowing that they are wrong in doing so....... Do they actually think that the electorate is this stupid to not know that they are engaged in all sorts of illicit behaviour's that are constantly being investigated as criminal ?? Many things are finally being revealed of their criminal activities, but they yell nah nah nah nah nah I can't hear you, I can't hear you ... It's really sad.
I honestly think he will be. He hasn’t yet because they are waiting til after the election. By year’s end, it will happen. Take that shit to the bank, Patty!
Nope, if anything when Durham gets done, and Trump sues the government for the biggest hoax in American history, and he brings a defamation suit that'll make Nicholas Sandman's suit look like allowance money, then you'll give him the respect he deserves. It's coming.
/----/ Any day now - any day.
Yeah any day now Trump is going to bring a lawsuit against the government of epic proportions. They won't attempt to railroad anyone else in a politically lopsided environment that they've alledgedly been accused of creating along with the weaponizing they've done.

Remember Angela Merkel finding out about being spied on ??
Yeah any day now Trump is going to bring a lawsuit against the government of epic proportions. They won't attempt to railroad anyone else in a politically lopsided environment that they've alledgedly been accused of creating along with the weaponizing they've done.

Remember Angela Merkel finding out about being spied on ??
Lol oh really? What the fuck is he waiting for?
Because all you mentally ill Liberals continue to chase him with all kinds of "hoaxes, impeachments, "investigations" if anyone needed to protect himself from the "leftist nutcases" then it would be him.

Orange Man Bad?
No that isn’t the point. It’s about putting down a 3 million retainer before he’s even been arrested. It’s indicative that he knows he’s in this for the long haul.
Well, it's looking more and more like he'll be indicted. He has reason to expect they will. That still doesn't mean he's guilty. That's what a trial is for.

I'm not interested in defending Trump, but this witch hunt shit is stupid.
Well, it's looking more and more like he'll be indicted. He has reason to expect they will. That still doesn't mean he's guilty. That's what a trial is for.

I'm not interested in defending Trump, but this witch hunt shit is stupid.
I think if he knew he was totally innocent, he wouldn’t be all that concerned about being indicted. I mean look, this isnt some hearsay thing. It’s not being accused of a crime like murder based on circumstantial evidence and hearsay. This is paper trail shit. This is shit seized from his home. The crime is the documents themselves. This would be open and shut shit.

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