15000 Soldiers prepare for Eastern Ghouta Offensive as Western Media bombard World with Propaganda


Nov 14, 2012
The terrorists refused to surrender and the offensive will begin. Disgusting al-Qaeda propaganda emerges en mass in western media outlets, the news pages are full of it, there is little space for anything else. Russia argued that those who support the terrorists are responsible for the humanitarian situation, neither Syria, Russia and Iran bear any responsibility. In addition, Russia stressed that the terrorists refuse to surrender when the UN demanded the end of the hostilities. During the past three weeks, the terrorists fired about 1000 mortar shells into Damascus where 9 million residents and refugees live.

Over 15,000 Syrian military personnel deployed to East Ghouta for upcoming offensive
The ground operation began.

"At approximately 8:30 A.M. (Damascus Time), the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) kicked off the first phase of their long-awaited East Ghouta offensive.

Led by their 4th Division, the Syrian Arab Army stormed the Al-Nashabiyah area of the East Ghouta, seizing several points around the Air Defense Battalion, while advancing in the direction of Hazrama and Tal Farzat.

Should the Syrian Army capture the strategic hilltop of Tal Farzat, they will ultimately have fire control over Al-Nashabiyah.

This part of the East Ghouta is under the control of Jaysh Al-Islam, which is a group that refused to attend the Russian sponsored Sochi Peace Conference in January."

Breaking: Syrian Army begins first phase of East Ghouta offensive
Syrian Army begins amassing forces in Harasta for next East Ghouta offensive
What does the latest 30 day ceasefire in the East Ghouta mean?
The army started attacks at several points and captured already 4 towns and a hilltop. On other points, no gains were reported so far.

"On Saturday afternoon, jihadists of the Al-Qaeda affiliate militia Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (previously and better known as Jabhat al-Nusra) launched a powerful assault against the Syrian Army in Damascus’ East Ghouta region. Information on this attack has only just been released by a source in the military.

According to the Syrian Army source, Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham attempted to break through government lines in East Ghouta on the Jobar axis.

The jihadist operation was spearheaded by a car bomb attack that targeted a Syrian Army checkpoint area that connects communications between the districts of Jobar and Qaboun.

Syrian Army sentries stationed just ahead of the targeted checkpoint area spotted the incoming car bomb and, opening fire on the vehicle with several heavy machine guns, destroyed it at a safe distance.

Despite the failure of the car bomb attack, jihadist fighters went ahead with attempting to storm Syrian Army positions across Jobar only to have their ranks broken up with machine gun and mortar fire.

Within minutes the attack was called off and the Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham assault party retreated back to inside the depth of rebel-held East Ghouta."
Breaking: Syrian Army annihilates hair-brained Nusra assault in east Damascus within minutes
With the most of the countryside captured the now following part will be the most difficult as "rebels" profit from a number of advantages that will take effect in urban areas. Those are human shields, building-bombs, tunnels, AT-units, mines, cover and possibly Captagon.
On the other side, there are the Syrian and Russian airforce. Several Elite-Divisions take part and they have lots of tanks.


Large demonstration held in East Ghouta town, residents raise Syrian flag (video)
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A deal with Jaysh al-Islam was reportedly reached. Note, that "rebels" often violate the agreements reached with them, so this all is not for sure yet:

"The reports claim that the Syrian Army and Jaysh Al-Islam agreed to terms of a reconciliation agreement that would have the latter turn their heavy weapons into the government and Russian military.

Furthermore, seven rules were established:

  • Jaysh Al-Islam will agree to their release prisoners in Douma, including those from the Syrian Army.
  • Jaysh Al-Islam will hand over all of their heavy weapons to the government.
  • Jaysh Al-Islam will give the government and army full access roads to Douma; this will allow the wounded to be transported to local hospitals.
  • Those militants in Douma will decide whether they will go to Idlib, Daraa, or stay in the East Ghouta to settle their cases with the state.
  • Food staples and aid will enter Douma and a local police unit will be formed by civil leaders in the district.
  • State Institutions will start to work inside Douma after a “short period”. The basic services of water, electricity and sewage system will take priority.
  • Individual arms ownership will be organized within existing laws governing administered by the State.
The military source added that the Russians have mediated the terms between both parties."

Breaking: Early reports indicate Jaysh Al-Islam, Syrian Army reached agreement in East Ghouta
Thousands more civilians reached government lines today.

Selfie with normal people after a terrible life as terrorist´s hostages:


Eastern Ghouta "rebels" escaping the advancing Syrian troops abandoned 40 tons of chemical weapons. A possible False Flag by Phrump has become less likely this way.

40 tons of chemical weapons left by militants found in Syria – Russian MoD

It is common knowledge that the murdering Baathist pig, Saddam Hussein trucked
huge supplies of poison poisonous substance to his dear friend, the murdering Baathist pig, Bashar Hussein. Thanks, Captain Blei for reminding us
Eastern Ghouta "rebels" escaping the advancing Syrian troops abandoned 40 tons of chemical weapons. A possible False Flag by Phrump has become less likely this way.

40 tons of chemical weapons left by militants found in Syria – Russian MoD

It is common knowledge that the murdering Baathist pig, Saddam Hussein trucked
huge supplies of poison poisonous substance to his dear friend, the murdering Baathist pig, Bashar Hussein. Thanks, Captain Blei for reminding us
It is common knowledge that you are a bullshitting troll.
Eastern Ghouta "rebels" escaping the advancing Syrian troops abandoned 40 tons of chemical weapons. A possible False Flag by Phrump has become less likely this way.

40 tons of chemical weapons left by militants found in Syria – Russian MoD

It is common knowledge that the murdering Baathist pig, Saddam Hussein trucked
huge supplies of poison poisonous substance to his dear friend, the murdering Baathist pig, Bashar Hussein. Thanks, Captain Blei for reminding us
It is common knowledge that you are a bullshitting troll.

there are steel lined bunkers built into the hills between Syria and Lebanon ----
STUFFED WITH THE STUFF---------a joint Baathist/Hezbollah islamo/Nazi
project. The penchant that islamo Nazis have for hidden bunkers is
FASCINATING. Presently---the USA and Israel are involved in joint
development of BUNKER-BUSTING bombs------a response to the islamo/Nazi

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