The problem with Muslims


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Is that they are all talk and no action.

9/11, if you believe the official story, was the only time they did anything of note.

If they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map. But it's much easier to go to mosque and put your ass up in the air, fart, and then go home and do nothing at all.
f they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map

You should know it's not as easy as you think.

You and your friends have been trying to wipe out the Jews for centuries. All you get for it is a lot of bombed out cities.

Is that they are all talk and no action.

9/11, if you believe the official story, was the only time they did anything of note.

If they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map. But it's much easier to go to mosque and put your ass up in the air, fart, and then go home and do nothing at all.

The problem with Muslims is that they & Democrats have far too much in common. Try as they might, they both fuck up everything they do, then get mad at someone else for doing it! :lmao:
Is that they are all talk and no action.

9/11, if you believe the official story, was the only time they did anything of note.

If they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map. But it's much easier to go to mosque and put your ass up in the air, fart, and then go home and do nothing at all.
Egypt, Jordan and Syria joined forces and still couldn't beat Israel. About the only fighting technique that Muslims are good at are killing unarmed civilians via improvised bombs, motor vehicles and knives/machetes.
Muslims have not fared well in these types of endeavors for centuries. The Ottoman Empire was the last vestige of anything remotely related to empire. They are highly adept at parasitism and infiltration of cultures, but outright, blunt force When was the last time a Muslim nation actually conquered a non-Muslim one? Centuries?
Is that they are all talk and no action.

9/11, if you believe the official story, was the only time they did anything of note.

If they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map. But it's much easier to go to mosque and put your ass up in the air, fart, and then go home and do nothing at all.

I made some thread about Jews, and was basically called anti-Semitic for doing so. Let's see if anyone calls you anti-Islamic for this post. I doubt it, though maybe someone might do it just because I've written this.

I doubt you could say that Muslims are all talk and no action, and then have other people complaining they kill too much....
The problem with Muslims is that for them, everybody who is not a Muslim like them is an infidel.....

Eveybody who is not a Muslim is an be decapitated....

A very mediaeval religion.....totally from the Dark Middle Ages.

Unbelievable that a religion like that.... chopping hands and heads is still around....Lord have Mercy!
The problem with Muslims is that for them, everybody who is not a Muslim like them is an infidel.....

Eveybody who is not a Muslim is an be decapitated....

A very mediaeval religion.....totally from the Dark Middle Ages.

Unbelievable that a religion like that.... chopping hands and heads is still around....Lord have Mercy!
One of the reasons it is still around is because people were, and still are, killed for leaving it.
The problem with Muslims is that for them, everybody who is not a Muslim like them is an infidel.....

Eveybody who is not a Muslim is an be decapitated....

A very mediaeval religion.....totally from the Dark Middle Ages.

Unbelievable that a religion like that.... chopping hands and heads is still around....Lord have Mercy!

And.....the template was set early on....

a. "The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

b. "The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews."
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”
I support the return of Medina (aka Yathrib) to jewish possession. Medina-(aka Yathrib) was a jewish city for
more than 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca invaded and pillaged, murdered, and raped it out of existence
RE: The problem with Muslims
※→ irosie91, et al,

This is much too much off the mark. The Jewish people have no more of a contemporary claim on Mecca or Medina; certainly no such reasonable claim can be made by the Jewish community.

I support the return of Medina (aka Yathrib) to jewish possession.

From the time of the First Sharif of Mecca, more than a millennia ago, there is no real record of a Jewish self-governing sovereignty (of substance) anywhere in the Hijaz Region of Arabia.

Medina-(aka Yathrib) was a Jewish city for more than 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca invaded and pillaged, murdered, and raped it out of existence

The conduct of battlefield engagements by Islamic Prophet known as Muhammad (PBUH) ⇒ were rather barbaric at the time. And the customary rules of Chivalry were primitive at best.

The judgment of moral actions in the War Time of the Last Prophet (6th and 7th Century), was not so different than the that exercised 10 centuries later. Even in modern time, the Rules of Chivalry towards one opponents, the captures, the contained/imprisoned and the lame/infirm are still argued over in the forms of:
The Arab World --- and many Islamic states --- still do not agree with many of the 21st Century Protocols of Modern Chivalry (ethically or morally). So, while Israel ranks 19th on the Human Development Index, higher than any Arab League Nation by a significant margin; and higher that several European Nations (Finland, France Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Spain and Greece) the notions of what is ethical and moral in such conflicts as Israel is now engaged. The notion that the "rapist dog of mecca" (a 1000 years ago) were so much different than other nations of the world in not quite right.

Most Respectfully,
RE: The problem with Muslims
※→ irosie91, et al,

This is much too much off the mark. The Jewish people have no more of a contemporary claim on Mecca or Medina; certainly no such reasonable claim can be made by the Jewish community.

I support the return of Medina (aka Yathrib) to jewish possession.

From the time of the First Sharif of Mecca, more than a millennia ago, there is no real record of a Jewish self-governing sovereignty (of substance) anywhere in the Hijaz Region of Arabia.

Medina-(aka Yathrib) was a Jewish city for more than 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca invaded and pillaged, murdered, and raped it out of existence

The conduct of battlefield engagements by Islamic Prophet known as Muhammad (PBUH) ⇒ were rather barbaric at the time. And the customary rules of Chivalry were primitive at best.

The judgment of moral actions in the War Time of the Last Prophet (6th and 7th Century), was not so different than the that exercised 10 centuries later. Even in modern time, the Rules of Chivalry towards one opponents, the captures, the contained/imprisoned and the lame/infirm are still argued over in the forms of:
The Arab World --- and many Islamic states --- still do not agree with many of the 21st Century Protocols of Modern Chivalry (ethically or morally). So, while Israel ranks 19th on the Human Development Index, higher than any Arab League Nation by a significant margin; and higher that several European Nations (Finland, France Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Spain and Greece) the notions of what is ethical and moral in such conflicts as Israel is now engaged. The notion that the "rapist dog of mecca" (a 1000 years ago) were so much different than other nations of the world in not quite right.

Most Respectfully,

I believe her comment was tongue-in-cheek.

If they wanted to, they could organize and wipe Israel off the map


It would dry up all the funding and access to arms from sympathizer.
They would be forced to actually do something with themselves and would have one less group of people to blame for their failures.

They are better off with Israel there ... More money, more weapons, and the perfect excuse ... :thup:

RE: The problem with Muslims
※→ irosie91, et al,

This is much too much off the mark. The Jewish people have no more of a contemporary claim on Mecca or Medina; certainly no such reasonable claim can be made by the Jewish community.

I support the return of Medina (aka Yathrib) to jewish possession.

From the time of the First Sharif of Mecca, more than a millennia ago, there is no real record of a Jewish self-governing sovereignty (of substance) anywhere in the Hijaz Region of Arabia.

Medina-(aka Yathrib) was a Jewish city for more than 1000 years before the rapist dog of mecca invaded and pillaged, murdered, and raped it out of existence

The conduct of battlefield engagements by Islamic Prophet known as Muhammad (PBUH) ⇒ were rather barbaric at the time. And the customary rules of Chivalry were primitive at best.

The judgment of moral actions in the War Time of the Last Prophet (6th and 7th Century), was not so different than the that exercised 10 centuries later. Even in modern time, the Rules of Chivalry towards one opponents, the captures, the contained/imprisoned and the lame/infirm are still argued over in the forms of:
The Arab World --- and many Islamic states --- still do not agree with many of the 21st Century Protocols of Modern Chivalry (ethically or morally). So, while Israel ranks 19th on the Human Development Index, higher than any Arab League Nation by a significant margin; and higher that several European Nations (Finland, France Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Spain and Greece) the notions of what is ethical and moral in such conflicts as Israel is now engaged. The notion that the "rapist dog of mecca" (a 1000 years ago) were so much different than other nations of the world in not quite right.

Most Respectfully,

I believe her comment was tongue-in-cheek.

not really----ALL OF ARABIA was tribal------they didn't have mayors-----they just had tribes here and there-----da joooos
were self-contained which is why the big mo ----according to
da muzzies demselves-----made a "treaty" of sorts with them. Even in the shariah shit hole in which hubby was born------actual government ---during his time-----was
just the local "sheik"--------they called it DA IMAM. In fact they even called the "KING" of the entire shit-hole---THE IMAM. The ottomans were kinda like absentee bastards that the rest of the muzzies hated. When the brits took the place-----they were ALOOF and hung out in ADEN and did
not get involved with the "natives". Sheeeesh-----how can I
claim hubby's land if it cannot be documented? I have NO DOUBT that there are buried documents in the sands of Medina. His relatives save every scrap of writing-----they still have the tiny scribbled note testifying to the fact that his father---in partnership with three other guys, bought one dunam of land in Palestine----1942. ok-----it wasn't registered anywhere------but they GOT THAT LITTLE NOTE---
so what if some people laugh......... I/4 of a dunam---his father has something like 100 grand and great-grandchildren now-----how much is that in centimeters?
RE: The problem with Muslims
※→ irosie91, et al,

I believe her comment was tongue-in-cheek.

I am so embarrassed. (Red Face Glowing.) I apologize for my ignorance.

ok-----it wasn't registered anywhere------but they GOT THAT LITTLE NOTE---
so what if some people laugh......... I/4 of a dunam---his father has something like 100 grand and great-grandchildren now-----how much is that in centimeters?

Well, I guess I can find the solution using my engineering calculation.

0.25 Dunam converts to 250 sq meters which converts to 2,500,000 sq centimeters... At least I can get something right today.

Searching for my Dunce Cap,
RE: The problem with Muslims
※→ irosie91, et al,

I believe her comment was tongue-in-cheek.

I am so embarrassed. (Red Face Glowing.) I apologize for my ignorance.

ok-----it wasn't registered anywhere------but they GOT THAT LITTLE NOTE---
so what if some people laugh......... I/4 of a dunam---his father has something like 100 grand and great-grandchildren now-----how much is that in centimeters?

Well, I guess I can find the solution using my engineering calculation.

0.25 Dunam converts to 250 sq meters which converts to 2,500,000 sq centimeters... At least I can get something right today.

Searching for my Dunce Cap,

thanks----that could accommodate at least two tomato plants
for each eligible heir. I HOPE you used a real slide rule-----
and not a pussified calculator
..the Arabs outnumbered Israel in ALL categories
..Israel was at tremendous disadvantages in that:
1. they had a narrow front which could be cut easily, and
2. they were 'surrounded', and
3. had to fight on more than one front
..still they won--

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