15 Insane Things In Democrats’ H.R. 1 Bill To Corrupt Elections Forever


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

Thanks Democrats! For destroying America! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.
The ignorance of Trumpists, coupled with a daily stream of fake news and disinformation, does not bode well for America. In the information age, conservative Americans continue to regress.
I don't like all of it, but a lot of it sounds great. Doesn't seem there's much hope of passing it, though.
And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

Thank you for that extremely amusing emotional rant driven by irrational hatred and panic.....feel free to actually post a link and facts to debunk what was provided....after your blood pressure drops and the color in your face returns to normal.

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

Thank you for that extremely amusing emotional rant driven by irrational hatred and panic.....feel free to actually post a link and facts to debunk what was provided....after your blood pressure drops and the color in your face returns to normal.


There is no link to the insane part of your brain.
1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

He and the rest of the 21st century faux conservatives post lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations; as will as covert and overt racism and misogyny framed in fear and hate posts.

Never have anyone of them ever posted solutions to problems, put forth any rational or reasonable ideas; they echo the latest propaganda they hear on Fox News and on the AM Radio Dial.
1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

He and the rest of the 21st century faux conservatives post lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations; as will as covert and overt racism and misogyny framed in fear and hate posts.

Never have anyone of them ever posted solutions to problems, put forth any rational or reasonable ideas; they echo the latest propaganda they hear on Fox News and on the AM Radio Dial.
Do you need a hug after that emotional, opinionated rant?

1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

He and the rest of the 21st century faux conservatives post lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations; as will as covert and overt racism and misogyny framed in fear and hate posts.

Never have anyone of them ever posted solutions to problems, put forth any rational or reasonable ideas; they echo the latest propaganda they hear on Fox News and on the AM Radio Dial.
Do you need a hug after that emotional, opinionated rant?


Not from you, I don't swing that way. My post was an opinion, but far away from a rant. You are a one trick pony, and everyone of your threads are easily diagramed as "ain't it awful" and, "now I got you, you son of a bitch"; your comments are mostly echoed from some right wing source.
1. Openly Breaks the Constitution

“Under both the Elections Clause of Article I of the Constitution and the Electors Clause of Article II, States have principal—and with presidential elections, exclusive—responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections.” This bill would instead unconstitutionally give Congress primacy over state elections, in numerous ways.'

2. Set Up Star Chambers to Intimidate Judges

I personally think Judges, to include the USSC / Chief Justice Roberts, have already been intimidated / forced into submission already. Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged Pa Democrats criminally violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Laws in the middle of the last election...then declared he and the USSC would NOT execute their Constitutional responsibility to hear the case.

3. Mandate Mail-in Ballots, 10-Day Delay in Results

Almost EVERY western country has OUTLAWED Mail-In ballots because of the flawed systems ease of use to conduct outcome-changing election fraud. 2 nations reportedly outlawed their own Mail-In Ballot system after watching the Democrats turn the US into a 3rd World Nation by openly perpetrating election fraud via the Mail-In Ballot process.

4. Eliminate Voter ID Election Security

Democrats require everyone to have a photo ID before walking through their DNC Convention doors.... 'Nuff said.

5. Register Millions Of Criminally Present Foreign Citizens to Vote

....joining the roles of out-of-state voters, non-existent people, and the DEAD who voted in this last election...

6. Explode Opportunities for Election Cheating

The DNC, I am sure, have paid out deficit-funded grants to Liberal / Socialist Think-Tanks whose whole reason for existing is to come up with more ways to cheat in elections...

7. Prevent Cleaning Up Voter Rolls

This one isn't new - Democrats have been fighting this fight....and winning...for decades.

8. Unleash Mobs on Political Donors

9. Gerrymander Districts to Favor Democrats

10. Make Vote Hacking Easier

With CCP Joe's connections to China and the Big Tech Socialist Censors enforcing THEIR Version of 'Freedom Of Liberal/Socialist Speech' and their tech expertise with no one to stop it, this will be a breeze. Perhaps they can come up with UNDETECTABLE ways to manipulate votes, something the last voting machines had not mastered yet

11. Let Former Felons Vote Before They’ve Completed Their Sentences

This one isn't new, either...Democrats have been letting felons vote for years...

12. Help 16- and 17-Year-Olds Vote Illegally

...just another way pedophile-prone Democrats can used use under-aged kids...

13. Bans Keeping the Records Necessary for an Election Audit or Recount

Democrats dont like leaving evidence behind....

14. Mandates Ballot Drop Boxes

....because they have proven to work and protect our vting process so well....

15. Giving U.S. Territories Extra Democrat Seats in Congress and the Electoral College

....and THAT is how you rig the system to ensure the Democrats have an unchallengeable, undefeatable single-party government lock from now on, driving the proverbial stake through the heart of the free, republic governed by the greatest Constitution the world has ever known, plunging the US into complete socialism....Communism....befofre collapsing like Venezuela.....and / or absorbed by China....like Hong Kong.

Will the last American out please bring the flag..?!

And which Fantasy RWNutjob told you all this? Or is this just off the top of your head where it popped out onto your keyboard? This is a good example where you use 80% truth with 20% lies to present what appears on the surface to be true. But in reality, it's a lie.

He and the rest of the 21st century faux conservatives post lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations; as will as covert and overt racism and misogyny framed in fear and hate posts.

Never have anyone of them ever posted solutions to problems, put forth any rational or reasonable ideas; they echo the latest propaganda they hear on Fox News and on the AM Radio Dial.
Do you need a hug after that emotional, opinionated rant?


Not from you, I don't swing that way. My post was an opinion, but far away from a rant. You are a one trick pony, and everyone of your threads are easily diagramed as "ain't it awful" and, "now I got you, you son of a bitch"; your comments are mostly echoed from some right wing source.
So, what in the OP was inaccurate?

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