13 year old kid get shot in back by cops and paralized


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

lets see a 13 your kids out late at night driving in car that him and his friends stole. then runs away like he is guilty. the cop corners him and thinks his big shiny cell; phone is a gun. well i wonder why they thought that? is it because he was part of a car theft and then ran . typical black thug. perhaps these parents ought to not let there 13 year old thug out on the streets to still cars with his gang.
Are you expecting people to be outraged? Shocked? Sympathetic? No one cares. The little criminal got what he deserved.

lets see a 13 your kids out late at night driving in car that him and his friends stole. then runs away like he is guilty. the cop corners him and thinks his big shiny cell; phone is a gun. well i wonder why they thought that? is it because he was part of a car theft and then ran . typical black thug. perhaps these parents ought to not let there 13 year old thug out on the streets to still cars with his gang.
If only kids could be taught by somebody that cared about them, not to ride around in stolen cars and run from police with a cellphone in their hand, especially at night. Very sad.
If only kids could be taught by somebody that cared about them, not to ride around in stolen cars and run from police with a cellphone in their hand, especially at night. Very sad.

If only there were LEGAL CONSEQUENCES for welfare whores and their pimp daddies to be held fully responsible for popping out welfare babies, then dumping them after they get too old to make free gubmint money off of!!!!
I keep seeing those two black rugrats in Minneapolis, 5-6 years of age, wearing only a simple underwear garment, hurling the foulest language, and repeatedly punching at several cops, an absolute tragedy. In just five-seven years time, those rugrats will be packing a pistol and robbing, raping, and murdering the residents of that equally foul city! The 13-year old is also a tragedy, his parents, or likely lack there of, has doomed him from the gate!
If only there were LEGAL CONSEQUENCES for welfare whores and their pimp daddies to be held fully responsible for popping out welfare babies, then dumping them after they get too old to make free gubmint money off of!!!!
Are you saying the 16 year old girl is a welfare whore, or has a pimp? What do you base that on? Or maybe you favor draconian top down one size fits all legal judgements just to make sure the welfare whores are punished even if the girl that just let some boy talk his way into a good time, once is punished also, without regard for any individual situations, even if the baby is going to have an awful life or still no life. After all, you are doing God's work, right?
I remember there was a time cops could not shoot at unarmed people.
Are you saying the 16 year old girl is a welfare whore, or has a pimp? What do you base that on? Or maybe you favor draconian top down one size fits all legal judgements just to make sure the welfare whores are punished even if the girl that just let some boy talk his way into a good time, once is punished also, without regard for any individual situations, even if the baby is going to have an awful life or still no life. After all, you are doing God's work, right?

Where the hell did you get "16 year old girl" from? I'm talking about the criminals momma. And theres a 95% chance he is a welfare baby, which almost all of, turn to crime. Regardless, they know the difference between criminal acts and honesty.

I cannot tell in the video when the cop actually shot the kid, so I don't know if he had actually given up by then and hit the ground.

But on the flip side..........you've got to be a hard raging fuktard to not tell the difference between a phone and a gun!!!

If there WAS a "god" out there, this shit wouldn't be happening.
Are you saying the 16 year old girl is a welfare whore, or has a pimp? What do you base that on? Or maybe you favor draconian top down one size fits all legal judgements just to make sure the welfare whores are punished even if the girl that just let some boy talk his way into a good time, once is punished also, without regard for any individual situations, even if the baby is going to have an awful life or still no life. After all, you are doing God's work, right?

Right, it is wrong to judge why someone had a baby. many situations, and many poor people have grown to do great things as well.

On the other hand, parents need to try and do more to keep their kids inside at night. specially in the big cities.
Where the hell did you get "16 year old girl" from? I'm talking about the criminals momma. And theres a 95% chance he is a welfare baby, which almost all of, turn to crime. Regardless, they know the difference between criminal acts and honesty.

I cannot tell in the video when the cop actually shot the kid, so I don't know if he had actually given up by then and hit the ground.

But on the flip side..........you've got to be a hard raging fuktard to not tell the difference between a phone and a gun!!!

If there WAS a "god" out there, this shit wouldn't be happening.
Sorry. Wrong thread. Was responding, thinking I was on the 16 year old girl, pregnant with a fetus with missing cranium, being forced to have the baby, though it has little or no chance of survival more than a few hours, if it does not self abort.

I am not that concerned with the 13 year old. At night raising a cellphone when running from the police after jumping out of a stolen car is a dangerous thing. You could get shot. Not sure why the kid was in a stolen car or why he jumped out of the car and ran.
Sorry. Wrong thread. Was responding, thinking I was on the 16 year old girl, pregnant with a fetus with missing cranium, being forced to have the baby, though it has little or no chance of survival more than a few hours, if it does not self abort.

I am not that concerned with the 13 year old. At night raising a cellphone when running from the police after jumping out of a stolen car is a dangerous thing. You could get shot. Not sure why the kid was in a stolen car or why he jumped out of the car and ran.

13 is about the age many gangs are recruiting. They need to stiffen the penalty for gang members who involve little kids. They need to enhance the sentencing but right now, the pendulum has pretty much swung in the opposite direction. Going to lead to more violence by young juveniles and more of their deaths.
If only kids could be taught by somebody that cared about them, not to ride around in stolen cars and run from police with a cellphone in their hand, especially at night. Very sad.
I'm sad for the outrage that will be unleashed against the cop
If only kids could be taught by somebody that cared about them, not to ride around in stolen cars and run from police with a cellphone in their hand, especially at night. Very sad.
typical the black community they have largest crime rate than any other race by far.
Are you expecting people to be outraged? Shocked? Sympathetic? No one cares. The little criminal got what he deserved.

I'm not sorry to say this.

But when you comitt a crime you take your own health and safety into your own hands and anything, I mean anything that happens is your own fault and no one else's.

If you rob a liquor store and get 7 dollars cash and you end up getting beaten by some rednecks, raped by a horny donkey, hit by a car, your foot stepped, called some racist, a testicle torn off, an eye poked out and then shot in the back by some cops where you are paralyzed and have to shit in a bag the rest of your life as a result of you stealing then that's your fault because you decided to break the law and steal.

Even stealing a pack of gum brings about certain risks.

It's time we started treating criminals like criminals.
I'm not sorry to say this.

But when you comitt a crime you take your own health and safety into your own hands and anything, I mean anything that happens is your own fault and no one else's.

If you rob a liquor store and get 7 dollars cash and you end up getting beaten by some rednecks, raped by a horny donkey, hit by a car, your foot stepped, called some racist, a testicle torn off, an eye poked out and then shot in the back by some cops where you are paralyzed and have to shit in a bag the rest of your life as a result of you stealing then that's your fault because you decided to break the law and steal.

Even stealing a pack of gum brings about certain risks.

It's time we started treating criminals like criminals.
exactly and sence the kid was 13 a minor it comes from bad parenting

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