13 Hours Secret Soldiers- Benghazi

The wife and I just finished watching the intense drama. I am left with a host of questions, mostly rhetorical, but why did we just leave these folks on their own for 13 hours?

I guess we will never know

Plenty of reports from 8 investigations for you to read. Far more accurate than a sensationalized political film.
Do you know why we did not respond at all? For 13 hours?

From everything Iā€™ve read it seems that the mitarily does not take reckless action to endanger more lives when they donā€™t have details on what's actually happening.
They had live drone video from the event. They knew what was happening.

Go read the reports. As a civilian with the power of hindsight and zero competency on the events, Iā€™m sure having live drone video of a massive crowd is plenty of reason to endanger military and civilian lives to save people we didnā€™t know were dead or alive or where specifically they were.

But maybe read the reports.
Drone video of military attack... not some crowd.. Please....

The wife and I just finished watching the intense drama. I am left with a host of questions, mostly rhetorical, but why did we just leave these folks on their own for 13 hours?

I guess we will never know

Plenty of reports from 8 investigations for you to read. Far more accurate than a sensationalized political film.
Do you know why we did not respond at all? For 13 hours?

From everything Iā€™ve read it seems that the mitarily does not take reckless action to endanger more lives when they donā€™t have details on what's actually happening.
They had live drone video from the event. They knew what was happening.

Go read the reports. As a civilian with the power of hindsight and zero competency on the events, Iā€™m sure having live drone video of a massive crowd is plenty of reason to endanger military and civilian lives to save people we didnā€™t know were dead or alive or where specifically they were.

But maybe read the reports.
I don't trust the reports.

The wife and I just finished watching the intense drama. I am left with a host of questions, mostly rhetorical, but why did we just leave these folks on their own for 13 hours?

I guess we will never know


You know, there were several people in that movie who were more to blame for the death of the ambassador and his people other than Hillary.

First one is the ambassador himself. Granted, he was staying at home, but sending his protection detail back to the CIA station and giving them the day off was a bad idea.

Second one is the CIA station chief. When he heard that the attack had started, he kept the ambassador's protection detail from going out to rescue him. The protection detail was chomping at the bit to go rescue the ambassador, but the CIA station chief delayed the rescue for over 2 hours. If he had let them go as soon as the attack started, maybe they would have lived. But, the CIA station chief was more concerned with keeping the station secret than he was in rescuing the ambassador.

And finally, part of the failure came from all the cutbacks that the Republicans put into place because they wanted to try to save money, but oppose Obama.

No, I don't blame Hillary for any of it.
She could have ordered them not to go there instead of warning them it was dangerous and there was no extra security but not much else.

She didn't have control of the protection detail. The CIA station chief and the ambassador did. Those are who to blame for the ambassador's death.
The station chief was taking orders from someone else higher up when he called it in

The protection of our ambassadors and buildings is to be provided by the host country according to the republican rules passed to save money.

IDK, we rescue Americans all the time. Grenada is an example


well maybe the level of danger was pretty low and there was no immediate danger as the reason was to rescue the students but I never read were anyone actually try to take them hostage or attack them

The revolution was on Oct 16 and they invasion started on Oct 25

Yeah I am sure that if the US had the same scenario they could have gotten them out

Still that is why the foreign service is a dangerous mission for people who still volunteer to do it in order to serve their country

Of course being station in France is not the same as being station in Libya

Still the attack on the embassy ended in two hours and one person was already know to be dead
The attack then move on to the 2nd location and security forces regain control two hours later.

So there is a 4 hour window So lets give it a rest

The issue is the aftermat and understanding what really happen

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