100 U.S. Ambassadors Endorse McCain-Palin

The ones I recognize are all republican, no surprise. I betcha the democratic ambassadors endorse obama.

Wouldn't be a radical notion considering that of the past 28 years republicans have been in power for 20 of them. There must be lots of Republican Ambassadors to choose from.
I understand that many political appointees of Bush may be supporting McCain.

Not exactly a huge surprise is it?
I'm so shocked... shocked I tell ya. You know anything about how one gets an ambassadorship?

I suspect the ones who got their jobs from democratic admins have a different opinion

Hey Jillian? I am still waiting for evidence that Palin committed treason or helps terrorists. You sure RAN away from that claim fast enough.
I think you have to graduate from an accredited community organizer school to be considered for ambassador.

Being a campaign bagman for a winning POTUS is a more effective career path to an ambassadorship, methinks, Dill.
you know there's this guy that said this stuff... no not that guy, the other guy who said something like about watchamacallit.

I can't find it yet, but someone that endorsed McCain has something to do with the board that Obama and Aires served on. So when I find it and show it to you, then you can't vote for McCain because he's associating himself with terrorists. LOL.

Actually, it's not that big a deal, because you'll vote for McCain anyways, right? :cuckoo:
Sigh... I won't even bother explaining. This makes me appreciate the smart Obama supporters. Perhaps an Obama supporter might want to put their money where their mouth is and help bring the kind of change this poster needs.

This morning John McCain put out a list of 100 former ambassadors who are supporting his campaign. Number two is Leonore Annenberg, the wife of Ambassador William Annenberg, the founder of the Annenberg Institute of Reform, which funded the Annenberg Challenge, which once had two famous board members: former "domestic terrorist" William Ayers and Sen. Barack Obama.

So either we should all be outraged that John McCain is supported by a family who funded a foundation that hired a domestic terrorist, or this whole William Ayers thing is just plain silly. I choose the latter.

I'm not stupid, you are.

Is John McCain Supported By Terrorist Supporters? Nah. - Swampland - TIME

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