10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler

Piss off guno. You are the Soros of your times.

It's disgusting. You are the enabler.
And how would YOU explain yourself?

We know what guno is. What are you accusing me of bod?
I'm quite clear in my post. How would YOU explain yourself?

Actually you are not being quite clear. I accused guno of being the Soros of his times. It is clear what I am accusing him of.
Hitler was a Rothschild bastard and he lived to a very ripe old age in South America...fact. He could have never risen to power without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that funded his Nazi party. The monarchs that feared the uprising of communism in Russia (also funded by the banking oligarchs and perpetuated by the Jesuits) tried to use Nazism as a bulwark against the very threat that they helped to create and made a pretty penny off of the slavery that ensued....that is also a fact.

You know what they say, hindsight is 20/20. Trite but true. Subtle reference to Trump. I despise the man. But he isn't a racist dictator bent on world domination....well, on second thought....

Surely you jest.
Yes. and who is this Shirley person?

Shirley Knight, sang Goldfinger for the movie track

Are you running for the biggest "oh my god I'm an asshole moment on USMB"

I love it. I really really love it.

Because it was Shirley Bassey and I love you to death.

But never forget Naked Gun.

All of my guns are naked.

Hitler was a Rothschild bastard and he lived to a very ripe old age in South America...fact. He could have never risen to power without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that funded his Nazi party. The monarchs that feared the uprising of communism in Russia (also funded by the banking oligarchs and perpetuated by the Jesuits) tried to use Nazism as a bulwark against the very threat that they helped to create and made a pretty penny off of the slavery that ensued....that is also a fact.


I know of which I speak..........we have been lied to about real history.
Piss off guno. You are the Soros of your times.

It's disgusting. You are the enabler.
And how would YOU explain yourself?

We know what guno is. What are you accusing me of bod?
yea I know what am ,a Jew that had relatives murderer in the camps by your christian hitler and two survivors 6 people we know were murdered 2 children and four adults , we have their pictures to always remind us of what can happen
Piss off guno. You are the Soros of your times.

It's disgusting. You are the enabler.
And how would YOU explain yourself?

We know what guno is. What are you accusing me of bod?
yea I know what am ,a Jew that had relatives murderer in the camps by your christian hitler and two survivors 6 people we know were murdered 2 children and four adults , we have their pictures to always remind us of what can happen

Hitler's S.S and intelligence agencies like the Gestapo were fashioned after the military arm of the Catholic church...which was the Jesuits. Catholicism is nothing but paganism mixed in with some Biblical references for affect. The Reformation in the mid 1500's led to the Counter-Reformation led by the blessing of the pope at the time for Ignatius of Loyola in order to bring the flock back under the papal powers. 60 million people were killed and /or tortured to death in Europe because they had access to the Bible and found that the Roman catholicism as preached to them by the pope and priests was nothing but fallacy....
Funny how bed wetters use hitler as the epitome of evil, when Stalin and Mao were far worse.

Funny how men with teeny tiny little dicks like Pete like to portray Hitler as not so bad of a guy......
Came across this , very interesting history

Grandiose pandering and playing to the fears of the "other"

If one were able to stop Hitler and his rise to power, millions of lives could have been saved and just about all of World War II could have been prevented. There were multiple incidents throughout Hitler’s life that could have ended his reign, oftentimes before it even started, but Hitler’s unpredictability, paranoia, and plain old dumb luck allowed him to live and stay in power until he took his own life on April 30, 1945.

10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler (But Didn’t) | Toptenz.net
Came across this , very interesting history

Grandiose pandering and playing to the fears of the "other"

If one were able to stop Hitler and his rise to power, millions of lives could have been saved and just about all of World War II could have been prevented. There were multiple incidents throughout Hitler’s life that could have ended his reign, oftentimes before it even started, but Hitler’s unpredictability, paranoia, and plain old dumb luck allowed him to live and stay in power until he took his own life on April 30, 1945.

10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler (But Didn’t) | Toptenz.net
Hitler was a Rothschild bastard and he lived to a very ripe old age in South America...fact. He could have never risen to power without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that funded his Nazi party. The monarchs that feared the uprising of communism in Russia (also funded by the banking oligarchs and perpetuated by the Jesuits) tried to use Nazism as a bulwark against the very threat that they helped to create and made a pretty penny off of the slavery that ensued....that is also a fact.

And the Konspiracy Nuts come out of the closet.....
Came across this , very interesting history

Grandiose pandering and playing to the fears of the "other"

If one were able to stop Hitler and his rise to power, millions of lives could have been saved and just about all of World War II could have been prevented. There were multiple incidents throughout Hitler’s life that could have ended his reign, oftentimes before it even started, but Hitler’s unpredictability, paranoia, and plain old dumb luck allowed him to live and stay in power until he took his own life on April 30, 1945.

10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler (But Didn’t) | Toptenz.net
Came across this , very interesting history

Grandiose pandering and playing to the fears of the "other"

If one were able to stop Hitler and his rise to power, millions of lives could have been saved and just about all of World War II could have been prevented. There were multiple incidents throughout Hitler’s life that could have ended his reign, oftentimes before it even started, but Hitler’s unpredictability, paranoia, and plain old dumb luck allowed him to live and stay in power until he took his own life on April 30, 1945.

10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler (But Didn’t) | Toptenz.net
Hitler was a Rothschild bastard and he lived to a very ripe old age in South America...fact. He could have never risen to power without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs that funded his Nazi party. The monarchs that feared the uprising of communism in Russia (also funded by the banking oligarchs and perpetuated by the Jesuits) tried to use Nazism as a bulwark against the very threat that they helped to create and made a pretty penny off of the slavery that ensued....that is also a fact.

And the Konspiracy Nuts come out of the closet.....
I know more than you........deal with it.
Came across this , very interesting history

Grandiose pandering and playing to the fears of the "other"

If one were able to stop Hitler and his rise to power, millions of lives could have been saved and just about all of World War II could have been prevented. There were multiple incidents throughout Hitler’s life that could have ended his reign, oftentimes before it even started, but Hitler’s unpredictability, paranoia, and plain old dumb luck allowed him to live and stay in power until he took his own life on April 30, 1945.

10 Times We Could Have Easily Stopped Hitler (But Didn’t) | Toptenz.net
The number 1 with a bullet way to have prevented hitler was to not allow leftist to send us to WW 1.
Nobody can stop Adolf Hitler because he are smart in tactics. Eddie Meduza singer dead for a while sing about Adolf Hitler. And Hitler were anti America like comunism leader Stalin how retreat eight year after Hitler take suicide in bunker in Berlin. Adolf didn't want bee arrested for warriors crime. Many Jews get killed in Poland and Italy.
guno, you complain that Christians in Germany killed Jews, but then you come to this forum and stir up hatred between Christians and Jews.

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