1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

All I can say is all the public employees are paying in. At least the vast majority are. The wealthy have theirs and then some. ANd the jobs? Hello? Echo... Any company that goes overseas now should be STRIPPED of their AMERICAN STATUS. At 74 I can still kick your butt.

At 74 you should be doing something else besides making a total ass of yourself on a political forum.
You couldn't kick the ass of a fucking cocker spaniel. Anything else would too high off the ground.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnBEYNsSlEE]Abe Simpson Entitlement - YouTube[/ame]

Just picture him this way.
All I can say is all the public employees are paying in. At least the vast majority are. The wealthy have theirs and then some. ANd the jobs? Hello? Echo... Any company that goes overseas now should be STRIPPED of their AMERICAN STATUS. At 74 I can still kick your butt.

At 74 you should be doing something else besides making a total ass of yourself on a political forum.
You couldn't kick the ass of a fucking cocker spaniel. Anything else would too high off the ground.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnBEYNsSlEE]Abe Simpson Entitlement - YouTube[/ame]

Just picture him this way.

OMG! That's him.

I don't know if anyone posted this already, I've been away for at least a week.

However, Scotty Walker's A$$ is grass!!

Wisconsin recall petition gets over 1 million signatures; Democratic challenger Falk steps forward - The Washington Post

I know that Scotty and many or even most on the RW didn't expect such a LOUD denouncement of his radical hard-RW policies.

There is sure to be a re-election now, and none of their Big Corporate money could stop the juggernaut of the Will of the People!!


Yes it is, and we wisconsin taxpayers are the lawn mowers! ta da!:clap2:
Latest poll #s have Walker as a 52% favorable with 42% non. Now watch this leverage a little more over the next few months.
The recall election will be Walker at 55+.
Now if this was Chicago, You could even get busted for running numbers, and be rewarded with back pay.
Latest poll #s have Walker as a 52% favorable with 42% non. Now watch this leverage a little more over the next few months.
The recall election will be Walker at 55+.
And it's getting worse for the haters. you can find the audio online iirc.

Wisconsin's Walker touts job creation as hecklers mar speech | Reuters

Now "you lie" is no big deal, but you try to heckle and shout down a State of the State speech? Rumor also has it that this was a Fleabagger who did some of the heckling too. Which on I don't know yet.

And the response to criticism of the hecklers has been the same as blaming the rape victim for the rape. "Well she shouldn't have dressed like that. She was asking for it." Except it's worded "Well, he shouldn't have kept his campaign promises or done it. He deserved it."

This is blowing up in the recall fucknuts face, fast as they reveal their true colors and hatred towards democratically elected opponents.
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Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy

Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.
Some of the grounds for challenge and the resulting effect are:
• Grounds: An elector has signed the recall petition more than once.Resulting Effect: The second and subsequent signatures are not counted.
• Grounds: A person signed the name of another elector.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted, unless the elector was unable to sign due to physical disability and authorized the individual to sign in his or her behalf. In this case, a notation clarifying the situation should be made on the petition by the signer.
• Grounds: An individual is ineligible to sign the petition because he or she is not a qualified elector of the district or jurisdiction.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted.


Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?
Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy
What liberals really mean:

"Fuck democracy if it means we didn't win!"

Due to the fact that this is part of their election laws it is part of democracy.
You whine like a mule.

-- Azim, Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves

Heres your card back


It's obvious that you need it more than me. LOL
I'm not the one whining about being stalked, am I?


You're utterly incapable of originality.

Since you aren't the one being stalked why would you bring it up? LOL

BTW I find it hilarious that a poster who has to cut and paste cartoons made by someone else has the audacity to claim that I am lacking of originality. LOL

Do I need to say something about a pot and a kettle so you will get it?
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:lol: It's funny how you pretend you're interested in anything besides fawning adoration.

I've seen how you react to others who give you what you demand from me. There really is no difference.

If I were interested in "adoration" then wouldn't I be kissing everyone's ass so my rep would go up??

I am not here to make friends but I would like to have an adult conversation about certain topics but then you are not acting like an adult. so thanks for wasting my time. LOL

You have had every opportunity to present arguments with substance and have failed to do so. How does that reflect negatively on me??
Again, I feel no obligation to change my posting style to spare your tender feelings, Snowflake.

You don't like it? Tough shit.

LOL style?? really?? Is that really your argument? I don't know why I bother asking it's just as lame as every other argument that you have tried to make LOL
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Yup, I called it. No enemies on the left.

Oh, well, enjoy your hypocrisy.

LOL is that the best you've got? You claim that LK was making baseless claims but fail to show how they are baseless even as you pretend that the pages upon pages of your unsubstantiated rants showing that you've got nothing to offer don't exist.

How is that hypocrisy on my part?? You made an unsubstantiated claim to try and claim that someone else's claim was unsubstantiated. Do you not see the irony?? LOL
There's no irony to be seen. It's just a couple of retard leftists slapping themselves on the back. :lol:

You made an unsubstantiated claim to try and claim that someone else's claim was unsubstantiated and you fail to see the flaw in that position? Thanks for the laughs LOL
Why do you have to keep lying? I saw your silly post. It's just you flapping your ego. I remain unimpressed, despite your little tantrums.

Grow up, kid. If it's possible.

What did I lie about?? Got proof?? I know it's pointless in asking because you have nothing to offer but I am an optimist.

I substantiated my arguments by providing substance to support them and what do you have to offer?? nothing if substance.
Your lie is that I ignored content. I read it. I wasn't impressed like you insisted I be.

Here is the definition of "ignore" just for you.

1.Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally: "he ignored her question".

and that is exactly what you admitted to doing. You claim you read it and then admit that you disreguarded it.

So were you lying when you claimed that I lied or are you just an idiot?
You're not capable of going over my head, boy. :lol:

You flatter yourself. You do that a LOT. :rofl:

Already did go over your head multiple times which is why all you have to offer are baseless personal attacks. Especially considering I had to explain to you how to use a link. LOL

I just think it's funny you tried to come at me with a childish response by posting that card but I flipped it back on you so you called me childish for returning what you tried to dish out. LOL
More "No, YOU!!"

Dood, really. Just quit. You're embarrassing yourself. Well, you would be, if you were capable of introspection.

How is that original?? Or do you actually believe you are the first to make such an argument? You are nothing but a bunch of lame one liners and cut and paste pictures that someone else thought up and you have the audactiy to claim that I am unoriginal??

What's with you leftists and redefining words? You got all of them wrong except the articles and pronouns. :lol:

WOW! That shows that you defintiely have NOTHING to offer. The fact that you have to stoop so low and try to come at me over typos says it all. LOL

Thanks for the cowardice as proven by your avoidance of the argument and your lack of integrity as proven by your failure to admit when you are proven WRONG. LOL
I didn't mention typos, dumbass. I said you altered the entire meanings of words. Dumbass.

That's what leftists do when they're desperate to claim victory. Dumbass.

Like? How about some examples? Nope, You have nothing real to offer this time either.

LOL thanks again for nothing.
All I can say is all the public employees are paying in. At least the vast majority are. The wealthy have theirs and then some. ANd the jobs? Hello? Echo... Any company that goes overseas now should be STRIPPED of their AMERICAN STATUS. At 74 I can still kick your butt.

At 74 you should be doing something else besides making a total ass of yourself on a political forum.
You couldn't kick the ass of a fucking cocker spaniel. Anything else would too high off the ground.

LOL says the poser who has done nothing but make a total ass of himself on a political forum.

tell us again how public workers are not taxpayers? Seeing that you differentiate between the two in all of your arguments you must believe that is the case or else why would you make such lame arguments?

Oh and how about your argument where you tried to differentiate between public workers and "the people?" that was a good one too.

Should I also go into your defense of fitz's comment about how the public workers are the servants and the taxpayer is their master also?

Or how about when you claimed that no one said that public workers are less that "normal people" and I showed you how fitz's did say that.

Funny how you fail to see how you are making a total ass of yourself isn't it? LOL
Latest poll #s have Walker as a 52% favorable with 42% non. Now watch this leverage a little more over the next few months.
The recall election will be Walker at 55+.
And it's getting worse for the haters. you can find the audio online iirc.

Wisconsin's Walker touts job creation as hecklers mar speech | Reuters

Now "you lie" is no big deal, but you try to heckle and shout down a State of the State speech? Rumor also has it that this was a Fleabagger who did some of the heckling too. Which on I don't know yet.

And the response to criticism of the hecklers has been the same as blaming the rape victim for the rape. "Well she shouldn't have dressed like that. She was asking for it." Except it's worded "Well, he shouldn't have kept his campaign promises or done it. He deserved it."

This is blowing up in the recall fucknuts face, fast as they reveal their true colors and hatred towards democratically elected opponents.

You just got to love it when hacks make up phony quotes and insert their opiniions as those of the people they are pretending to quote. What's wrong fitz? Is being dishonest like that the only way you can pretend to make a point??

Edit: BTW I did a little research and the net gain of jobs was 13.500 for the year. However, the best part of the story is that for the first six months of his first year in office job creation was up by 41,200 then over the last six months and by the time his legisation actually had time to take affect, they lost 27,700. So he is touting job creation when the state of WI has lost jobs every month for six straight months. WOW!

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hmmm 7, 8, 9, 10.

Yes sir! I do beleive Smith's decided to talk to someone he likes. Himself. Or that people have finally figured out, even when talking to them, he's still just interested in.... himself.

I do believe it's time to unsubscribe from this thread. I hate having to go through 8-10 posts from an ignored member to hit someone else to read. Usually means the thread is dead.
hmmm 7, 8, 9, 10.

Yes sir! I do beleive Smith's decided to talk to someone he likes. Himself. Or that people have finally figured out, even when talking to them, he's still just interested in.... himself.

I do believe it's time to unsubscribe from this thread. I hate having to go through 8-10 posts from an ignored member to hit someone else to read. Usually means the thread is dead.

Actually I was responding to other posts in this thread. Or are you actually trying to argue that unless people respond immediately whether they are on here or not then that means you are talking to yourself as well?

Do you not see how ignorant your argument is?? It's a message board and no one usually responds immediately especially at this time of day. Only a fool would pretend that they do.

Fact is that walker is talking about jobs when they are plummeting under his watch and the only reason he has a net gain on jobs is the high number jobs that were created in his first six months which more than likely had very little to do with him or his policies.

SIX STRAIGHT MONTHS OF JOBS LOST and walker is touting job creation. How sad is that?
Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy

Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.
Some of the grounds for challenge and the resulting effect are:
• Grounds: An elector has signed the recall petition more than once.Resulting Effect: The second and subsequent signatures are not counted.
• Grounds: A person signed the name of another elector.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted, unless the elector was unable to sign due to physical disability and authorized the individual to sign in his or her behalf. In this case, a notation clarifying the situation should be made on the petition by the signer.
• Grounds: An individual is ineligible to sign the petition because he or she is not a qualified elector of the district or jurisdiction.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted.


Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

I'd explain it to you if I thought you were capable of understanding. Bottom line you are not.
Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy

Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.
Some of the grounds for challenge and the resulting effect are:
• Grounds: An elector has signed the recall petition more than once.Resulting Effect: The second and subsequent signatures are not counted.
• Grounds: A person signed the name of another elector.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted, unless the elector was unable to sign due to physical disability and authorized the individual to sign in his or her behalf. In this case, a notation clarifying the situation should be made on the petition by the signer.
• Grounds: An individual is ineligible to sign the petition because he or she is not a qualified elector of the district or jurisdiction.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted.


Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

The cost is worth it, to keep him in office. Kickin' yer butt. LOL!

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