1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy

Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.
Some of the grounds for challenge and the resulting effect are:
• Grounds: An elector has signed the recall petition more than once.Resulting Effect: The second and subsequent signatures are not counted.
• Grounds: A person signed the name of another elector.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted, unless the elector was unable to sign due to physical disability and authorized the individual to sign in his or her behalf. In this case, a notation clarifying the situation should be made on the petition by the signer.
• Grounds: An individual is ineligible to sign the petition because he or she is not a qualified elector of the district or jurisdiction.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted.


Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

The cost is worth it, to keep him in office. Kickin' yer butt. LOL!

The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.
Last year, the state held nine recall elections for state senators, two of whom were unseated. This year, Wisconsin could hold six more recalls in the spring or summer, potentially unseating the Republican governor and lieutenant governor, who are only one year into their four-year terms, plus four more GOP state senators — not because they're corrupt but because they pushed through laws limiting the benefits and bargaining rights of public employees. Democrats and unions retaliated, so the fight is on, with governing on hold.

If there's such a thing as too much democracy, this might be it.

Elections are meant to settle political arguments for long enough to give the victors a chance to implement their policies and give them a chance to work, or not. The last thing voters should want is more politicians who are too timid to make hard but necessary choices because they fear losing their jobs. Such timidity is a big part of the reason why some states and the federal government are drowning in deficits and debt; too few officeholders dare tell voters that programs must be cut back or taxes raised. Recall elections merely intensify the fright.

Of the 19 states that allow recall of governors and other state officials, eight lay out strict requirements, such as corruption, misconduct or violation of the oath of office. That's sensible.

Wisconsin, on the other hand, is one of 11 states that allow voters to fire an officeholder for virtually any reason.

Editorial: Costly recalls equal too much democracy

Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.
Some of the grounds for challenge and the resulting effect are:
• Grounds: An elector has signed the recall petition more than once.Resulting Effect: The second and subsequent signatures are not counted.
• Grounds: A person signed the name of another elector.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted, unless the elector was unable to sign due to physical disability and authorized the individual to sign in his or her behalf. In this case, a notation clarifying the situation should be made on the petition by the signer.
• Grounds: An individual is ineligible to sign the petition because he or she is not a qualified elector of the district or jurisdiction.
Resulting Effect: The signature may not be counted.


Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

I'd explain it to you if I thought you were capable of understanding. Bottom line you are not.

If you have a valid counter argument then why try to hide behind such lame excuses? The fact that you have to respond with empty personal attacks and lame excuses shows that you've got nothing valid to offer.

Fact is that you provided an exceprt of a cut and paste op-ed of someone else's opinions where as I cited WI law that shows walker has added to the cost of the recall and the best dodge you have is to insult me and run??

How typical.
Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

The cost is worth it, to keep him in office. Kickin' yer butt. LOL!

The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.

If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.
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Well if the cost is a concern then why is that those from the right in this thread don't seem to be bothered by the fact that walker sued to have a judge redefine the job of the GAB and transfer the cost of challenging and removing duplicates and flagged names from the petition from himself to the state?

AS chalklegner of the petition it was walkers responsibilty to challenge duplicate and removed flagged possible bad signatures but his lawsuit and a judge rewriting the law from his bench changed that. Now the state has to pay for what was walkers responsbility.

Here is the law prior to the judges legislating from the bench.

Walkre was required to do what he now has the state paying for. So if cost is important then why isn't this?

I'd explain it to you if I thought you were capable of understanding. Bottom line you are not.

If you have a valid counter argument then why try to hide behind such lame excuses? The fact that you have to respond with empty personal attacks and lame excuses shows that you've got nothing valid to offer.

Fact is that you provided an exceprt of a cut and paste op-ed of someone else's opinions where as I cited WI law that shows walker has added to the cost of the recall and the best dodge you have is to insult me and run??

How typical.

Wow. You are really on a roll. So full of presumption. That and so full of yourself, Child. Consider another possibility, you are not worth responding to. You project too much. It's not good for you, your credibility, or the conversation. You create too many tangents, most of them on false premise. The standard response from Adults, is why bother? You go on for pages with personal insult, with recycled response. You act like someone drunk with the echoes of your own voice, rarely staying on topic or contributing positively to the discussion. Maybe you should work on your people skills. Try imagining that you are trying to sell something that you want your target to buy or consider, rather than Assassinate their character just because they see something from a different angle than you. Making a point is one thing, draging it out for dozens of pages is bad form and a thread killer.

On Wisconsin Law. It doesn't make sense from my perspective for the Victim of a Coordinated State Wide Assault rooted in Fraud, to end up with the Bill for the Clean Up. Regardless of Political Affiliation. Establish who is doing the Harm, Illegally, and Force them to face up to it, address it, and pay for damages. It's not a game.

I figure that you may not have that much respect for the Integrity of Petitions, or Ballots, so I do see where you are coming from. I, Personally, do not like Fraud, anywhere. I think the Criminals, the Orchestrators, should be held accountable and stopped. I don't think Walker should have to pay for it. Actions of People you support, which are illegal, and expensive to repair, you think the Victim should bear the cost of.
The cost is worth it, to keep him in office. Kickin' yer butt. LOL!

The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.

If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.
The cost is worth it, to keep him in office. Kickin' yer butt. LOL!

The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.

If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.

If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.

Our legal system needs loser pays.
So do these silly petitions.
You pay to collect 'em, you can pay to verify them.
The GAB has installed a webcam so the public can view the scanning of the petitions. The live look at the secret location where the verifying process is taking place can be accessed at 5NINES.COM - Wisconsin Government Accountability Board - Live Stream.

This week the GAB is expected to ask a court to extend the period to allow it more time to review the petitions. If the board finds there are enough valid signatures to trigger a recall election, the incumbent's name will automatically be placed on the ballot (unless that incumbent resigns within 10 days after the election is ordered).

Once the GAB has ordered an election be held, another Republican could decide to run against any of the incumbents. If more than one person from either party decides to run, this would mean a primary election would be held.

The GAB has said it would like all of the recall elections to be held on the same day. This means all of the primary elections would take place on one day, to be followed by a general election between the winners of the primary contest. Winners of the primary elections would then be the contenders in the general elections. Here, too, the GAB would like all general elections to be held on the same day.

Republicans in the state senate have a majority of only one. If Democrats are successful in some of their recalls and gain the majority their ability to make changes in current legislation or introduce new legislation will probably be significantly limited. That's because the 2012 legislative session (that calendar was set in January of 2011) officially ends in mid-March.

Campaign money is not expected to be an issue in any of the recall elections. Campaign finance reports for the last six months of 2011 are due for filing on Jan. 31.

Timing of any primary election will depend on when the GAB announces its decision on the number of valid signatures contained the petitions.

It is very likely there will be court challenges to at least some of the GAB's decisions.

The date for the general elections will depend on the outcome of those challenges.

Count of signatures in recall petitions underway - Agri-View: Ag News - Count of signatures in recall petitions underway: Ag News
I'd explain it to you if I thought you were capable of understanding. Bottom line you are not.

If you have a valid counter argument then why try to hide behind such lame excuses? The fact that you have to respond with empty personal attacks and lame excuses shows that you've got nothing valid to offer.

Fact is that you provided an exceprt of a cut and paste op-ed of someone else's opinions where as I cited WI law that shows walker has added to the cost of the recall and the best dodge you have is to insult me and run??

How typical.

Wow. You are really on a roll. So full of presumption. That and so full of yourself, Child. Consider another possibility, you are not worth responding to. You project too much. It's not good for you, your credibility, or the conversation. You create too many tangents, most of them on false premise. The standard response from Adults, is why bother? You go on for pages with personal insult, with recycled response. You act like someone drunk with the echoes of your own voice, rarely staying on topic or contributing positively to the discussion. Maybe you should work on your people skills. Try imagining that you are trying to sell something that you want your target to buy or consider, rather than Assassinate their character just because they see something from a different angle than you. Making a point is one thing, draging it out for dozens of pages is bad form and a thread killer.

On Wisconsin Law. It doesn't make sense from my perspective for the Victim of a Coordinated State Wide Assault rooted in Fraud, to end up with the Bill for the Clean Up. Regardless of Political Affiliation. Establish who is doing the Harm, Illegally, and Force them to face up to it, address it, and pay for damages. It's not a game.

I figure that you may not have that much respect for the Integrity of Petitions, or Ballots, so I do see where you are coming from. I, Personally, do not like Fraud, anywhere. I think the Criminals, the Orchestrators, should be held accountable and stopped. I don't think Walker should have to pay for it. Actions of People you support, which are illegal, and expensive to repair, you think the Victim should bear the cost of.

WOW is right. I took the liberty of underlining your attempts to assassinate my character and the presumptions that you made. You sure made a lot of claims and accusation but there is one thing missing. SUBSTANCE.


In that post I said not one thing negative toward you nor did I imply anything negative toward you. I presented the WI law and how it states that the burden of proof was on the challenger of the petition until walker sued and had a judge legislate from the bench to rewrite the law. And instead of responding in kind you engaged in the very same character assassination that you claim I engage in.

Fact is that I tend to respond in kind when I am attacked just as anyone would. However the fact reamins that I posted in response to your post and did not say one thing negative about you and despite that you attacked me. so I returned what you were dishing out. Now you are complaining about me engaging in character assassination when your started there.
If you have a valid counter argument then why try to hide behind such lame excuses? The fact that you have to respond with empty personal attacks and lame excuses shows that you've got nothing valid to offer.

Fact is that you provided an exceprt of a cut and paste op-ed of someone else's opinions where as I cited WI law that shows walker has added to the cost of the recall and the best dodge you have is to insult me and run??

How typical.

Wow. You are really on a roll. So full of presumption. That and so full of yourself, Child. Consider another possibility, you are not worth responding to. You project too much. It's not good for you, your credibility, or the conversation. You create too many tangents, most of them on false premise. The standard response from Adults, is why bother? You go on for pages with personal insult, with recycled response. You act like someone drunk with the echoes of your own voice, rarely staying on topic or contributing positively to the discussion. Maybe you should work on your people skills. Try imagining that you are trying to sell something that you want your target to buy or consider, rather than Assassinate their character just because they see something from a different angle than you. Making a point is one thing, draging it out for dozens of pages is bad form and a thread killer.

On Wisconsin Law. It doesn't make sense from my perspective for the Victim of a Coordinated State Wide Assault rooted in Fraud, to end up with the Bill for the Clean Up. Regardless of Political Affiliation. Establish who is doing the Harm, Illegally, and Force them to face up to it, address it, and pay for damages. It's not a game.

I figure that you may not have that much respect for the Integrity of Petitions, or Ballots, so I do see where you are coming from. I, Personally, do not like Fraud, anywhere. I think the Criminals, the Orchestrators, should be held accountable and stopped. I don't think Walker should have to pay for it. Actions of People you support, which are illegal, and expensive to repair, you think the Victim should bear the cost of.

WOW is right. I took the liberty of underlining your attempts to assassinate my character and the presumptions that you made. You sure made a lot of claims and accusation but there is one thing missing. SUBSTANCE.


In that post I said not one thing negative toward you nor did I imply anything negative toward you. I presented the WI law and how it states that the burden of proof was on the challenger of the petition until walker sued and had a judge legislate from the bench to rewrite the law. And instead of responding in kind you engaged in the very same character assassination that you claim I engage in.

Fact is that I tend to respond in kind when I am attacked just as anyone would. However the fact reamins that I posted in response to your post and did not say one thing negative about you and despite that you attacked me. so I returned what you were dishing out. Now you are complaining about me engaging in character assassination when your started there.

Yep. All of the hours going through your crap, when I had a responsibility to has no bearing. Why not stay in the kiddie pool. I know you want to engage us so badly, but I'm thinking Baby Steps. Read through your Posts here, see what jumps out at you. See what gets repeated. See what is on point. I'm not referring to what you posted to me, but generally.
The Idiots are so used to have other people cleaning up their shit and paying for the privilege they think it's an entitlement.

If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.

LOL If someone is proven to be guilty then they should pay for their crimes in accordance with the law. Although it's funny that you, who tried to criticize me for presumption, appear to be presuming that the majority of the signatures are fraudulent and those behind the petition are guilty and should pay.

The fact remains that walker sued to have the law changed/expanded and now the STATE has to foot the bill for what was his responsibility. I am sure that you will continue to ignore that fact as you play the victim card for walker so go ahead.
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If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.

Our legal system needs loser pays.
So do these silly petitions.
You pay to collect 'em, you can pay to verify them.

The problem is that is not what the law said. Walker sued to have the job of the GAB expanded and a judge legislated from the bench and took what was to be walker's responsibility and shifted it to the state.

That's right he made his state pay for it.

P.S. in case you missed it, walker sued the state to expand their responsibilities and now the state is paying for it. So the loser is the state and they are paying.
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Wow. You are really on a roll. So full of presumption. That and so full of yourself, Child. Consider another possibility, you are not worth responding to. You project too much. It's not good for you, your credibility, or the conversation. You create too many tangents, most of them on false premise. The standard response from Adults, is why bother? You go on for pages with personal insult, with recycled response. You act like someone drunk with the echoes of your own voice, rarely staying on topic or contributing positively to the discussion. Maybe you should work on your people skills. Try imagining that you are trying to sell something that you want your target to buy or consider, rather than Assassinate their character just because they see something from a different angle than you. Making a point is one thing, draging it out for dozens of pages is bad form and a thread killer.

On Wisconsin Law. It doesn't make sense from my perspective for the Victim of a Coordinated State Wide Assault rooted in Fraud, to end up with the Bill for the Clean Up. Regardless of Political Affiliation. Establish who is doing the Harm, Illegally, and Force them to face up to it, address it, and pay for damages. It's not a game.

I figure that you may not have that much respect for the Integrity of Petitions, or Ballots, so I do see where you are coming from. I, Personally, do not like Fraud, anywhere. I think the Criminals, the Orchestrators, should be held accountable and stopped. I don't think Walker should have to pay for it. Actions of People you support, which are illegal, and expensive to repair, you think the Victim should bear the cost of.

WOW is right. I took the liberty of underlining your attempts to assassinate my character and the presumptions that you made. You sure made a lot of claims and accusation but there is one thing missing. SUBSTANCE.


In that post I said not one thing negative toward you nor did I imply anything negative toward you. I presented the WI law and how it states that the burden of proof was on the challenger of the petition until walker sued and had a judge legislate from the bench to rewrite the law. And instead of responding in kind you engaged in the very same character assassination that you claim I engage in.

Fact is that I tend to respond in kind when I am attacked just as anyone would. However the fact reamins that I posted in response to your post and did not say one thing negative about you and despite that you attacked me. so I returned what you were dishing out. Now you are complaining about me engaging in character assassination when your started there.

Yep. All of the hours going through your crap, when I had a responsibility to has no bearing. Why not stay in the kiddie pool. I know you want to engage us so badly, but I'm thinking Baby Steps. Read through your Posts here, see what jumps out at you. See what gets repeated. See what is on point. I'm not referring to what you posted to me, but generally.

LOL your hypocrisy is right there in front of you in black and white and you pretend it doesn't exist. LOL
I just think it's hilarious that you seem to believe that your childish antics, as you engage in the same behavior you claim only children engage in, is actually how an adult is supposed to act.

Thanks for your shining example of do as I say, not as I do. LOL
Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.

Our legal system needs loser pays.
So do these silly petitions.
You pay to collect 'em, you can pay to verify them.

The problem is that is not what the law said. Walker sued to have the job of the GAB expanded and a judge legislated from the bench and took what was to be walker's responsibility and shifted it to the state.

That's right he made his state pay for it.

P.S. in case you missed it, walker sued the state to expand their responsibilities and now the state is paying for it. So the loser is the state and they are paying.

Waaaa. The state can spend some of the money Walker saved.

How many signatures will be invalid? Any guesses?
Our legal system needs loser pays.
So do these silly petitions.
You pay to collect 'em, you can pay to verify them.

The problem is that is not what the law said. Walker sued to have the job of the GAB expanded and a judge legislated from the bench and took what was to be walker's responsibility and shifted it to the state.

That's right he made his state pay for it.

P.S. in case you missed it, walker sued the state to expand their responsibilities and now the state is paying for it. So the loser is the state and they are paying.

Waaaa. The state can spend some of the money Walker saved.

How many signatures will be invalid? Any guesses?

How many are invalid matters little if they get the amount need to initiate the recall.

What did he save?? Jobs have been lost for six straight months despite his attempts to tout job numbers. He inflated the budget deficit PROJECTIONS for the end of 2013 by revising the numbers when he got in and pulling out the cuts proposed by the previous adminstration as he passed taxcuts which added to the deficit.

So what has he actually done besides make his state pick up the bill for his responsibilities??
WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) — State election officials must “take affirmative steps” to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions, a judge ruled Thursday, handing a victory to Republican officials who felt the Government Accountability Board wasn’t planning to be aggressive enough in vetting signatures.

At issue were statements made earlier by the GAB, the agency that reviews recall petitions and decides whether a recall is warranted. The board had said state law required that it verify the legitimacy of addresses on the petitions, but that it was up to targeted office-holders to challenge fake names such as Bugs Bunny.

Judge Mac Davis disagreed. He said the board must “apply sound judgment and discretion” in flagging and possibly investigating names that seem suspect.

Davis’ ruling concludes a lawsuit filed last month by Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign and the head of the Wisconsin Republican Party against the Government Accountability Board. The lawsuit asked that a judge require the board to work harder to look for and eliminate duplicate signatures, illegible signatures and obviously fake names.

Read more: Scott Walker | Fake Names | Recall Petition | The Daily Caller


Sign Me Up!
The problem is that is not what the law said. Walker sued to have the job of the GAB expanded and a judge legislated from the bench and took what was to be walker's responsibility and shifted it to the state.

That's right he made his state pay for it.

P.S. in case you missed it, walker sued the state to expand their responsibilities and now the state is paying for it. So the loser is the state and they are paying.

Waaaa. The state can spend some of the money Walker saved.

How many signatures will be invalid? Any guesses?

How many are invalid matters little if they get the amount need to initiate the recall.

What did he save?? Jobs have been lost for six straight months despite his attempts to tout job numbers. He inflated the budget deficit PROJECTIONS for the end of 2013 by revising the numbers when he got in and pulling out the cuts proposed by the previous adminstration as he passed taxcuts which added to the deficit.

So what has he actually done besides make his state pick up the bill for his responsibilities??

Matters little, so what's your prediction?

What did he save?
How much do the union workers have to contribute to their own benefits, that previously wasn't required?
Jobs have been lost? OMG!
Obama would kiss Jan Brewer on the mouth for Wisconsin's 7.1% now.

I guess he could have boosted taxes, like the idiot governor of Illinois did.
Then the clown had to pass some big tax handouts, to keep some big employers from moving. Unemployment rose from 9.2% to 9.8%.
Quick, recall Walker for not raising taxes! :lol:
Well, consider what he said in this post.


He's pushing the idea that college doesn't achieve success with the qualifier that it's not true in all cases. While there are some occupations where college wouldn't make a lot of difference, do you generally talk down college to a high school kid looking for career advice? God, no. To suggest it's a hindrance, as he did, is crazy.
Not really. You don't need a degree to be a plumber, do you? And plumbers make excellent money.

You said:
Trying making decent money legally without one. There may be exceptions, but it's not the rule. Even kids still in school know that.
Skilled trades make very good money. No degree required.
Two examples to boot.

BMW certified mechanics (not a degree or college program) make over 120k a year.
Railroad Engineers (16 week course) Earn 120k+ after 4 years and go up from there.

Sure, there are careers that don't need it and you can cite individual examples all day long. But, as a general rule, for the vast majority of high-paying careers, you need a college degree. Not everyone can afford it, but most of those who can't won't make the big bucks later. That's just reality.
My vote for Scott Walker was the most meaningful vote I ever cast. One of the best governors ever. Exactly who we needed with the challenges we were up against.

I'll proudly vote for him again.

And you'll probably lose this time.

But thanks for, once again, identifying yourself as the ultra hard-RW nutjob that you are.

:clap2: :cuckoo:

That's what you stooges said about the congressmen/senators you TRIED to recall. As I recall it flopped. You got two of them and one of those was involved in an affair.
This is a joke. Walker stays.
If you could read then you would know that WALKER sued to have other people clean up his shit as the taxpayer is now forced to pick up the bill for what was his responsbility before he sued, so is he and idiot and does he think it's an entitlement?

I can never get over how you rightwingers have to try to claim that you know how others think so you can define them based solely on your own myopic opinions.

Yep, he is fighting it Civilly, it should be Criminal, the Guilty and their enablers should get the Bill.

LOL If someone is proven to be guilty then they should pay for their crimes in accordance with the law. Although it's funny that you, who tried to criticize me for presumption, appear to be presuming that the majority of the signatures are fraudulent and those behind the petition are guilty and should pay.

The fact remains that walker sued to have the law changed/expanded and now the STATE has to foot the bill for what was his responsibility. I am sure that you will continue to ignore that fact as you play the victim card for walker so go ahead.

See, here is an example of a false presumption. I never stated, nor do I believe that the majority of the Signatures are fraudulent. What I stated in spirit, is that is is wrong to make a mockery of the Process. Something, too many are good at. Baby Steps, remember. ;) Walker Sued and made a valid point, valid enough to effect a change in policy. It's a good example of Due Process, and our system at work. You want to effect change? There is a Right way and a Wrong way. Play the Victim Card? Funny. Isn't what the whole Recall Effort is about? A characterization of Victimization because you could not win an Election in the first place? Good One.

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