1.9 Trillion is not going to help the average person


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
It’s all going to DNC big donors and “ friends of the party “
You may get the “ bread crumbs “

Oh and your kids and grandchildren will be paying it back
When will the “ bell toll “
You dummies think you can keep printing trillions??
Our currency will be worth zero soon
Now isn't the time to pull back on helping americans....send out the checks. Print the money. A great country helps it's citizens in times like this.
No !! We had far worse economies and we did not print 2 trillion
You are so myopic!! You don’t understand this will obliterate the economy and eventually lead to massive inflation and deep depression
Now isn't the time to pull back on helping americans....send out the checks. Print the money. A great country helps it's citizens in times like this.
No !! We had far worse economies and we did not print 2 trillion
You are so myopic!! You don’t understand this will obliterate the economy and eventually lead to massive inflation and deep depression
Who do ya think will pay the grocery stores? Free food is not the way to go.
Now isn't the time to pull back on helping americans....send out the checks. Print the money. A great country helps it's citizens in times like this.
No !! We had far worse economies and we did not print 2 trillion
You are so myopic!! You don’t understand this will obliterate the economy and eventually lead to massive inflation and deep depression

They printed a lot more than a few trillion in 08...They just gave it to big banks and corporations

i've seen estimates over 10 trillion.
Now isn't the time to pull back on helping americans....send out the checks. Print the money. A great country helps it's citizens in times like this.
No !! We had far worse economies and we did not print 2 trillion
You are so myopic!! You don’t understand this will obliterate the economy and eventually lead to massive inflation and deep depression
You didn't say that when Trump was doing it.
The 1.9 trillion is all about buying votes. It will do nothing for COVID or the American people.
I enjoyed my eighteen hundred dollars he sent me to vote for him, but he still lost, I guess enough people didn't get checks with Trump's name on it to vote for him to win so he could send us more checks with his name on them.
Now isn't the time to pull back on helping americans....send out the checks. Print the money. A great country helps it's citizens in times like this.
No !! We had far worse economies and we did not print 2 trillion
You are so myopic!! You don’t understand this will obliterate the economy and eventually lead to massive inflation and deep depression
They don't want people like you out there committing crimes because you are hungry.
It’s all going to DNC big donors and “ friends of the party “
You may get the “ bread crumbs “

Of course. They've got us over a barrel. People need help and Congress is - as they do every. fucking. time. - using it as a vehicle for a pork fest. Fuck them. Most especially, fuck them for pushing it through with budget reconciliation on a purely party line vote. Unity, my ass. Lying motherfuckers every one.
It’s all going to DNC big donors and “ friends of the party “
You may get the “ bread crumbs “

Of course. They've got us over a barrel. People need help and Congress is - as they do every. fucking. time. - using it as a vehicle for a pork fest. Fuck them. Most especially, fuck them for pushing it through with budget reconciliation on a purely party line vote. Unity, my ass. Lying motherfuckers every one.
Isn't that what politicians do, they lie? Or was this a moment of propaganda to start off with? Or was it just another moment of unbridled optimism?
Jesus...what bullshit.

Republicans all of a sudden becoming fiscal conservatives (again?).

Gimmee a break.

We saw this in 2008-2009. If you want the economy to recover quickly you kick it in the ass. They didn't back then and it took 4 years for the Recovery to take effect.

And no...this isn't "pork" or for "Dem donors" or any such thing.

It's dollars in our pockets...it's FUNDING police and fire and teachers...it funding hospitals and vaccine distribution.

Just STFU Trumpers. You have no credibility
It’s all going to DNC big donors and “ friends of the party “
You may get the “ bread crumbs “

Of course. They've got us over a barrel. People need help and Congress is - as they do every. fucking. time. - using it as a vehicle for a pork fest. Fuck them. Most especially, fuck them for pushing it through with budget reconciliation on a purely party line vote. Unity, my ass. Lying motherfuckers every one.
Isn't that what politicians do, they lie? Or was this a moment of propaganda to start off with? Or was it just another moment of unbridled optimism?

In re leading: Keeping secrets is a must; misleading the pubic for personal advantage is a damn lie; believing something which is wrong is not misleading, a statement can be wrong and not with a malicious intent.
Don't know about you folks but I'll take that $2800 the bill will put in my account

And the unemployment extensions will certainly help since my wife has been unemployed for almost a year and really shouldn't be back to tending bar until she gets the vaccine...being over 60.
The new round of checks are going to the bottom feeders, as usual it’s just another wealth redistribution scam.
Tell that to the people who, through no fault of their own, are facing eviction.

It's almost like these poor people should ahve gotten up and told our elites to shut the fuck up....

They can read just fine, they know what 99% survival rate means

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