trump administration

  1. P@triot

    President Trump's first term

    President Trump's first 50 days were incredible. His first 100 days were even better. He has proven me completely wrong so far. He continues to do get the job done in a big way with his latest Executive Order (a constitutional Executive Order by the way) directing the executive branch to...
  2. P@triot

    The first 100 days

    President Trump has had among the most successful first 100 days in recent history. He rolled Barack Obama's illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums. As a result of that and his pro-business plans, the stock market skyrocketed and the jobs market skyrocketed. He...
  3. P@triot

    It is so nice to once again have a president who doesn't hate the United States

    After 8 years of the Obama - whose foreign policy was made up of bashing the United States followed by apologizing for us, and whose domestic policy was made up of bashing the United States and dividing all of us, it is so nice to see a president who respects our great country and honors our...
  4. P@triot

    Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented

    Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms. Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three...
  5. P@triot

    President Trump: the first 50 days

    One of the most successful first 50 days of any presidency... – Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever. U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and...
  6. P@triot

    Democrat Kamala Harris obliterated on Twitter

    The Dems need to be a LOT smarter than pointing out problems just a month into President Trump's term. Rational people will not lay those problems at his feet - and thus it only goes to illustrate the profound failure of the Obama Administration. Dem Kamala Harris tried to blame Trump for...
  7. P@triot

    It is so thrilling to see constitutional government again

    It's a sad indictment on what the left-wing patriots have done to this nation that we get thrilled about seeing those rare moments when we have constitutional government - but this is one of them. Of the federal governments 18 enumerated powers, controlling restrooms across the nation is...
  8. March4Trump

    Trump Whats your Sign On march4Trump?

    Let's See how much attend on #March4Trump on March 4th? What will be your Sign on this campaign? It will be great if you come with your family/friend. Because it's time to show our support to our president. Ofcourse try to come with Sign, Poster, Tshirt, Banner etc what you think. We will just...
  9. P@triot

    Hatriots Fail

    So hatriot George Takei takes to Twitter to post a poll in hopes of embarrassing President Trump. But when the poll doesn't go the way he wants it to go - he deletes it to hide the truth and then bans everyone who voted the way he didn't like in typical hatriot fascist fashion. George Takei...
  10. P@triot

    America's spies anonymously took down Michael Flynn

    I vehemently disagree with the premise of this article. A long time ago the federal government decided that the people were no longer in charge and that they had no responsibility to transparency. The American people have finally had enough. I love the fact that Edward Snowden exposed what...
  11. P@triot

    It is so nice to have an adult in charge once again

    While the Obama's saw the White House has nothing more than their personal playground - a way to have tax payers foot the bill for them to travel around the world, host Beyoncé & JayZ, golf, and make appearances on everything from The View to ESPN - Donald Trump is politely telling them...
  12. P@triot

    Time for President Trump to call in the National Guard

    Since all of these Dumbocrat domestic terrorists are egregiously violating constitutional federal law - it's time for President Trump to send in the National Guard and remove all of these people from power. Then ship them off to Guantanamo Bay where they belong (thank goodness Obama didn't shut...
  13. P@triot

    Definitely making America great again

    I have to salute you President Trump - you've been exceptional your first two weeks on the job. Quite possibly the most impressive first two weeks of a presidency in my lifetime. This will create jobs and - more importantly - create affordable energy for America. The exact opposite of what...
  14. P@triot

    A tale of two services

    A Secret Service agent awakes one day to a newly elected president. This is especially impactful as this particular agent is on the PPD (Presidential Protection Duty). In other words, the agent provides direct protection to the President of the United States. The agent is with the president day...
  15. P@triot

    Just so progressives don't conveniently forget

    When her father about to do the right thing and issue an Executive Order which was not only what the American people wanted, but was also designed to roll back Barack Obama's unconstitutional measures - Ivanka Trump stepped in for progressives. She's going to make the best first female president...
  16. P@triot

    President Trump: the ultimate winner

    Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning. Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone...
  17. P@triot

    Democrats continue their very ugly gynophobia

    Democrats long and ugly history of gynophobia appears to have no end in sight in the near future. While they (begrudgingly) approved Rex Tiller as Secretary of State, Democrats refuse to approve Betsy DeVos simply because she is a woman. They can't stand to see a woman in power - especially if...
  18. P@triot

    Trump is coming! Run for your lives!!!

    Oh man is the left really playing up the Trump fear mongering propaganda. Trump is going to force homosexuals into "conversion therapy" Trump is going to murder anyone who is a muslim Trump is going to build a wall to keep Americans in Trump is going to shut down education in America...
  19. P@triot

    A question for ALL illegal aliens

  20. P@triot

    Progressive "logic" in all of its glory

    I've seen some funny stuff in my day - but this is right up there with the best of them. Here you have progressives proudly declaring that they are "deleting Uber" because Uber refused to price gouge when taxi's went on strike from the JFK airport. They then proudly followed that up with how...
  21. P@triot

    Executive Orders 101

    This is how an Executive Order is properly used. Note that President Trump did not use it to create law, alter law, or abolish law. Note that the Executive Order is in no way directed at, or designed to influence, citizens. He issued a constitutional Executive Order directed at those under him...
  22. P@triot

    Dear Hollywood Progressives: You don't matter

    The people who whine the loudest about "income inequality" while making $20 million per movie haven't quite figured out yet that the more they talk - the more the American people laugh at them and reject them: "Did the phony, hypocritical liberal celebrities who made fools of themselves during...
  23. P@triot

    The Democrats Retreat From Reality

    Hilarious. It couldn't have been said any better... "Retreat" is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump's cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40...
  24. P@triot

    The winning continues

    Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on...
  25. P@triot

    The Trump Tornado

    It has taken less the one full week for me to see why the establishments on both sides were terrified of Donald Trump. He is really shaking things up. I had absolutely no faith in the man - but so far he is illustrating a commitment to follow through on the will of the people. One thing I love...
  26. P@triot

    Donald Trump's Policies

    I am extremely interested to see what the results of Trump's efforts will be on our elections. He is investigating voter fraud and trying to stop that. At the same time, he is working on solving our illegal immigration problems. If he serves a full two terms in office and makes this a serious...
  27. P@triot

    Donald Trump: Day 3

    After 8 years of Barack Obama and his failed policies, what a breath of fresh air just 3 days of the Trump Administration has been. Approved the Keystone Pipeline - ensuring affordable energy and jobs (a true win-win) Launching an investigation into voter fraud Addressing illegal...
  28. P@triot

    EPA Chief Wants to Partner With, Not Punish, States

    Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious. Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general...
  29. P@triot

    The Trump Administration

    I am really liking the cabinet that Donald Trump is putting together. There are few people in politics that deserve more respect than Mitt Romney. He's bright, he's articulate, he's experienced, and he has a great demeanor. He was elected in a liberal state which shows his ability to reach...
  30. P@triot

    Donald Trump releases early plan for reform

    Nobody was more against Donald Trump as the Republican nominee than I was. But I have to say, after watching this, I have guarded optimism for the Trump Administration. This is great stuff if he follows through on it.

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