Stalin (Koba) More Popular Than Putin, "Russians " Say


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Sep 3, 2017
Whats wrong with Muscovites?

Stalin More Popular Than Putin, "Russians " Say

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin has been voted the most “outstanding” figure in Russia’s history, beating the country’s most beloved poet, Alexander Pushkin, and current Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

The poll, by Russia’s independent Levada Center, is the latest to showcase the changing view amongst Russians of Stalin, who presided over mass deportations, a network of concentration camps—or gulags—and is believed to be responsible for the deaths of around 20 million Soviet citizens.

But for many Russians it is Stalin's role in winning World War II that is remembered and encouraged in government propaganda. Recent approval ratings of Stalin and the man he succeeded—Vladimir Lenin—show that both enjoy majority approval in Russia.

Read More: The majority of Russians think their army could have beaten the Nazis without U.S. or allies

When asked to rank the most extraordinary individuals in their country’s history, 38 percent of Russians pointed to Stalin, Russian news agency Interfax reported. The Georgian-born leader had the largest share of the vote, even if it is slightly lower than the 42 percent share he received in 2012.

Aside from Stalin, he most significant mover and shaker in the ranking was Russian President Vladimir Putin. Breathing down Stalin’s neck with 34 percent of the vote, Putin shared the second place with the great patron of Russian Romantic verse, Alexander Pushkin.

In 2012, as Putin’s third and controversial presidential term was in its nascency, the former KGB man was fifth. Not only has he leapfrogged Pushkin in the last five years, but he also pulled ahead of Tsar Peter the Great and Lenin who tied for second place at the time.

Stalin More Popular Than Putin, Russians Say
FDR liked him so much that he filled his administration with Stalin acolytes.
Testament of dictator Joseph Dzhugashvili (nicknames : koba, butcher, stalin) why Dzhugasvili hated the Jews so much? is this Testament real, or a fake? why Muscovite promote it so much nowadays?

" Testament of Stalin (draft fragments)

... After my death, a lot of garbage will be applied to my grave, but the time will come and will sweep it away. I have never been a true revolutionary, my whole life is an ongoing struggle against Zionism, whose goal is to establish a new world order under the rule of the Jewish bourgeoisie ... To achieve this, they need to destroy the USSR, Russia, destroy the Faith, turn the Russian sovereign people into rootless cosmopolitans.

To confront their plans can only Empire. There will be no it - Russia will perish, the World will perish ... Enough utopias. It is impossible to invent anything better than monarchy, and therefore it is not necessary. I always admired the genius and greatness of the Russian tsars. From autocracy, we nowhere to go. But the dictator must change the autocrat. When the time comes.

The only place on earth where we can be together is Russia. Reforms are inevitable, but in due time. And these should be organic, evolutionary, tradition-based reforms, with the gradual restoration of Orthodox self-consciousness. They are based on realism and common sense. Very soon, wars over territories will be replaced by “cold” wars — for resources and energy. You need to be prepared for this. Mastering new types of energy should be a priority for our scientists. Their success is a guarantee of our independence in the future. An army can be strong only when it enjoys the exclusive care and love of the people and the Government. This is the greatest moral strength of the Army, a guarantee of its invincibility. Army must love and cherish!

I'm lonely. Russia is a colossal country, and there is not a single decent person around ... The old generation is totally infected with Zionism, all our hope is for the youth. It is time to declare a new crusade against the Internationale, and only the new Russian Order will be able to lead it, the creation of which needs to be started immediately. Remember: the world does not need a strong Russia, no one will help us, you can only rely on your own strength.

I did what I could. I hope you do more and better. Be worthy of the memory of our great ancestors.

January-February 1953


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