
  1. Litwin

    As Confederate statues fall in U.S., "Russians" are erecting statues for dictator Stalin

    how far can putler´s madness go ? GULAGS, KURAPATY, KATYN´, purges? " MOSCOW — While controversial statues of Confederate icons who fought for slavery come down in the United States, Russia is erecting new monuments to a once-disgraced Soviet Union dictator who killed millions: Josef Stalin...
  2. Litwin

    USSR World War II looting of Belarus, Ukraine, Baltics , Romania Poland, etc.

    when Moscow (Golden Horde) returns all loot which they stolen from the European nations? " After the Soviet Union invaded Poland on September 17, 1939, it similarly engaged in the looting and destruction of the Polish cultural heritage.[9][18] It is estimated that soon after the invasion...
  3. Litwin

    Putin: First Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish read

    where Vova Putler got such numbers, do you believe that The First Soviet Government Was "Jewish "? " Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish. “I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this...

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