Leningradets Died Not from the German Blockade but from Marxist - Stalinist Failure to Send Food, Solonin Says


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Leningradets Died Not from the German Blockade but from Marxist - Stalinist Failure to Send Food, Solonin Says

“the cause of the famine which carried off hundreds of thousands of human lives was not ‘the blockade’ and the absence of transport communications, but the absence of supplies which could have been brought to the city which was dying from hunger” (mnews.world/ru/ne-blokada-a-leningradskij-golodomor-istorik-mark-solonin-o-tom-pochemu-umirali-zhiteli-leningrada/).
Soviet and Russian writers who insist the city was cut off from the rest of the USSR, Solonin says, ignore the fact that 60 kilometers of the Western shore of Lake Ladoga was never occupied by the Germans and that German air attacks which might have blocked shipping effectively ended when Hitler shifted his main axis of attack to Moscow.
As a result, “for the supply of Leningrad by water transport, it was necessary to cross no more than 25 to 40 kilometers from the western to the southern shore of Lake Ladoga,” something that could have been arranged."

M. Solonon started his own YouTube channel, it breaks all records already , I am 100% sure we will see soon English Language content, for new use YouTube substitute

related; Why paranoid Stalin executed Russia's heroes of the Nazi siege of

one for sure the world needs Nuremberg N2, this time for Marxist- Stalinists !!
..so, you don't like the Stalinists/communists/etc?
the Leningrad commie boss was forced by Politburo to take a diet when soviet slaved forced to eat each other
Secretary and Politburo member Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov. (I896-I948) were ... Soviet Union, starting with Leningrad.9 Soon after Zhdanov's death,. Stalin sanctioned ... Zhdanov and his bosses, Andrei Zhdanov, Suslov, and Shepilov in ... Zhdanov, once a lean young man, had become obese by the early. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4213439

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