Zimbabwe. What can do blacks without whites?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Sorry guys, but Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous states in the world. Like South Africa and other ruined by blacks countries.Probably it would be racist, but the sad reality is no one African country can be effectively run without whites. As exception can be some former colonies like Kenya or Angola where presence of whites as advisors, engineers, physicians, attorneys etc. is until now very strong.
The point is when blacks ruin their countries why 'bad whites' must pay for it.Blacks shall feed their folks by themselves and forget to ask 'bad racist whites' for help.

Zimbabwe: Deadline for Mugabe to resign passes - CNN

Sorry guys, but Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous states in the world. Like South Africa and other ruined by blacks countries.Probably it would be racist, but the sad reality is no one African country can be effectively run without whites. As exception can be some former colonies like Kenya or Angola where presence of whites as advisors, engineers, physicians, attorneys etc. is until now very strong.
The point is when blacks ruin their countries why 'bad whites' must pay for it.Blacks shall feed their folks by themselves and forget to ask 'bad racist whites' for help.

Zimbabwe: Deadline for Mugabe to resign passes - CNN

Take off your sheet and hood for a minute and try to learn something.
History of Colonialism in Rhodesia
Sorry guys, but Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous states in the world. Like South Africa and other ruined by blacks countries.Probably it would be racist, but the sad reality is no one African country can be effectively run without whites. As exception can be some former colonies like Kenya or Angola where presence of whites as advisors, engineers, physicians, attorneys etc. is until now very strong.
The point is when blacks ruin their countries why 'bad whites' must pay for it.Blacks shall feed their folks by themselves and forget to ask 'bad racist whites' for help.

Zimbabwe: Deadline for Mugabe to resign passes - CNN

Problem is I've been to the old Rhodesia and I know that Zambia, a part of Rhodesia, is actually doing quite okay for itself.

It has a GDP of $3,800 (PPP per capita) to $4,200.

Not amazing, but it's okay, especially when considering the Zambia doesn't have much going for it. Poor soil, not much to sell, it buys more than it sells, it sells 1/4 of what its exports to China, then South Africa is next. Copper has been one of its biggest industries but this has been falling, 20% of GDP is from agriculture, which isn't bad seeing how difficult it is to be a farmer there.

But hey, you can just throw things around at dictators who took over from Colonial powers who seem to think that they could just throw the countries back and everything would just work.
I've linked many times how Africa is a shithole
highest poverty/illiteracy/disease/starvation/etc --they've got another disease outbreak again
Sorry guys, but Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous states in the world. Like South Africa and other ruined by blacks countries.Probably it would be racist, but the sad reality is no one African country can be effectively run without whites. As exception can be some former colonies like Kenya or Angola where presence of whites as advisors, engineers, physicians, attorneys etc. is until now very strong.
The point is when blacks ruin their countries why 'bad whites' must pay for it.Blacks shall feed their folks by themselves and forget to ask 'bad racist whites' for help.

Zimbabwe: Deadline for Mugabe to resign passes - CNN

Take off your sheet and hood for a minute and try to learn something.
History of Colonialism in Rhodesia

Take off your dunce cap and you'll realize that people are responsible for their own actions. When a village is slaughtered by animals with AK 47s, blame them, as opposed to someone who hasn't been alive for centuries.
As whities came to Africa they mad it prosperous. As they were kicked out Africa is on the best way to its routs and traditions:

In the Stone Age
Zimbabwe tryin' to make a comeback...

Zimbabwe's Ruling Party Hopes for Economic Turnaround
December 19, 2017 - Less than a month after a military intervention forced longtime leader Robert Mugabe to step down, new leaders of the ruling ZANU-PF party have big plans for Zimbabwe.
Retired General Sibusiso Moyo announced the military takeover on November 15 and has been appointed to serve as foreign minister. He sees opportunities to revive Zimbabwe’s struggling economy. “Our primary interest at the moment is economic development and emancipation of our people,” Moyo told VOA’s Zimbabwe Service. Zimbabwe's long-ailing economy will recover, according to Moyo, through direct foreign investment, tourism and exports to worldwide markets. ZANU-PF hopes to jump-start the economy by collaborating with Zimbabweans in the diaspora and creating a more appealing environment for investment. “We are opening up to all our friends,” Moyo said.

‘Zimbabwe isn’t poor’

The ruling party is right to focus on Zimbabwe’s economy as it defines its post-Mugabe platform, according to Chipo Dendere, a visiting assistant professor of political science at Amherst College in Massachusetts. But to truly open up, the country must come to terms with endemic corruption. “Zimbabwe isn’t poor,” Dendere told VOA, speaking over the phone from Harare. In fact, the country is endowed with valuable minerals such as gold, diamonds and platinum. But, Dendere said, the wealth has been stolen. During Mugabe’s regime, he and his allies stole more than $2 billion in diamond revenue, according to Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), a group tracking mismanagement of global natural resources.


Zimbabwe's President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, speaks during the Extraordinary Congress of the ruling ZANU-PF party in Harare, Zimbabwe​

So far, the government seems to be putting pressure on officials to bring back money, according to Dendere. But with so many people who have stolen, it's unclear how the government will serve a greater good without violating human rights or falling into partisan traps. “If the government fails to deal with the economic challenges, then Zimbabwe is going to be in great disarray,” Dendere said. Fixing Zimbabwe’s economy begins with addressing its many infrastructure problems, such as pothole-ridden roads and an aging and leaky water system.

Real change?

Some, including Dendere, remain skeptical that ZANU-PF will enact real change. “It’s one thing to be excited about a new government. But I think people need to be cognizant of the fact that the people that are in power right now ... are the same people that have been in power for the last 37 years,” Dendere said. The government has not, in fact, changed, Moyo conceded, but it will do things differently with new personalities in power. Dendere, meanwhile, questions what’s new. The ideology for the ruling party is unlikely to change, she said, based on language used at the party congress this month.


A security employee guards a diamond-processing plant in the diamond-rich eastern Marange region of Zimbabwe​

Still, Moyo sees opportunities for dialogue and improvement. “We are not a government of a party. We are a government of all the people of Zimbabwe. And therefore, when there are issues which need dialogue, they must be discussed in house,” Moyo said. For Dendere, aspects of ZANU-PF’s legacy are, in fact, worthwhile. “This is the legacy that brought us independence, the end of colonialism. But it’s also the legacy that gave a lot of power to one party and the centralization and consolidation of power around the president and the people that are closest to him.”

Space for opposition
How many of the people writing negative things has actually been to Africa? I'm going to say zero.
How many of the people writing negative things has actually been to Africa? I'm going to say zero.
True. Most of us weren't in Germany during world war 2, so who can really say if Nazis were bad? Also, I've never been to Vegas, so was that mass shooting actually a bad thing? I really have no idea.
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.
I've linked many times how Africa is a shithole
highest poverty/illiteracy/disease/starvation/etc --they've got another disease outbreak again
But if you only donate fifty bucks a month to the 'Save The Negro Children' funds all over Africa "Your donation can make a difference!".
I've been hearing/watching this bullshit scam for DECADES and NOTHING EVER CHANGES.
How many of the people writing negative things has actually been to Africa? I'm going to say zero.
Most people learn very little when they visit a place. Limited time, limited travel, etc., all combine to restrict learning experiences.

Imo it's probably FAR better to learn through reading books or other works written by people who have spent their careers becoming experts on the things we are interested in learning. There are many ways to learn about places that are probably far more productive than visiting.
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
Who's better at it is irrelevant. The US is the best at it, but we aren't killing as many people as Africans.
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
The same race that brings prosperity. The question arises, why would anyone mess with them?

Mugabe ran a once prosperous country that was known as "the breadbasket of Africa" into a starving nation with runaway inflation. How can we begin to lose our biases if we refuse to learn the truth?
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
The same race that brings prosperity. The question arises, why would anyone mess with them?

Mugabe ran a once prosperous country that was known as "the breadbasket of Africa" into a starving nation with runaway inflation. How can we begin to lose our biases if we refuse to learn the truth?

Mugabe messed Zimbabwe up. Cherry picking facts doesn't get you anywhere. The Ukraine was also considered the bread basket of Europe and Stalin (white guy) manages to induce a massive famine and it's one of the poorest countries in Europe that can't even keep a hold of its own borders.

Go figure, that's my cherry picking.
Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
blacks murder at a much, much higher rate than whites--well over 4 times the rate
the Hutus slaughtered more in a much smaller amount of time than the Holocaust in WW2....more of the Hutu population participated in the direct killings per capita
Sorry guys, but Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous states in the world. Like South Africa and other ruined by blacks countries.Probably it would be racist, but the sad reality is no one African country can be effectively run without whites. As exception can be some former colonies like Kenya or Angola where presence of whites as advisors, engineers, physicians, attorneys etc. is until now very strong.
The point is when blacks ruin their countries why 'bad whites' must pay for it.Blacks shall feed their folks by themselves and forget to ask 'bad racist whites' for help.

Zimbabwe: Deadline for Mugabe to resign passes - CNN

Take off your sheet and hood for a minute and try to learn something.
History of Colonialism in Rhodesia

Colonialism is always the cue point for libs. Funny how many conquered people form prosperous nations after receiving independence. 2,000 years from now, Africa will still blame colonialism for their failure.

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Without whites blacks actually do an excellent job of slaughtering each other in large numbers. Always for the stupidest reasons. Even in America our blacks have a perfect track record of murdering each other whenever the newest Nike Air Jordan hits the stories.

Who's better at slaughtering each other in large numbers, whites or blacks?
blacks murder at a much, much higher rate than whites--well over 4 times the rate
the Hutus slaughtered more in a much smaller amount of time than the Holocaust in WW2....more of the Hutu population participated in the direct killings per capita

So you're cherry picking again?

There have been times when whites have also committed mass slaughter in a small space of time.

These 15 Horrifying Massacres From Human History Will Destroy Your Faith In Mankind

The massacre in Rwanda was brutal, but no more brutal than other brutal massacres.

Your argument is as weak as hot water posing as tea. You're pulling facts out of your ass and then trying to show that this one fact represents the whole of a continent while ignoring other facts from other places.

This isn't debate.
Zimbabwe tryin' to make a comeback...

Zimbabwe's Ruling Party Hopes for Economic Turnaround
December 19, 2017 - Less than a month after a military intervention forced longtime leader Robert Mugabe to step down, new leaders of the ruling ZANU-PF party have big plans for Zimbabwe.
Retired General Sibusiso Moyo announced the military takeover on November 15 and has been appointed to serve as foreign minister. He sees opportunities to revive Zimbabwe’s struggling economy. “Our primary interest at the moment is economic development and emancipation of our people,” Moyo told VOA’s Zimbabwe Service. Zimbabwe's long-ailing economy will recover, according to Moyo, through direct foreign investment, tourism and exports to worldwide markets. ZANU-PF hopes to jump-start the economy by collaborating with Zimbabweans in the diaspora and creating a more appealing environment for investment. “We are opening up to all our friends,” Moyo said.

‘Zimbabwe isn’t poor’

The ruling party is right to focus on Zimbabwe’s economy as it defines its post-Mugabe platform, according to Chipo Dendere, a visiting assistant professor of political science at Amherst College in Massachusetts. But to truly open up, the country must come to terms with endemic corruption. “Zimbabwe isn’t poor,” Dendere told VOA, speaking over the phone from Harare. In fact, the country is endowed with valuable minerals such as gold, diamonds and platinum. But, Dendere said, the wealth has been stolen. During Mugabe’s regime, he and his allies stole more than $2 billion in diamond revenue, according to Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), a group tracking mismanagement of global natural resources.


Zimbabwe's President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, speaks during the Extraordinary Congress of the ruling ZANU-PF party in Harare, Zimbabwe​

So far, the government seems to be putting pressure on officials to bring back money, according to Dendere. But with so many people who have stolen, it's unclear how the government will serve a greater good without violating human rights or falling into partisan traps. “If the government fails to deal with the economic challenges, then Zimbabwe is going to be in great disarray,” Dendere said. Fixing Zimbabwe’s economy begins with addressing its many infrastructure problems, such as pothole-ridden roads and an aging and leaky water system.

Real change?

Some, including Dendere, remain skeptical that ZANU-PF will enact real change. “It’s one thing to be excited about a new government. But I think people need to be cognizant of the fact that the people that are in power right now ... are the same people that have been in power for the last 37 years,” Dendere said. The government has not, in fact, changed, Moyo conceded, but it will do things differently with new personalities in power. Dendere, meanwhile, questions what’s new. The ideology for the ruling party is unlikely to change, she said, based on language used at the party congress this month.


A security employee guards a diamond-processing plant in the diamond-rich eastern Marange region of Zimbabwe​

Still, Moyo sees opportunities for dialogue and improvement. “We are not a government of a party. We are a government of all the people of Zimbabwe. And therefore, when there are issues which need dialogue, they must be discussed in house,” Moyo said. For Dendere, aspects of ZANU-PF’s legacy are, in fact, worthwhile. “This is the legacy that brought us independence, the end of colonialism. But it’s also the legacy that gave a lot of power to one party and the centralization and consolidation of power around the president and the people that are closest to him.”

Space for opposition

My guess is same corruption, just a different leader.

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