Young People Do Not Understand the Israel - "Palestine" Issue

that is true----muslims are not SUPPOSED to kill other muslims---but they do---
shiites are very commonly murdered in Pakistan for BEING SHIITES which is considered
GUILTY ENOUGH for a sunni pakistani

Much the same with Christians killing each other ... God loves the Jews the most and that's why they get the harshest punishments ... Hamas blows up their own hospital and the world immediately blames Israel ...

All God's judgements are righteous and true ...
I think it's worth mentioning that the sticking point is NOT that Israel has no right to exist; Israel has no right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Big, essential difference. The Arab world would be fine having Israel exist as a secular state or an Islamic state, but it "has no right" to exist as a Jewish state. This is a curious position to take, given that there are about fifty avowedly Islamic states in the world. If Israel were a secular state, it would quickly devolve into an Islamic state either formally or otherwise, because Muslims reproduce like rabbits and they would quickly take over the country politically.

It is also worth saying that Islam has many fundamental differences from countries with a Judeo-Christian heritage, whether formal or otherwise. First, Islam does not recognize or abhor the intermingling of Church and State. They have no problem whatsoever in a government where religious officials have the power and right to overrule acts by elected governments (e.g., Iran). Islam does not consider every human life as precious, and believe that death - especially death that can be deemed "martyrdom" is a good thing, not something to be avoided. Hence, Hamas has no problem tailoring its strategies to ensure the killing of many of its own partisans, if the overall objective can be furthered by such an atrocity.

And it goes without saying that, as with American Leftists, for Muslims there are many factors that can trump truthfulness. Hence, any formal statement by an Islamic organization or state must be taken with the proverbial "grain of salt."

It goes along with the silly conceit that people in distant history can be evaluated based on today's values, immature Americans presume that all people are alike; we just have to understand them better and treat them nicely.
I disagree. Israel has every right to exist as a JEWISH state as decreed by the United Kingdom who donated the land and the United Nations who established it. Why?

Because the history of the Jewish people goes back millenia before I AD and involves almost constant war, threats of war, assault, kidnappings, and often attempts of extermination first by the indigenous Arabs, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians et al and finally in 63 BC when Pompey the Great marched into Jerusalem and claimed it for the Roman Empire.

Since then the Jews have suffered persecution and/or oppression by the Romans and then predominantly Christian countries by the time the Roman Empire fell apart. Most Central and Eastern Europeans forbade the Jews from owning real property or land which is why you find so many Jewish people who are bankers, traders, lawyers, and other trades yet today.

Most Jews who did find a homeland in places like Russia would eventually find themselves unwelcome there, subjected to vicious pograms or driven from the land entirely and forced to settle elsewhere. When the Russian czars ejected most of the Jews from Russia in the early 20th Century, most went to what is now Poland and Germany and other European cities or emigrated to the USA.

The horrors of the Holocaust with six million+ Jews exterminated and most of those who were spared lost their homes and businesses as well as many or all of their families and had nowhere to go.

Enough was enough and the free world finally decided to do something about it and that something was Israel, a teensy bit of land in a huge world, where the remnant of the Jews could live, work, worship, and be themselves in relative peace in a land they believe with all their hearts was given to them by God or as they would put it G-d.

And there they have been under pretty much constant siege by surrounding countries, mostly Arab, who still hate them and want them dead. But at least they can be who they are there and they think it is worth fighting for.

So do I.
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You're a liar.

No I am not a liar----HAMAS is the. by ACCLAIM, government of Gaza---why would
the Gazans CLAMOR for a government that they do not want? Is Saudi arabia ISLAMIC?
Pakistan? Iran? Syria?
America has always been able to rely on jesus and family being on it's side.

But now for some reason, the world is starting to have a closer look at China and the Brics becoming options.

Why/How can that be? Do America's 35-40 wars of aggression vs. China's successes with peace, change perceptions.

For one thing, it's going to make it a lot harder job for America to sell the civilian slaughter being planned by the apartheid regime.
GTF outa here, you moron!
It's not that they don't understand, they simply don't care. They want to belong to.something, anything, so they simply latch on to the age-old,.simplistic Marxist dichotomy that the world is of "oppressor and oppressed" rather than. "It is VERY complicated".
You are probably right about that.
The Palestinians do not want a Muslim state. Don't you know a damned thing about the history of Palestine?
There is no such thing as “Palestine” or “Palestinians”, moron. GTF outa here with that Bullsh it!
They're not ... Muslims have very strict rules about warfare ... Hamas kills more Palestinians than the Israelis ... my Facebook friend from Israel has a boyfriend right now so she's not posting on Facebook ... maybe these new rockets are more accurate ... but generally speaking, about half these rockets land in the Gaza Strip ... not Israel ...

Islam doesn't allow the killing of innocent Muslims ...
You fucking idiot. GTF outa here with that bullshit!

I was referring specifically to the killing of shiite Muslims in Pakistan.
I had a close "SHIITE" friend long ago---from India. He expressed his
utter disdain for HINDUS-----so I did ask----if you and your family hate hindus
so much why did you not go to Pakistan in 1948-----he gave me the "well we had a house in
india" excuse------but that was a deflection. I later learned (because I have interacted with
lots of people from south east asia during my overly long life) that shiites are
in great danger in Pakistan----they are often WACKED ---especially any of the educated or prominent ones-----like----well yanno DOCTORS. You learned that deflection and
and denial of reality in your extensive sojourns in the tea sip parlors of "arab" lands?

My family doesn't hate Hindus, you idiot. You always assume everyone hates as much as you do. You are one damaged Jew. My family doctor was a Hindu...

My current internist is a Hindu.
My family doesn't hate Hindus, you idiot. You always assume everyone hates as much as you do. You are one damaged Jew. My family doctor was a Hindu...

My current internist is a Hindu.
where did I suggest that christians hate hindus? You are
vulgar and argumentative
Your ignorance is profound. They were called Palestinians by 1836.
by whom? you have a citation? If there was some such
obscure reference----WHAT TOOK SO LONG? Jews were
called PALESTINIANS for almost the past 2000 years. You
got the exception that proves the rule?
You're a liar.

Please note suradie calls me a "liar" SHE stated that
HAMAS IS NOT ISLAMIC and justifies her statement by
asserting "The Palestinians do not want a Muslim state. Don't you know a damned thing about the history of Palestine?" anyone is free to read the Hamas manifesto--
in order to understand who the LIAR is in this discussion.
However----understand, it is not at all uncommon for this
or that muslim moiety to claim the OTHER GUY is a not
a real muslim----sunnis even so comment on shiites
by whom? you have a citation? If there was some such
obscure reference----WHAT TOOK SO LONG? Jews were
called PALESTINIANS for almost the past 2000 years. You
got the exception that proves the rule?

The Palestinians have been there that long. Even Ben Gurion said they were descended from Jewish farmers who stayed behind to tend the Roman terraces and aquaducts.

Way before The Ayatollah Obama started importing Muslims; long before Hamas ever slithered in from Egypt, and well before most kiddies today were born (i.e., the ones from generations after Gen X), anti-Jew; anti-Israel terrorism against the people of Israel was a continuous thing. Those swarthy "Palestinians" would strap a bomb on them then go to a crowed cafe or shopping mall in Israel and blow up, kill, and maim a lot of innocent civilians, even children. Israel had to put up metal and bomb material detection equipment at the entrance of public places all over in an attempt to prevent mass civilian casualties from those bombers. You would have to get scanned just to go to the bathroom and take a leak. On every street corner in the cities stood Israeli soldiers armed with true assault weapons to guard the citizenry. They were needed too, and they were often put into action.

Back them the PLO ran the P-people resistance. Like today, the sticking point is their refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. There was a brokered 2 state resolution under the waning days of Arafat, but they screwed it up because they would not recognize Israel's right to exist. Arafat did not want to do that because (1) Peace would screw up his hustle; and (2) many, many "Palestinians" will not give up their malignant desire to see Jews dead. They want to push the Jews forcefully "from the river and to the sea", and into the sea to drown. These are not radicals either. This is the view of virtually ALL "Palestinian" people.

The people in Gaza are basically rotten, despicable, violent, ignorant a-holes. Israel has long ceded both Gaza and the West Bank to these goons and their offspring. BTW, do you know why the proportion of children and young people is so high in Gaza? Because there is a lot of rape and "Palestinian" on "Palestinian" violence in Gaza, as well as terrorist activites. It is a shit hole. Just think, Israel gave them the land and allows them to govern themselves. Did they prosper? Nope. They continue to play victim. These are not exactly God's best people. But I digress.

Yet, despite getting these concessions from Israel, they are still unhappy. What more do they want? They want all Jews to die, for one thing. See, when you try to appease truly despicable and bad people, they will keep pushing it to see how far they can go. This is exactly what the "Palestinians" have done here.

Today's young people have no clue of the history of this region. I am not talking about who squatted on the land first in time before Christ was born. All of that is irrelevant. These "Palestinians" are dogs, murderous cruel dogs. Now, to be fair, there are probably like 2 or 3 of them that live peaceful lives without a hard-on for mass Jew murder. But most of them are fucked up people who value life much less than we do here in the civilized western world. It is a fact. It is not good or bad, it is just a fact. Even the people in other muslim countries who do not have to deal with Israel value life much differently than we do in the west.

Youngsters today think they can go over to Gaza, grab them up an armload of "Palestinians", and hug them. They believe that their behavior is a direct result, and ONLY results from, years of oppression by Israel, even though the facts do not support this view. The western white "Palestinian" supporter... "Palestinians" would cut his balls off and leave him to bleed out with a second thought upon sight of him, regardless of his political viewpoints and "inclusive" attitude. These Arabs are rough, crude, vicious people. Any thought contrary is pure folly premised on ignorance. I was born in 1970 and I remember no time in my life where those people were not waging terror attacks against Israel. That's 50 years. And it went on prior to that, back to the creation of Israel in 1947 (or'48, I do not remember exactly at the moment).

These are not people like Apu on the Simpsons, or "Nuk Nuk Muhammad" from upstairs who plays the wacky neighbor on some TV shitcom. These people will murder you. They hate Israelis and they hate Americans. Again, not all. But in Gaza, yeah, it's pretty much all of them. Even the children run around an anti-Israel demonstrations carrying real knives and guns and chanting about killing Jews.

Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences.
PubMed › ...
The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with ... - PubMed
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences.
PubMed › ...
The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with ... - PubMed
correct-----where there are humans---there is sex----and HYBRID PEOPLES-------(she seem to think she discovered something new---the concept is presented in the talmud more than 2000 years ago----long before the rapist dog of arabia was born
Way before The Ayatollah Obama started importing Muslims; long before Hamas ever slithered in from Egypt, and well before most kiddies today were born (i.e., the ones from generations after Gen X), anti-Jew; anti-Israel terrorism against the people of Israel was a continuous thing. Those swarthy "Palestinians" would strap a bomb on them then go to a crowed cafe or shopping mall in Israel and blow up, kill, and maim a lot of innocent civilians, even children. Israel had to put up metal and bomb material detection equipment at the entrance of public places all over in an attempt to prevent mass civilian casualties from those bombers. You would have to get scanned just to go to the bathroom and take a leak. On every street corner in the cities stood Israeli soldiers armed with true assault weapons to guard the citizenry. They were needed too, and they were often put into action.

Back them the PLO ran the P-people resistance. Like today, the sticking point is their refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist. There was a brokered 2 state resolution under the waning days of Arafat, but they screwed it up because they would not recognize Israel's right to exist. Arafat did not want to do that because (1) Peace would screw up his hustle; and (2) many, many "Palestinians" will not give up their malignant desire to see Jews dead. They want to push the Jews forcefully "from the river and to the sea", and into the sea to drown. These are not radicals either. This is the view of virtually ALL "Palestinian" people.

The people in Gaza are basically rotten, despicable, violent, ignorant a-holes. Israel has long ceded both Gaza and the West Bank to these goons and their offspring. BTW, do you know why the proportion of children and young people is so high in Gaza? Because there is a lot of rape and "Palestinian" on "Palestinian" violence in Gaza, as well as terrorist activites. It is a shit hole. Just think, Israel gave them the land and allows them to govern themselves. Did they prosper? Nope. They continue to play victim. These are not exactly God's best people. But I digress.

Yet, despite getting these concessions from Israel, they are still unhappy. What more do they want? They want all Jews to die, for one thing. See, when you try to appease truly despicable and bad people, they will keep pushing it to see how far they can go. This is exactly what the "Palestinians" have done here.

Today's young people have no clue of the history of this region. I am not talking about who squatted on the land first in time before Christ was born. All of that is irrelevant. These "Palestinians" are dogs, murderous cruel dogs. Now, to be fair, there are probably like 2 or 3 of them that live peaceful lives without a hard-on for mass Jew murder. But most of them are fucked up people who value life much less than we do here in the civilized western world. It is a fact. It is not good or bad, it is just a fact. Even the people in other muslim countries who do not have to deal with Israel value life much differently than we do in the west.

Youngsters today think they can go over to Gaza, grab them up an armload of "Palestinians", and hug them. They believe that their behavior is a direct result, and ONLY results from, years of oppression by Israel, even though the facts do not support this view. The western white "Palestinian" supporter... "Palestinians" would cut his balls off and leave him to bleed out with a second thought upon sight of him, regardless of his political viewpoints and "inclusive" attitude. These Arabs are rough, crude, vicious people. Any thought contrary is pure folly premised on ignorance. I was born in 1970 and I remember no time in my life where those people were not waging terror attacks against Israel. That's 50 years. And it went on prior to that, back to the creation of Israel in 1947 (or'48, I do not remember exactly at the moment).

These are not people like Apu on the Simpsons, or "Nuk Nuk Muhammad" from upstairs who plays the wacky neighbor on some TV shitcom. These people will murder you. They hate Israelis and they hate Americans. Again, not all. But in Gaza, yeah, it's pretty much all of them. Even the children run around an anti-Israel demonstrations carrying real knives and guns and chanting about killing Jews.

This is what the king of Jordan said in 1947.

As the Arabs see the Jews, by His Majesty King Abdullah - Balfour Project
The American Magazine November, 1947 Summary This appeal to the American people, written by King Abdullah, son of Sharif Hussein and grandfather of the current King of Jordan, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

In the article, King Abdullah disputes the...

At the heart of the decades-long war between Israel and its Arab neighbors is this understanding of conflict's origin articulated in Abdullah's letter linked above:

The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West.

The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West.

The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West.

And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. “We have hurt these people terribly,” cries the West to the East. “Won’t you please take care of them for us?” We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore “cruel and heartless nationalists”?
This is what the king of Jordan said in 1947.

As the Arabs see the Jews, by His Majesty King Abdullah - Balfour Project
The American Magazine November, 1947 Summary This appeal to the American people, written by King Abdullah, son of Sharif Hussein and grandfather of the current King of Jordan, appeared in the United States six months before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

In the article, King Abdullah disputes the...

At the heart of the decades-long war between Israel and its Arab neighbors is this understanding of conflict's origin articulated in Abdullah's letter linked above:

The unimaginable persecution of the Jews was not done by the Arabs: it was done by a Christian nation in the West.

The war which ruined Europe and made it almost impossible for these Jews to rehabilitate themselves was fought by the Christian nations of the West.

The rich and empty portions of the earth belong, not to the Arabs, but to the Christian nations of the West.

And yet, to ease their consciences, these Christian nations of the West are asking Palestine—a poor and tiny Moslem country of the East—to accept the entire burden. “We have hurt these people terribly,” cries the West to the East. “Won’t you please take care of them for us?” We find neither logic nor justice in this. Are we therefore “cruel and heartless nationalists”?
bullshit----the jews of the "UMMAH" world have bee genocided out of existence----
along with zoroastrians and lots of Buddhist societies

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