You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the one enslaving and ruling the plan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.
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what makes you think we are civilized? Yes we live in cities, but yet we obtain this position by killing and murder. How are we better than the animals that roam the Earth.
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Animals are at the mercy of nature...We make our environment and work to improve our own lives.

I'm blown away to think there's a human being thinking it's better to live in a cave. I have nothing against peace and quiet, but not for every day life.

You really think they don't kill? People have lost all signs of commons sense if you do.
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Dayum. I'd be willing to send Matthew a Paypal nickel to just shut the fuck up with his neolithic bullshit about race.

If we all did that, Matthew could post semi-literate shit on other topics and we wouldn't be subject to so much of his drooling bullshit idiocy.

Matthew, no respect intended, but nobody but assholes like 52ndGutter are fucking stupid enough to value the dopey racist shit you constantly spew. You are wrong, uninspired, unintelligent and boring.

You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.

You should read the essay Sun People, Ice People. Thoroughly denounced as racist screed, it nevertheless answers your questions.
You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.

You should read the essay Sun People, Ice People. Thoroughly denounced as racist screed, it nevertheless answers your questions.

What happens if I'm right or close to it? We're not suppose to touch it.:eusa_shhh:
You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.

You should read the essay Sun People, Ice People. Thoroughly denounced as racist screed, it nevertheless answers your questions.

What happens if I'm right or close to it? We're not suppose to touch it.:eusa_shhh:

Nothing happens, since you aren't.

And spouting your bullshit on the basis of your enormous supply of abject ignorance is not a good way to persuade anybody of anything anyway.
You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.

You should read the essay Sun People, Ice People. Thoroughly denounced as racist screed, it nevertheless answers your questions.

I read an excerpt of it after you recommended it elsewhere. An interesting read, but just underscoring the obvious, however "racist" the "evil" black professor is/was.

But to answer Matthew's question: the peoples in Europe after the ice receeded had to take a much higher degree of preparation into consideration if they were to contend with the harsh, distinct weather patterns that prevailed over the land they'd settled on. I'm guessing their exposure to less forgiving elements than those experienced by man south of the Sahara lead to them looking at the bigger picture in terms of survival, which no doubt manifested itself in their ancestors' position of superiority over races they conquered under European imperialism.
You should read the essay Sun People, Ice People. Thoroughly denounced as racist screed, it nevertheless answers your questions.

What happens if I'm right or close to it? We're not suppose to touch it.:eusa_shhh:

Nothing happens, since you aren't.

And spouting your bullshit on the basis of your enormous supply of abject ignorance is not a good way to persuade anybody of anything anyway.

personally I think you are the one who is ignoring and full of ignorance. Matthew is repeating reasoned theories proposed by many legitimate scientists. Matthew may state them in an inflamatory way but that does not mean they have no validity. evolution to a different state of intelligence and natural behaviour is not only reasonable but practically demanded by evolutionary pressures. why would other metabolic and physical traits change but not mental and behavioural traits?
According to The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution, by professors Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending human evolution has accelerated during the past 10,000 years because the human population has increased dramatically, and because agriculture and urban civilization exert different population pressures than hunting and gathering.

The 10,000 Year Explosion - Home

Agriculture requires the ability to plan for the future, and to defer gratification. Farmers need to plan ahead for the growing season. No matter how hungry one gets one cannot eat one's seed corn or butcher all of one's farm animals. After butchering an animal one must dispose of the remains, or they will spread disease. Paleolithic hunters are always on the move, so they do not need to clean up after themselves.

However, the different races did not all adopt agriculture 10,000 years ago. First Caucasians did in the Near East. Then Orientals did in China one or two thousand years later. The descendants of American Negroes only began to adopt agriculture about three thousand years ago. When blacks and white earn the same amount of money whites usually save more of it. Black neighborhoods are messier because blacks are more prone to litter.

Urban civilization selects for superior intelligence, because more intelligent men are able to become merchants, money lenders, government officials, scribes, artists, and so on. They make more money and are more prolific than laborers and peasants. Also, the criminal justice systems of civilized nations gradually remove those with criminal inclinations from the gene pool.

Urban civilization began in the Near East about five thousand years ago. Four thousand years ago it began independently in what is now China. Large numbers of Negroes only began living in cities during the last century. Urban areas with large black populations are not known for civilized behavior.

The 10,000 Year Explosion does not explain why Orientals have slightly higher average IQs than whites, and slightly lower crime rates. I think Oriental superiority may be attributed to the lack of the dark age that followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the West. In addition, for two thousand years the imperial exam system made it possible for poor young men with high IQs to advance to the top of Chinese society in a few years. They were expected to have several wives and many children.

While that was happening intelligent commoners in the West entered the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church, where they were forbidden to get married and have children. It is reasonable to assume that young men attracted to the priesthood were also less prone to commit crimes. Those who ought to have had the most children had few or none.
You'd think a race as old as the Negro would be the ones enslaving and ruling this planet. This is what doesn't make any fucking sense.

Something happened when humanity want north into the ice age world. There's no other way around it. Otherwise you have a race that should be ahead of the rest of the world by a hundred thousand years.

One would expect the Negro to rule this planet based on age and equaliness alone.
Super advance technology
Negro explorers building huge ships sailing every sea on this planet
Possibly planetary travel

It shouldn't be the white or Asian man driving technology at all.

If we're all equal, why not? The European located races of man didn't come back into africa within any respectable number between 10 and 30,000 years ago to possibly of stopped the negro.

This is why I think survival outside of Africa had something to do with the advancement of the northern races. This sadly would mean that the negro is inferior.
Why the hell did such a race with so much more time become weak? I'm saying weak in the way of being inferior in the military sense that the white man could attempt to enslave him. Why no democracy? I'm sure some democratic idea's should of been traded with the black man for the 1,600 years between 4bc and the 12th century when the arab invaded.

Yet, they relied on their tribes and didn't advance much for 30,000 years. Let's be honest 2+2 doesn't equal 5. Nothing adds up.

You truly are a tin plated jackass.
Once the industrial revolution happened and brains became important, the negro fell behind.
As advanced as white people are you'd think they'd be above racism. Then again they pollute and destroy everything they touch too so.....

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