You pious Dems "non-racists";Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat!

Donald Sterling is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1998.

So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:

California used to allow voters of either party to vote in either Primary. Depending on the Party's preference. They changed it recently. So until 2011 or so, California was an 'Open Primary' State.

I doubt you know what that means, but trust me.... It didn't matter how you were registered in California until around 2011.

I just got my wife to change her official registration from Independent to Republican -- After 30 years. And she's worse than I am..... Not, not true. She's not as bad as me.

Sterling was a dimocrap. Period.

The NAACP doesn't give awards to racist Republicans, only to racist dimocraps.

believe it
He was a Dem, a Reagan Democrat, and then became a full fledged registered Republican in 1998 according to his voter registration.
The GOP owns him lock, stock and barrel.
Many Republicans and Faux pundents that were riding the Range with Bundy had to do an about face when his comments were published. How many Democrats were defending in anyway this Sterling fellow?

The NBA is far more popular than politics. I use to be a basketball fan, but I'm in Houston. (Most fans can't get Rockets or Astros games on TV anymore unless you buy a specific provider.) So now I'm a Hockey Fan.

Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?
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Donald Sterling is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1998.

So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:

California used to allow voters of either party to vote in either Primary. Depending on the Party's preference. They changed it recently. So until 2011 or so, California was an 'Open Primary' State.

I doubt you know what that means, but trust me.... It didn't matter how you were registered in California until around 2011.

I just got my wife to change her official registration from Independent to Republican -- After 30 years. And she's worse than I am..... Not, not true. She's not as bad as me.

Sterling was a dimocrap. Period.

The NAACP doesn't give awards to racist Republicans, only to racist dimocraps.

believe it
He was a Dem, a Reagan Democrat, and then became a full fledged registered Republican in 1998 according to his voter registration.
The GOP owns him lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, the guy that donated heavily for Gray Davis and Bill Bradley is owned by the GOP.

The hypocrisy here is that Rush Limbaugh is crucified and prevented from being able to be a partial owner of an NFL franchise, but this guy was charged with violating fair housing laws, and there was never any outrage or calls for him to resign. Obviously has nothing to do with his generous donations to leftists in Cali.
Donald Sterling is a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN since 1998.

So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:....blah,blah,blah

Sorry, toots. Looks like you need to read the O/P again....You've been Bund-ied. Hahahahaa.
Al Gore Sr. not only voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964--he led the filibuster along with former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd against it.

We all heard the tin foil hat conspiracy theories of Prescott Bush, but Al Gore stood in front of the NAACP in 2000 and lied about his father's voting record--and no one held him responsible.

Robert Byrd remained a respected senator until he withered away and died, he's currently burning in hell. And when he said '******' on national television Al Sharpton said NOTHING.

David Duke was an outcast, he was ridiculed and abandoned by the GOP. Democrats cover up their racists, and promote them!
The best part of this story is how his EX-girlfriend Stiviano is going to get a new SS number and zip code. You think he's going to just let this one go? His empire is fucked by a woman with a great nose job that he probably paid for, too.

So what do you think she sees in him? That silver fringe mullet he's got going on? The layered bags under his eyes? The lifetime prescription for Viagra in his bathroom cabinet? What?

The blowback on this one is going to be a bitch. Look for the headlines of her missing in about a year or two.

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Republicans and "Faux" pundits were not defending racist remarks. They were objecting to government overreaction.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.

Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.
So many examples of the DNC not addressing their own racists. Al Gore LIED, blatantly LIED, about his father's voting record. Robert Byrd gets a pass for saying "******" on national television.

Sterling was never held accountable for his past racist actions partially because he gave money to the right people. The fact he is a registered Republican does not negate that.

What he said is unforgivable. Let's all just agree on that and, for once, not try and exploit this thing for political gain.
No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Nah, I just think it's too fucking funny that the OP started this thread by saying Sterling was a Democrat, apparently hoping to mitigate some of the mess that Bundy made last week for the GOP, Then just like that,


No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Donated heavily? Are you for real? I've donated more to Dems than he has. And I don't own a NBA team.
And check your grammar: It should be "who" donated heavily.

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Nah, I just think it's too fucking funny that the OP started this thread by saying Sterling was a Democrat, apparently hoping to mitigate some of the mess that Bundy made last week for the GOP, Then just like that,



Yup. He's been Bundied.
Never said they were. I say it's a false equivalence. Just because they both made incredible racist remarks, one doesn't excuse the other. No one on the left had to run away because no one was riding with Sterling, except for his much younger, Latino girlfriend.

The ownership of the Western land by the Feds was decided over a hundred years ago. Bundy lost in court again and was ordered to remove his cattle from those federal lands.

No one on the left had to run away from Sterling? Did you miss the part where the NAACP ran away from giving Sterling an award?

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


How does this pertain to my comment? I guess if we're moving on from the original topic then I would just point out that your link says that the NAACP has worked with Sterling for nearly twenty years and that they are now negotiating with Sterling on how much money he might give to African-American students at UCLA. In other words, The NAACP's forgiveness factor is equal to the money they obtain from a bigot. It's interesting to see what motivates the NAACP and the democratic party in general.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Nah, I just think it's too fucking funny that the OP started this thread by saying Sterling was a Democrat, apparently hoping to mitigate some of the mess that Bundy made last week for the GOP, Then just like that,



I guess. There was an eagerness to exploit this politically, which I honestly do not understand. But I don't understand the eagerness of MSNBC exploit and politicize shooting and other tragedies.

As far as the left covering their racists, all you need to know is Robert Byrd getting away with saying "******" on national television and Al Gore getting in front of the NAACP and lying about his father's voting record.

Also, ya'll are just a ridiculous in your attempts to politicize this to smear the GOP. What he said is disgusting, regardless of his politics.
So what douchebag?

I switched to voting for Republican from dimocrap scum in 1977 (after Carter pardoned all those cowards... I'd had it with dimocrap scum) and didn't change my registration for twenty years after that. Maybe more than that :dunno:

California used to allow voters of either party to vote in either Primary. Depending on the Party's preference. They changed it recently. So until 2011 or so, California was an 'Open Primary' State.

I doubt you know what that means, but trust me.... It didn't matter how you were registered in California until around 2011.

I just got my wife to change her official registration from Independent to Republican -- After 30 years. And she's worse than I am..... Not, not true. She's not as bad as me.

Sterling was a dimocrap. Period.

The NAACP doesn't give awards to racist Republicans, only to racist dimocraps.

believe it
He was a Dem, a Reagan Democrat, and then became a full fledged registered Republican in 1998 according to his voter registration.
The GOP owns him lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, the guy that donated heavily for Gray Davis and Bill Bradley is owned by the GOP.

The hypocrisy here is that Rush Limbaugh is crucified and prevented from being able to be a partial owner of an NFL franchise, but this guy was charged with violating fair housing laws, and there was never any outrage or calls for him to resign. Obviously has nothing to do with his generous donations to leftists in Cali.
How stupid do you have to be to believe the lies of your MessiahRushie????

The tiny donations he made to Dems were BEFORE he became a registered Republican in 1998.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

It doesn't change the facts because he's a Republican. :lol::lol::lol: It just makes this thread funnier.


I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Donated heavily? Are you for real? I've donated more to Dems than he has. And I don't own a NBA team.
And check your grammar: It should be "who" donated heavily.

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)

What Republicans did he donate that much to?
I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Donated heavily? Are you for real? I've donated more to Dems than he has. And I don't own a NBA team.
And check your grammar: It should be "who" donated heavily.

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)

What Republicans did he donate that much to?
Why did he register as a Republican from 1998 to the present?
He was a Dem, a Reagan Democrat, and then became a full fledged registered Republican in 1998 according to his voter registration.
The GOP owns him lock, stock and barrel.

Yeah, the guy that donated heavily for Gray Davis and Bill Bradley is owned by the GOP.

The hypocrisy here is that Rush Limbaugh is crucified and prevented from being able to be a partial owner of an NFL franchise, but this guy was charged with violating fair housing laws, and there was never any outrage or calls for him to resign. Obviously has nothing to do with his generous donations to leftists in Cali.
How stupid do you have to be to believe the lies of your MessiahRushie????

The tiny donations he made to Dems were BEFORE he became a registered Republican in 1998.

What difference does it make?
I am not going to sit here and play this childish game. If it makes you feel better that he's a registered Republican that donated heavily to Bill Bradley and Gray Davis--fine. I guess in your mind that mitigates his donations to far left Democrats.

Donated heavily? Are you for real? I've donated more to Dems than he has. And I don't own a NBA team.
And check your grammar: It should be "who" donated heavily.

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)

What Republicans did he donate that much to?

Are you sure that matters?

Google ought to do something about someone as stupid as you using their name.

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