You have a new alert


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
so many times whilst i am composing a post i get that alert...freezes my attempt to make a post....very irritating
You mean an alert telling you someone has quoted you, or someone has replied to a thread you posted in?

If that is it, you can turn off alerts if you wish.
I'm gonna give you about 147 funnys in a row...
so many times whilst i am composing a post i get that alert...freezes my attempt to make a post....very irritating

Alerts don't freeze post composition at all.. It's just a pop-up message that you don't have to dismiss. Should NEVER slow you down.. Unless you're still on a ATT desktop computer... LOL......
I have my alerts set to disable.

Because I am not a lert.

I have my alerts set to disable.

Because I am not a lert.


No wonder you're so isolated... That's like turning off the alerts on your NOAA weather radio... All the FUN is in reading the alerts.. Like when those damn mods delete your posts... :rolleyes:

Old jokes are fun.. What's that in the road -- a head??

Manning sat surveillance is enough, thanks very much. Sometimes it's on the roads and sometimes it's a head on the road.
You mean an alert telling you someone has quoted you, or someone has replied to a thread you posted in?

If that is it, you can turn off alerts if you wish.
Question how come when I log in and I have replies but it’s not highlighted? Does someone have my pass word?
You mean an alert telling you someone has quoted you, or someone has replied to a thread you posted in?

If that is it, you can turn off alerts if you wish.
Question how come when I log in and I have replies but it’s not highlighted? Does someone have my pass word?

What do you mean it's not highlighted? And if someone has your password, I suppose you gave it to them. LOL
You mean an alert telling you someone has quoted you, or someone has replied to a thread you posted in?

If that is it, you can turn off alerts if you wish.
Question how come when I log in and I have replies but it’s not highlighted? Does someone have my pass word?

What do you mean it's not highlighted? And if someone has your password, I suppose you gave it to them. LOL
Ummm never mind.. wow
Is there a limit on the number of alerts you get for a thread? I've revisited threads I'm subscribed to and found many more replies I was never notified of. Apparently, only the replies of the board's most retarded trolls and posters are never lost by the alerts system, either, while others are.
Is there a limit on the number of alerts you get for a thread? I've revisited threads I'm subscribed to and found many more replies I was never notified of. Apparently, only the replies of the board's most retarded trolls and posters are never lost by the alerts system, either, while others are.
I think you get an alert to more posts one time after the last time you posted.
Also, you get alerts each time someone responds to one of your posts.
I do not mind the alerts except when I am composing a post...when I get one whilst trying to do that the new alert freezes my attempt to compose a post.
I do not mind the alerts except when I am composing a post...when I get one whilst trying to do that the new alert freezes my attempt to compose a post.

That could be browser/Operating System specific. I don't need no damn "Lerts".
Alerts don't freeze post composition at all.. It's just a pop-up message that you don't have to dismiss. Should NEVER slow you down.. Unless you're still on a ATT desktop computer... LOL......

I would hit "agree", but I don't want people to think I am a gree.
No ...I am on a laptop and the post alert definitely stops me in mid-air if I am attempting to compose a post when I get the alert.

Just for a couple of mins. or so...but very irritating when I am composing a masterpiece...alters my chain of thought...ya know the creative process is very sensitive. hehheh

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