If You Want To Know Why Biden Wants The Razor Wire Down...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Well you can hear it in his spokespersons own words. Spoiler alert! It's literally so Biden can get more into the country!

So apparently the wire is effective, and working. That is not conducive to the Democrats plan for this nation.
Biden needs more votes this November is why the administration is going head to head with Abbott.
If You Want To Know Why Biden Wants The Razor Wire Down...

Maybe it is because the razor wire could do great harm to the children crossing the river-?

BTW: If this does not concern you then just remember the blood of these children is on your hands.
But Abbott is awash in the kids blood.
Still, he may get a few repug votes for it.

If You Want To Know Why Biden Wants The Razor Wire Down...

Maybe it is because the razor wire could do great harm to the children crossing the river-?

BTW: If this does not concern you then just remember the blood of these children is on your hands.
But Abbott is awash in the kids blood.
Still, he may get a few repug votes for it.

I'll keep that in mind the next time I shove a kid into the Rio Grande...
If You Want To Know Why Biden Wants The Razor Wire Down...

Maybe it is because the razor wire could do great harm to the children crossing the river-?

BTW: If this does not concern you then just remember the blood of these children is on your hands.
But Abbott is awash in the kids blood.
Still, he may get a few repug votes for it.

Crock of shit.
1,700 illegals have died sneaking into our country, and nobody gives one shit unless they can use the deaths to their advantage. Elect Trump and stop this destruction of our country.
If You Want To Know Why Biden Wants The Razor Wire Down...

Maybe it is because the razor wire could do great harm to the children crossing the river-?

BTW: If this does not concern you then just remember the blood of these children is on your hands.
But Abbott is awash in the kids blood.
Still, he may get a few repug votes for it.

Being the degenerate and deplorable that he is, the Texas Gimp wants to maim and kill innocent children for his own selfish political gains.
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Then the repugnants came into office and turned everything upside down.

Years from now, many Americans are going to curse Joe and others who have spent many years slowly destroying the greatest nation on earth. Using man's nastiness to other men as the reason to do so. And those who support it, do not even want to pay for it.
Both sides are heavily invested in open borders, for obvious reasons that go back decades. The only bonus this time is that the R's can claim their position is on buying stuff for the Ukraine.

Commendable any time for an American to be opposed to any of their country's wars!
Both sides are heavily invested in open borders, for obvious reasons that go back decades.
“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Being the degenerate and deplorable that he is, the Texas Gimp wants to maim and kill innocent children for his own selfish political gains.
I can't believe former president Trump is interfering with current president Biden and the House telling Republicans not to help his political rival. This is worse than President Trump asking Ukraine to make shit up against his political rival.

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