YOU are more dangerous than terrorism

Record filibusters the last four years.

Apology to BP.

Threatening to leave the millions without unemployment benefits just before Christmas unless millionaires and billionaires get unneeded and unwanted tax cuts.

Threaten to deny first responders health care.

Yea, Democrats have been terrible.

You are as a much a part of the problem as any knuckle dragging reptard. For a start you are looking at all the unimportant stuff. While you spin your wheels worrying about senate rules that the dems won't change even when they have a majority (newfangled fillibuster) BOTH party's presidents are steadily eroding the bill of rights at full speed. BOTH parties declare war without the real consent of Congress and BOTH parties drag those wars on forever, while they rescue the banks and don't think about mainstreet past the point of extending insurance that employed people actually paid for.

Hey........Stool Cannon........quick question for you asshole.......

What part of "filibuster" do you deem unimportant? I kinda think that getting rid of gridlock is an important part of government.

You consider the GOP apology to BP unimportant? Tell that to the fishermen and people living in the Gulf of Mexico that the apology was "unimportant". I'd be willing to bet that your ass would be handed to you in pieces without any glue.

You think unemployment benefits are unimportant? Ever spent a Christmas hungry with no gifts? I have. It sucks. Extending the unemployment benefits will DO MORE to stimulate the economy than tax cuts for the rich. Why? Because poor people spend money on things they actually NEED, like food, clothing, shelter and gas for the car. Rich greedy people? They only invest and save cash. The dollar that gets a tax cut? It only generates around 1.03 in the economy. The dollar that goes to the unemployed? It generates around 1.67 in the economy. Simple math dude.

You think that denying healthcare to people who ARE FUCKING HEROES TO THIS COUNTRY! How easy do you think it is to clean up a big mess like that? Especially when some of the stuff that saw the light of day WAS NEVER supposed to. The resulting clean up has caused many of those 9/11 responders to end up with cancer as well as other things.

For the rest of you.........

Am I more dangerous than a terrorist? Yep. Been military trained, as well as grew up in the mountains of Montana hunting for food. Oh yeah.........I'm more dangerous than a terrorist because I don't adhere to one strict dogma. I'm open minded, which means that I can figure out a threat from someone easy. Besides, I'm also quite intelligent, because I don't listen to FAUX Nooze.

Who is responsible for this great chasm this country is currently experiencing? Simple......Cheney and Bush Jr. "If you're not with us, then you're with the terrorists". And, what's more, the rest of the GOP saw the power that they could wield if they scared enough people badly enough, and thus you have the divide.

Obama has been trying to bridge this gap, but unfortunately, the GOP won't let him, becaus they still like the politics of fear.

Wanna know how to get rid of fear? It's simple............what you understand the least, you are scared of the most. Pick out the things that are scaring you, examine WHY they're scaring you, as well as look for the solutions (i.e. knowledge about the subject) that will serve you the best.

After you come in contact with the thing that causes fear a couple of times, eventually you are no longer scared. Me? I'm not scared for much, because I've faced down fear a couple of times in my life. Once or twice, I damn near died. But, whenever I see something that is an old fear of mine, it doesn't even make me flinch.

But then again...........having a fucked up childhood like mine kinda makes you unafraid, as well as strong. How many 5-7 year olds do you know that have taken on 40 year old full grown men (my stepfather) and won on occasion?

And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It also explains my dislike of authority. Why? Because almost every authority figure in my life (with the exception of my Grandparents) has proven themselves hypocrites and most of the time, their "knowledge" was exceedingly flawed.

Also explains why I left Christianity to study Tao and now Judaic theology. Most of the Christian preachers I knew were liars and hypocrites.

You are entitled to your pov, even if it sucks ass.

I stated my case, if you can't understand or don't agree with what I said, fine. And "unimportant" was used in a relative sense, as in "not nearly as important as the BIG issues". The real issues, not the distraction issues that the parties try to hook us with to keep us looking the wrong way.
In NO - WAY is this nation devided in "half".... you just wish it were.

which explains why Gore and Bush faced off in a dead heat in 2000, why Obama and even the archaic McCain were only separated by a few % in 2008, and why Kerry almost beat GWB in 2004.

Yeah, I see your point, you don't have one.

When folks begin declaring a mandate, or landslide over a 4% popular election margin you know you have an equally divided electorate.

Maybe, just maybe, if people were treated to more than two choices that are just different grades of the same thing the vote would be more decisive. Or do you actually believe that there is some type of difference between what Obama has done and what McCain would have done.
You are as a much a part of the problem as any knuckle dragging reptard. For a start you are looking at all the unimportant stuff. While you spin your wheels worrying about senate rules that the dems won't change even when they have a majority (newfangled fillibuster) BOTH party's presidents are steadily eroding the bill of rights at full speed. BOTH parties declare war without the real consent of Congress and BOTH parties drag those wars on forever, while they rescue the banks and don't think about mainstreet past the point of extending insurance that employed people actually paid for.

Hey........Stool Cannon........quick question for you asshole.......

What part of "filibuster" do you deem unimportant? I kinda think that getting rid of gridlock is an important part of government.

You consider the GOP apology to BP unimportant? Tell that to the fishermen and people living in the Gulf of Mexico that the apology was "unimportant". I'd be willing to bet that your ass would be handed to you in pieces without any glue.

You think unemployment benefits are unimportant? Ever spent a Christmas hungry with no gifts? I have. It sucks. Extending the unemployment benefits will DO MORE to stimulate the economy than tax cuts for the rich. Why? Because poor people spend money on things they actually NEED, like food, clothing, shelter and gas for the car. Rich greedy people? They only invest and save cash. The dollar that gets a tax cut? It only generates around 1.03 in the economy. The dollar that goes to the unemployed? It generates around 1.67 in the economy. Simple math dude.

You think that denying healthcare to people who ARE FUCKING HEROES TO THIS COUNTRY! How easy do you think it is to clean up a big mess like that? Especially when some of the stuff that saw the light of day WAS NEVER supposed to. The resulting clean up has caused many of those 9/11 responders to end up with cancer as well as other things.

For the rest of you.........

Am I more dangerous than a terrorist? Yep. Been military trained, as well as grew up in the mountains of Montana hunting for food. Oh yeah.........I'm more dangerous than a terrorist because I don't adhere to one strict dogma. I'm open minded, which means that I can figure out a threat from someone easy. Besides, I'm also quite intelligent, because I don't listen to FAUX Nooze.

Who is responsible for this great chasm this country is currently experiencing? Simple......Cheney and Bush Jr. "If you're not with us, then you're with the terrorists". And, what's more, the rest of the GOP saw the power that they could wield if they scared enough people badly enough, and thus you have the divide.

Obama has been trying to bridge this gap, but unfortunately, the GOP won't let him, becaus they still like the politics of fear.

Wanna know how to get rid of fear? It's simple............what you understand the least, you are scared of the most. Pick out the things that are scaring you, examine WHY they're scaring you, as well as look for the solutions (i.e. knowledge about the subject) that will serve you the best.

After you come in contact with the thing that causes fear a couple of times, eventually you are no longer scared. Me? I'm not scared for much, because I've faced down fear a couple of times in my life. Once or twice, I damn near died. But, whenever I see something that is an old fear of mine, it doesn't even make me flinch.

But then again...........having a fucked up childhood like mine kinda makes you unafraid, as well as strong. How many 5-7 year olds do you know that have taken on 40 year old full grown men (my stepfather) and won on occasion?

And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It also explains my dislike of authority. Why? Because almost every authority figure in my life (with the exception of my Grandparents) has proven themselves hypocrites and most of the time, their "knowledge" was exceedingly flawed.

Also explains why I left Christianity to study Tao and now Judaic theology. Most of the Christian preachers I knew were liars and hypocrites.

You are entitled to your pov, even if it sucks ass.

I stated my case, if you can't understand or don't agree with what I said, fine. And "unimportant" was used in a relative sense, as in "not nearly as important as the BIG issues". The real issues, not the distraction issues that the parties try to hook us with to keep us looking the wrong way.

Distraction issues? Like the GOP does every election to turn out the vote by putting something about abortion or gay marriage?

Face it Stool Cannon, your wording, as well as your thoughts, are pure and utter shit.

That's why I call you Stool Cannon you shit spraying cock monkey.
Dissent doesn't equal nearly violent polarization and deep hatred for your own countrymen.

To read your posts I could swear you would prefer it if half the nation just disappeared from the face of the earth.

You are no American, Revere. You are the cancer killing this once magnificent nation.

Are you with US or against US?

Who's violent?

The screaming and yelling at the Town Hall meetings last year? The Tea Party was warned before hand that would not be tolerated, three of them challenged that at the meeting, and three of were handcuffed and led off to the judge and fined and released.

That kind of nonsense, which we did not have this year.

By all means, blame the people who are causing the noise. I bet you would have stood right alongside the people who turned the fire hoses on the civil rights protesters, because they were breaking the law and were warned in advance about what would happen. The fact that they were right means nothing.
He's right. Polarization has spread to the churches, playgrounds, charities, business place and everywhere else in America.
Talking politics in church was worse than farting in church when I was young. No one did it.
Now folks are proud to stand up and church and tell others that God supports so and so.
It is a very bad influence on youth. Of course very few care about youth anymore, especially the AARP crowd. They could give a damn.

Freedom is dissent, and vice versa.

but dissent isn't polarization. Not since the civil war has America been so divided internally. How did that work out?

I guess that depends on who you ask. I am pretty sure all the slaves think it ended pretty well.
Dissent doesn't equal nearly violent polarization and deep hatred for your own countrymen.

To read your posts I could swear you would prefer it if half the nation just disappeared from the face of the earth.

You are no American, Revere. You are the cancer killing this once magnificent nation.

Are you with US or against US?

You're not an American if you don't believe in the primacy of the Constitution, which limits government.

You're the cancer.

I believe in the legal primacy of the constitution, half ape/half ape. I just don't believe that the document itself is nearly as significant as you would love to pretend. Of course you are a bible thumping idiot. Books that you serially misinterpret are the basis of your ideology.

BTW the USSC is constitutionally challenged. Maybe you should make like the ACLU and begin advocating for a strict constitutionalist defense even when it violates your ideological agenda.

You should study some political science. The only way a group of people can come together as a nation is if they have something to look toward as symbolic of their common purpose. There are two things that can accomplish this purpose, a monarchy, which is the most enduring of the two, and a constitution. I think that makes the Constitution is a lot more significant than you seem to think.
The surest sign of a lack of democracy is a lack of dissent.

Dissent doesn't equal nearly violent polarization and deep hatred for your own countrymen.

To read your posts I could swear you would prefer it if half the nation just disappeared from the face of the earth.

You are no American, Revere. You are the cancer killing this once magnificent nation.

Are you with US or against US?

You're not an American if you don't believe in the primacy of the Constitution, which limits government.

You're the cancer.

:confused: Is that what he said? He said he 'Doesn't believe in the primacy of the Constitution?'

You are a soundbyte machine.

Your conservative interpretation of the Constitution is no more valid than his, mine, or anyone elses. You don't own the thing, just because you idolize a shock-jock loser who tells you that you do.
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A hearty seig heil to those assholes who believe this citizenry is more dangerous than the islamofascists who wish to kill all western culture in the latest Crusade.

Fucking ignorami.

They're absolutely right. The "Islamofascists" do not pose a real threat to our security. The reason the occupation is so complicated is simply that we're trying to spare innocents, and garner a result that will most benefit us and the world economically. Perhaps its a cruel joke by God that he created this resource (oil) that we need so bad, and put most of it in such an unstable and radically religious part of the world.

Our opposition has no real gusto. They're attacking our soldiers with an M16 they stole off a dead Russian in 1982.

If they ever were a real threat to U.S. security, we could turn the sandbox into a sheet of glass real quick.
Wow... geopolitical ignorance at its best. You really don't get it do you? This is not a petty little conflict in the valleys of Afghanistan and deserts of Iraq. This is a religious war that has not been fought for 500 years, re-lit by the Arab Brotherhood in the desire to see a global calphate that has long since waned by an inferior religion.

This war is not one of just bombs and bullets. It is a cultural war, and economic war and a media war.

Uhhh... What you said is not terribly different from what I said. Why do I then, possess 'geopolitical ignorance' but you do not?

edit: Here's what I take exception with. Are you suggesting that we would be involved in this debacle if not for their natural resources?
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By all means, blame the people who are causing the noise. I bet you would have stood right alongside the people who turned the fire hoses on the civil rights protesters, because they were breaking the law and were warned in advance about what would happen. The fact that they were right means nothing.

One, you can protest in peaceful, non-violent ways. Accept responsibility for your actions if you don't. Two, I got my head clubbed hard by the police and had my life threatened several times in the 1960s and early 1970s during the civil rights campaigns. Three, go study Christian non-violent protest before you mouth off again.
By all means, blame the people who are causing the noise. I bet you would have stood right alongside the people who turned the fire hoses on the civil rights protesters, because they were breaking the law and were warned in advance about what would happen. The fact that they were right means nothing.

One, you can protest in peaceful, non-violent ways. Accept responsibility for your actions if you don't. Two, I got my head clubbed hard by the police and had my life threatened several times in the 1960s and early 1970s during the civil rights campaigns. Three, go study Christian non-violent protest before you mouth off again.

One, where did any of the Tea Party protests result in violence? I suppose you could claim they were non peaceful, if your idea of peace is blindly accepting that the government is always right. Unlike you, I don't believe that, so I see nothing unpeaceful about calling out someone who is telling a lie.

Two, it that is true it might explain why you think that you are a moderate Republican.

Three, Jesus had no problem confronting people who were corrupting the Temple, or resorting to violence to drive them from the courtyard. He also had no problem confronting the political powers that were misrepresenting themselves and using their position to oppress people who were powerless.

My advice to you is not attempt to justify yourself by attempting to educate me about anything Christian.
One, you have no right to scream and yell in order to disrupt a political meeting: that is a public disturbance, a misdemeanor punished by jail time and or a fine.

Two, moderate Republicans are not into violence or the threat of violence.

Three, you confuse yourself with Jesus? Then be willing to accept quietly the punishment that comes with your action as did Jesus.

My advice to you is to not post again on this subject until you ponder and pray about it since it is clear you do not understand the basic tenets of Christianity.
So are we just supposed to put up with the leftwing loonies who are trying to destroy this nation and fundementally change it from the way it has been known for over 230 years?

No way man.... I plan on fighting the leftwing till the day I die.

As far as I am concerned, we are being ran by a soft tyranny and I dont plan on going into the darkness quietly.

I think it's GREAT that you are planning to fight the left wing!

since there are so MANY conservatives fighting the left wing today it's a really good thing that there are those among us still fighting the RIGHT wing

now BOTH sides are being covered

you don't have a problem with me fighting the right while you keep your eyes on the left...right?
In NO - WAY is this nation devided in "half".... you just wish it were.

which explains why Gore and Bush faced off in a dead heat in 2000, why Obama and even the archaic McCain were only separated by a few % in 2008, and why Kerry almost beat GWB in 2004.

Yeah, I see your point, you don't have one.

When folks begin declaring a mandate, or landslide over a 4% popular election margin you know you have an equally divided electorate.

Maybe, just maybe, if people were treated to more than two choices that are just different grades of the same thing the vote would be more decisive. Or do you actually believe that there is some type of difference between what Obama has done and what McCain would have done.

Thanks for the non sequitur.
Hey........Stool Cannon........quick question for you asshole.......

What part of "filibuster" do you deem unimportant? I kinda think that getting rid of gridlock is an important part of government.

You consider the GOP apology to BP unimportant? Tell that to the fishermen and people living in the Gulf of Mexico that the apology was "unimportant". I'd be willing to bet that your ass would be handed to you in pieces without any glue.

You think unemployment benefits are unimportant? Ever spent a Christmas hungry with no gifts? I have. It sucks. Extending the unemployment benefits will DO MORE to stimulate the economy than tax cuts for the rich. Why? Because poor people spend money on things they actually NEED, like food, clothing, shelter and gas for the car. Rich greedy people? They only invest and save cash. The dollar that gets a tax cut? It only generates around 1.03 in the economy. The dollar that goes to the unemployed? It generates around 1.67 in the economy. Simple math dude.

You think that denying healthcare to people who ARE FUCKING HEROES TO THIS COUNTRY! How easy do you think it is to clean up a big mess like that? Especially when some of the stuff that saw the light of day WAS NEVER supposed to. The resulting clean up has caused many of those 9/11 responders to end up with cancer as well as other things.

For the rest of you.........

Am I more dangerous than a terrorist? Yep. Been military trained, as well as grew up in the mountains of Montana hunting for food. Oh yeah.........I'm more dangerous than a terrorist because I don't adhere to one strict dogma. I'm open minded, which means that I can figure out a threat from someone easy. Besides, I'm also quite intelligent, because I don't listen to FAUX Nooze.

Who is responsible for this great chasm this country is currently experiencing? Simple......Cheney and Bush Jr. "If you're not with us, then you're with the terrorists". And, what's more, the rest of the GOP saw the power that they could wield if they scared enough people badly enough, and thus you have the divide.

Obama has been trying to bridge this gap, but unfortunately, the GOP won't let him, becaus they still like the politics of fear.

Wanna know how to get rid of fear? It's simple............what you understand the least, you are scared of the most. Pick out the things that are scaring you, examine WHY they're scaring you, as well as look for the solutions (i.e. knowledge about the subject) that will serve you the best.

After you come in contact with the thing that causes fear a couple of times, eventually you are no longer scared. Me? I'm not scared for much, because I've faced down fear a couple of times in my life. Once or twice, I damn near died. But, whenever I see something that is an old fear of mine, it doesn't even make me flinch.

But then again...........having a fucked up childhood like mine kinda makes you unafraid, as well as strong. How many 5-7 year olds do you know that have taken on 40 year old full grown men (my stepfather) and won on occasion?

And, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It also explains my dislike of authority. Why? Because almost every authority figure in my life (with the exception of my Grandparents) has proven themselves hypocrites and most of the time, their "knowledge" was exceedingly flawed.

Also explains why I left Christianity to study Tao and now Judaic theology. Most of the Christian preachers I knew were liars and hypocrites.

You are entitled to your pov, even if it sucks ass.

I stated my case, if you can't understand or don't agree with what I said, fine. And "unimportant" was used in a relative sense, as in "not nearly as important as the BIG issues". The real issues, not the distraction issues that the parties try to hook us with to keep us looking the wrong way.

Distraction issues? Like the GOP does every election to turn out the vote by putting something about abortion or gay marriage?

Face it Stool Cannon, your wording, as well as your thoughts, are pure and utter shit.

That's why I call you Stool Cannon you shit spraying cock monkey.

So are we just supposed to put up with the leftwing loonies who are trying to destroy this nation and fundementally change it from the way it has been known for over 230 years?

No way man.... I plan on fighting the leftwing till the day I die.

As far as I am concerned, we are being ran by a soft tyranny and I dont plan on going into the darkness quietly.

I think it's GREAT that you are planning to fight the left wing!

since there are so MANY conservatives fighting the left wing today it's a really good thing that there are those among us still fighting the RIGHT wing

now BOTH sides are being covered

you don't have a problem with me fighting the right while you keep your eyes on the left...right?

Whatever man.... whatever
You're not an American if you don't believe in the primacy of the Constitution, which limits government.

You're the cancer.

I believe in the legal primacy of the constitution, half ape/half ape. I just don't believe that the document itself is nearly as significant as you would love to pretend. Of course you are a bible thumping idiot. Books that you serially misinterpret are the basis of your ideology.

BTW the USSC is constitutionally challenged. Maybe you should make like the ACLU and begin advocating for a strict constitutionalist defense even when it violates your ideological agenda.

You should study some political science. The only way a group of people can come together as a nation is if they have something to look toward as symbolic of their common purpose. There are two things that can accomplish this purpose, a monarchy, which is the most enduring of the two, and a constitution. I think that makes the Constitution is a lot more significant than you seem to think.

such an empty post. My condolences
One, you have no right to scream and yell in order to disrupt a political meeting: that is a public disturbance, a misdemeanor punished by jail time and or a fine.

Two, moderate Republicans are not into violence or the threat of violence.

Three, you confuse yourself with Jesus? Then be willing to accept quietly the punishment that comes with your action as did Jesus.

My advice to you is to not post again on this subject until you ponder and pray about it since it is clear you do not understand the basic tenets of Christianity.

One, I have every right to scram and yell. Believe it or not, that is part of free speech.

Two, you are not a moderate Republican, you are a reactionary progressive.

Three, I never said I was Jesus, I just pointed u=out how ignorant you are about Christians. What punishment did Jesus get for driving the money changers out of the Temple? For calling the scribes and the Pharisees hypocrites? For refusing to obey laws that were wrong?

I don't have to ponder and pray about anything. You are the one who is confused, and attempting to tell me what it is I believe. That type of behavior always amazes me, especially when atheists engage in it.
One, you do not have a right to create a public disturbance: that is a misdemeanour, not free speech.

Two, 'a reactionary progressive' :lol: Look the term up: you are illiterate.

Three, Jesus was turned by the Sanhedrin over to the Romans for punishment because of his actions. You are not Jesus, but if you are going to cite Him as an example, know what you are talking about. You clearly don't a clue.

Your behavior was to tell me erroneously what you thought you were doing and what it meant. You clearly have no idea what Christian nonviolent dissent means.

I will always correct your ignorance, QWB.
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One, you do not have a right to create a public disturbance: that is a misdemeanour, not free speech.

Two, 'a reactionary progressive' :lol: Look the term up: your are illiterate.

Three, Jesus was turned by the Sanhedrin over to the Romans for punishment because of his actions. You are not Jesus, but if you are going to cite Him as an example, know what you are talking about. You clearly don't a clue.

Your behavior was to tell me erroneously what you thought you were doing and what it meant. You clearly have no idea what Christian nonviolent dissent means.

I will always correct your ignorance, QWB.

One, want to bet?

Two, I can't help it if you are weird. If it makes you feel any better, you have a lot of company.

Three, he was not punished for what he did, or said, he was punished because God required it. That is why he was able to walk through the crowds and escape punishment before the time was right.

You are completely incapable of understanding anything. I never said I did anything, or what it meant, I have only pointed out that you are completly ignorant about anything you claim to have knowledge of.

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