Wow US Women's Soccer team sucks.

That missed penalty kick was apparently the last shot of her career, too.
Those shootouts are fun, though. We had one in High School in the state tournament under the lights.
Karma's a bitch, ain't she Rappahoe? BAHAHAHAHA. She seals the US team's fate by whiffing on the final penalty kick. It was so bad, the goalie didn't even have to move. :auiqs.jpg:

You might want to curb your antiAmerican rejoicing with some facts. She didn’t seal their fate and it wasn’t the last PK. Two others missed after her, along with a Swede
I can understand the new players being upset about the loss...but not the older ones.

Cheer up babes. You can't win every single time.

Soccer as it is called in our nation is the globalists world sport. The United States will at some point admit and submit to that. We are watching women play that sport that is not more entertaining than men playing in competitive softball leagues in local neighborhoods. Professional Womens soccer is slow mo compared to Professional men's soccer. Messi is scoring goals easily in the American soccer league he signed on to make a few trillion dollars. That is because the men's American professional soccer league is minor league to the world men's professional soccer leagues. And the world's professional women's soccer league is junior high school soccer competition to the Americans professional soccer leagues.
Soccer as it is called in our nation is the globalists world sport. The United States will at some point admit and submit to that. We are watching women play that sport that is not more entertaining than men playing in competitive softball leagues in local neighborhoods. Professional Womens soccer is slow mo compared to Professional men's soccer. Messi is scoring goals easily in the American soccer league he signed on to make a few trillion dollars. That is because the men's American professional soccer league is minor league to the world men's professional soccer leagues. And the world's professional women's soccer league is junior high school soccer competition to the Americans professional soccer leagues.
It will take you a generation or two to meld in with the rest of the world . As long as you continue to play soppy sports like Rounders( renamed baseball) and your comical football/rugby game where you all appear in fancy dress to avoid getting hurt, you will continue to be part sporting outcasts as a nation . And because the average US brain is so lacking, you will need much help before the complexities and depth of World Sports can be handled by your fellow tribesmen .But good luck . Keep watching and keep learning
It will take you a generation or two to meld in with the rest of the world . As long as you continue to play soppy sports like Rounders( renamed baseball) and your comical football/rugby game where you all appear in fancy dress to avoid getting hurt, you will continue to be part sporting outcasts as a nation . And because the average US brain is so lacking, you will need much help before the complexities and depth of World Sports can be handled by your fellow tribesmen .But good luck . Keep watching and keep learning
Softball was actually created for women. Many guys who played baseball after high school or college went into neighborhood softball leagues and many are competitive. There are many leagues with different rules and players on the field with even bunting. The truth is in Football, there are people on the Progressive side that want to outlaw it. Due to women not being able to play it. You can criticize it however there is a reason they have taken a lot of hitting out of the game and even changed kickoffs. Many injuries. Concussions and more. There are players who retire and say they are clean. Which means they live normally after playing the sport.

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