Wow, Benny Netanyahu puts it to Barry

In a stunning straightforward speech Netanyahu laid it on the line to B. Hussein. "It ain't gonna happen Mr. President, we cannot go back to the 1967 boundries". "Hamas must recognize Israel's right to exist". I wonder if Benny Netanyahu was born in the USA or maybe it doesn't matter anymore. It would be refreshing to listen to a straight speaking politician for a change.

Netanyahu was the only grown-up ( read adult ) in the room... :eusa_whistle:
It's embarrassing how our President tries to project himself as some great world leader with some grand vision of a peaceful world, but all he does it manage to demonstrate what a man-child he is when it comes to foreign policy.

Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:
Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:

So all his other miscues should be excused cuz he got Bin Laden? Good thing he got that smelly brown guy then huh?

Oh , how liberal of you to make fun of someone's weight to.
It's what happens when you put a real statesman up against a community organizer. It's so uneven it should be against the law!!:clap2:
GOD! That was beautiful!
Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:

Granted he got Bin Laudin, but he stood on GW's shoulders to do it.
Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:
Who's pissed off about it?....Better put up links, or you are just lying yet again....I'm getting tired of you liberals lying your asses off up here.

Face it, Obama made himself look like a complete amateur. He made his administration look like complete amateurs........Netanyahu schooled him. Presented himself as the leader Obama will never be.......And it's quite interesting to now know that Netanyahu tore Hillary a new asshole on the phone last night after Obama's ignorant display of pure hogwash.

Left wingers in both the House and Senate are calling him out......This was a major blunder on Obama's part. And you Obama bootlickers can cackle until the cows come home to try and explain it away.....There is no explaining it away.....Obama was abjectly schooled up there today. Was abjectly told it ain't happening.......And those images of Netanyahu showing who the true leader in the room was, are not going away. They should be in every GOP campaign ad from now until election......Just to say, "Look, this is OUR so-called leader being made mince meat of by a TRUE leader.....This is our leader, in just one more example of making a mockery of our great country."
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Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:

No here's what you're going to do Rinata, when you go back to Obamush next week for more talking point replies, you are going to tell him that he does not speak for the American people. He no longer represents America. Tell him to take a few notes from what happen to Saddam.
Don't be ridiculous. Of course there are responsibilities on both sides. Peace is necessary for both Palestinians and Israelis alike but so far it’s only been the Palestinians who have been told how to act, had their orchards demolished, water stolen, told where and when they can work, where they can drive, what time to be home and have been kicked out of their homes to make way for Israeli colonialism.

Now when someone speaks up against the oppression inherent in the current arrangement, you call THEM hypocrates.

Biden's view is one held by the international majority.

Why is peace "necessary for both" sides?

How can you sit there and say that its only been the Palestinians who have been told how to act, when you freely admit most of the international majority has been telling Israel how to act within its own borders?

Now who is the hypocrit?

Israel acts unilaterally and does what they want, that's the reality and you're the hypocrite.

Why shouldn't Israel be able to act "unilaterally" within their own borders?

If Palestinians don't like how they are being treated within the lands of Israel, perhaps they should leave.
Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:
Who's pissed off about it?....Better put up links, or you are just lying yet again....I'm getting tired of you liberals lying your asses off up here.

Face it, Obama made himself look like a complete amateur. He made his administration look like complete amateurs........Netanyahu schooled him. Presented himself as the leader Obama will never be.......And it's quite interesting to now know that Netanyahu tore Hillary a new asshole on the phone last night after Obama's ignorant display of pure hogwash.

Left wingers in both the House and Senate are calling him out......This was a major blunder on Obama's part. And you Obama bootlickers can cackle until the cows come home to try and explain it away.....There is no explaining it away.....Obama was abjectly schooled up there today. Was abjectly told it ain't happening.......And those images of Netanyahu showing who the true leader in the room was, are not going away. They should be in every GOP campaign ad from now until election......Just to say, "Look, this is OUR so-called leader being made mince meat of by a TRUE leader.....This is our leader, in just one more example of making a mockery of our great country."

It's like he was caught smoking weed on active duty, huh?
Oh, really??? He is the one that got OBL. I knew this was coming. You people are so jealous!! :lol:

Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:

Thanks for proving my point. So because the US military killed Osama, that means Obama can do whatever he wants without any consequences. Subvert the US Constitution, completely reverse US policy when it comes to Israel....and none of it should matter because "he killed Osama".

Also, I don't see how Obama made Bush "look like a chump". Bush caught Saddam Hussein, as well as KSM. Didn't see you libs trumpeting that all of Bush's policies were A-OK because of those two catches.
No, Hawk, that's not what I'm saying. Military might has defined borders throughout human history. But then something happened... Something crazy happened. This one crazy ass motherfucker in Germany wanted to take over Europe, he unleashed a massive wave of death and destruction over the entire world until he was finally stopped in 1945. Then, most independent states and nations came together to draft a few documents so that it wouldn't happen again, and they called this the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They did this so that a framework would be in place so that what no other country could legally behave the way Nazi Germany did (defeating weaker powers and annexing their territory). They had tribunals where they tried these really bad people. They wanted countries to know that there would be consequences if they engaged in geographic revisionism.
Case in point, Hitler and Nazi Germany were defeated by force, not UN mandates.
UN mandates, Geneva Conventions are all fine and dandy, but unless they are going to be backed up with force, they have no teeth.
Its not much different than the laws within any society, laws wouldnt mean shit without police with billy clubs and handcuffs and prisons.

But of course all of this is total bullshit to you. Might makes Right. If Hitler could have conquered all of Europe, more power to him. France and the UK were silly to declare war based on Poland. The Soviet Union was justified in virtually annexing all of Eastern Europe too, because Might makes Right. Saddam should have been allowed to conquer and annex Kuwait, because Might makes Right. If Japan can conquer and annex China and Southeast Asia, it is good, because Might makes Right. And most important of all, American can do whatever it pleases, because Might makes Right.

And Hawk, I'm sure there is absolutely no reason why you would believe it should be any different domestically, no? I mean, if powerful countries can do what they like to weaker ones, why shouldn't powerful groups of people within countries do what they like to weaker ones? Hitler could murder all the Jews in Germany, because there were more Germans and they were more powerful: Might makes Right. Hutus were more numerous and more powerful in Rwanda than Tutsis, they were right in destroying them: Might makes Right. China is more powerful than Tibet: Might makes Right. Turkey was more powerful than Armenia, it had a right to destroy Armenians because: Might makes Right. Totalitarian states had the right to do what they wanted to their populations, because Might makes Right.

This is the basic premise behind those that support Israel's "rights" in the West Bank and Gaza, and I at least appreciate that the Hawk is honest and consistent in his view: Might makes Right.

I never said might makes it right. I'm simply stating thats the reality of the world. When dictators and such use their might to conquer, its usually because no one will stop them.
But hey, keep it up you make good strawmen.
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Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of looking like a fucking fool in front of the entire world?

Its amazing, just when Obama had a great political victory in killing OBL, he goes and pulls this shit. I hope thats his defense of his foreign policy missteps during the campaign,"Uhh...uhh....I killed Osama! Uhhh.....ya!!"

Good luck with that :eusa_pray:

That's just the point!!! He doesn't look like a fool in front of the entire world. You're nuts!!! And all the other things you right wing nuts are posting today is just crap!! About foreign policy and BN putting him in his place. It's pathetic!!

Killing OBL has forever killed the talk that he has no foreign policy chops. You people are so pissed off about it that you can't even see straight. Obama has made GWB look like the chump that we always knew he was. On top of it, you cannot even come up with a candidate that has a chance of beating Obama. Haley Barbour backed out, and after losing all of that weight, too!! :lol:

Thanks for proving my point. So because the US military killed Osama, that means Obama can do whatever he wants without any consequences. Subvert the US Constitution, completely reverse US policy when it comes to Israel....and none of it should matter because "he killed Osama".

Also, I don't see how Obama made Bush "look like a chump". Bush caught Saddam Hussein, as well as KSM. Didn't see you libs trumpeting that all of Bush's policies were A-OK because of those two catches.

What US policy towards Israel did President Obama "completely reverse"? P.S. By your logic Bush didn't catch anyone, the US military did. Right?
"President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus. He has disrespected Israel and undermined its ability to negotiate peace.


Obama Approves $30 Billion in Military Aid to Israel Over Next Decade


Your sig link is an excuse to justify terrorism, are you proud of your position?

Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."


Obama Approves $30 Billion in Military Aid to Israel Over Next Decade


Your sig link is an excuse to justify terrorism, are you proud of your position?

Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."


Oh you are....

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