Wow, Benny Netanyahu puts it to Barry

Wow! what a difference.. A real leader schooling a scripted demagogue. That was a great day for me, Obama looked like the small man that he is.:cool:

All we have to do is cut the cord on Israel and we'll really see who is truly small. Jackass. Zionists are hardcore rightwingers, why Obama pledged 30 billion in aid is beyond the thinking of a rational person. We have no ob ligation to support Zionists and Zionism.

Hey genius, that $30B is spread out over a decade and was pledged in 2007, meaning Obama didn't pledge shit.

U.S. official: Obama won't cut military aid to Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Shut your face imbecile, its about time our country stopped bowing down to the influence of AIPAC and Israel, we should serve no master but God. Remove your nose from the rectum of the Zionists.

I agree with the bolded, but because he is putting Party and personal hatred for the President over his country.

No different than an extreme Lefty rooting for Kim Il Jung while he tries to embarrass Bush.

When the foreign leader of a minor country tries to publicly make any POTUS look bad, then ALL Americans should be pissed.
A) Who does he think he is telling Israel how they should handle their security?
B) He damn well SHOULD know that the Palestinians will NEVER reject Haamas

I could see him having a private conversation with Israeli leaders and trying to push this plan, but to announce to the world that the official US policy is that Israel should give back land is preposterous.

They sure do take our billions every year. Are you under the impression that that's a gift from the American people, with no conditions or strings attached?

The naivety of the fringe Right is at once comical and astonishing.

A) Do you realize how many countries we give aid to every year? I don't see us telling them how to provide for their security

We have conditions for every country we give money to.

B) I would absolutely be fine with cutting ALL foreign aid, including to Israel.

Sure. Until he actually suggests it. Then you'll be right there to call him an anti-Semite, irrelevantly dragging religion into a political question.
They sure do take our billions every year. Are you under the impression that that's a gift from the American people, with no conditions or strings attached?

The naivety of the fringe Right is at once comical and astonishing.

A) Do you realize how many countries we give aid to every year? I don't see us telling them how to provide for their security

We have conditions for every country we give money to.

B) I would absolutely be fine with cutting ALL foreign aid, including to Israel.

Sure. Until he actually suggests it. Then you'll be right there to call him an anti-Semite, irrelevantly dragging religion into a political question.

A) Not conditions which threaten their national security
B) You're completely wrong there bub, I am PRO the US taking care of the US and letting the rest of the world take care of itself. Israel being no exception.
Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.
Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.

You're an embarrassment to this country with your Zionist worship, to not bow down to AIPAC and Zionists makes one less than a man? What a retard you are.
Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.

you're missing the point dude. The average American is an idiot and they in fact want to be represented by this idiot.
Wow! what a difference.. A real leader schooling a scripted demagogue. That was a great day for me, Obama looked like the small man that he is.:cool:

All we have to do is cut the cord on Israel and we'll really see who is truly small. Jackass. Zionists are hardcore rightwingers, why Obama pledged 30 billion in aid is beyond the thinking of a rational person. We have no ob ligation to support Zionists and Zionism.

Nevertheless, Your hero Obama is another internationalist puppet. It doesn't matter if it's Israel, or bailing out the international bankers (who are in almost every nation). So quit pretending that he's not another useful tool who has been raised and groomed to do their dirty work.

That's what makes me laugh at you fuckos who thought Obama was gonna bring real change to an already fucked up America and World. Just like NYcARB, You stupid dumbshits, How hard is it to look into his former Chief of staff's background in Rahm Emanuel? He's an Israeli! His father fought for the Irgun, which was an Israeli revolutionary political organization that helped form the state of Israel.

All of you idiots on both sides are so easily fooled and divided. So don't pretend that because Obama is black, that you didn't give him a pass. Try studying the lunatic that you defend instead of jumping behind him because of the color of his skin. You're a robot, and you're a perfect example of how easy it is for them to do their work well. :cool: ~BH
Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.

you're missing the point dude. The average American is an idiot and they in fact want to be represented by this idiot.
Yep........But I believe the left wing Jews in this country are beginning to wake up to what Obama is all about.......Here in the L.A. area, many Jewish leaders are hammering him. And it's not just about the past two days. It's been about many other backhanded slaps he's taken towards them since he took office.

And of course, the independents are not going to look fondly on todays charade, on top of many other charades.

And, there's not even a need to really mention it but, there's his complete bungling of the economy.

He's got problems....These people who think Bin Laden is all he needs, are seriously delusional.
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Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.

You're an embarrassment to this country with your Zionist worship, to not bow down to AIPAC and Zionists makes one less than a man? What a retard you are.
Ooooooooooh, Zionist this, Zionist that.........Those are big words for a black racist, government janitor.

You're an embarrassment to this great country, and your race, PUNK!
Obama just needs to go.

Todays spectacle was a complete embarrassment.......He is nothing but an embarrassment to this great country...From the Beer summit after he abjectly stepped on his dick. To Clinton having to take the podium to speak for him. To this display of a TRUE leader smacking him down and educating him, he has to go.........The man is not a leader........He's been nothing but a steady stream of embarrassing.

You're an embarrassment to this country with your Zionist worship, to not bow down to AIPAC and Zionists makes one less than a man? What a retard you are.
Ooooooooooh, Zionist this, Zionist that.........Those are big words for a black racist, government janitor.

You're an embarrassment to this great country, and your race, PUNK!

Janitor in your dreams monkey, don't let your job envy fry your brain, I will never bow down to Zionists and their AIPAC lobbyists.
You're an embarrassment to this country with your Zionist worship, to not bow down to AIPAC and Zionists makes one less than a man? What a retard you are.
Ooooooooooh, Zionist this, Zionist that.........Those are big words for a black racist, government janitor.

You're an embarrassment to this great country, and your race, PUNK!

Janitor in your dreams monkey, don't let your job envy fry your brain, I will never bow down to Zionists and their AIPAC lobbyists.
Job envy?.....Dude I can buy and sell you like a Plantation owner would:cool:

And, I fully get your hatred of Jews.......Many blacks are generally racist towards Jews so, nothing to see here.:eusa_whistle:
Ooooooooooh, Zionist this, Zionist that.........Those are big words for a black racist, government janitor.

You're an embarrassment to this great country, and your race, PUNK!

Janitor in your dreams monkey, don't let your job envy fry your brain, I will never bow down to Zionists and their AIPAC lobbyists.
Job envy?.....Dude I can buy and sell you like a Plantation owner would:cool:

And, I fully get your hatred of Jews.......Many blacks are generally racist towards Jews so, nothing to see here.:eusa_whistle:

Not supporting Zionists=hating Jews? Jew doesn't equal being a Zionist, I have said nothing anti-Semitic or against Jews, AIPAC has really worked over that simian brain of yours in accordance with their vision. Those monkeys even spied on us and we still give them aid? LOL:

But by far the most egregious damage done by Pollard was to steal classified documents relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to the USSR and send them to Israel. According to sources in the US State Department, Israel then turned around and traded those stolen nuclear secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other information that found its way from the US to Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of American agents operating inside the USSR. Casper Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced sentence for Pollard, described the damage done to the United States thus, "[It is] difficult to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by... Pollard's treasonous behavior."

This should end the suggestion that Israel’s spies are harmless. They are not. The United States’ nuclear deterrent cost an estimated five trillion taxpayer dollars during the 50s and 60s to build and maintain, and less than $100,000 for Pollard to undermine. Israel waited 13 years to admit Pollard had been spying for them, and now lobbies for his release, having granted him Israeli citizenship.

The Zionists are in no damn position to talk about betrayal or getting thrown under a bus. Pointing these facts out alone would get me called an anti-Semite thats why I laugh at idiots who call any criticism of Zionist Israel anti-Semitic.
amazing to me that all the sudden anyone who says that Israel should tell us to fuck off for telling them how to run their national security is a zionist lol. I couldn't care less about the Jews. I actually know very few , and some of them are good people, some not so good. Has NO bearing on the fact that Obama is trying to nation build.
meanwhile, from an old perspective>
There's no way in hell that Isreal is going to willingly go back to the '67 borders.

There's too much bad blood out there for them to risk such a policy.

It was, I think, somewhat silly for O to suggest that they ought to,

Perhaps he was signalling something to the Israel PEOPLE (not its government, the people) about an inevitable change in US policy.

I don't know how much longer the USA is going to be able to borrow money to send to other nations, but the moment our credit worthiness is shot, our FOREIGN policies are going to have to change, too.

I think if Israel is going to continue to need foreign capital to keep itself and its paid for allies afloat, it's going to have to start borrowing the money directly from China.
There's no way in hell that Isreal is going to willingly go back to the '67 borders.

There's too much bad blood out there for them to risk such a policy.

It was, I think, somewhat silly for O to suggest that they ought to,

Perhaps he was signalling something to the Israel PEOPLE (not its government, the people) about an inevitable change in US policy.

I don't know how much longer the USA is going to be able to borrow money to send to other nations, but the moment our credit worthiness is shot, our FOREIGN policies are going to have to change, too.

I think if Israel is going to continue to need foreign capital to keep itself and its paid for allies afloat, it's going to have to start borrowing the money directly from China.

Seems the message to Israel is, "Better act while you can or you may not be able to." No question, what happened the other day will destabilize further the ME. Hard to believe that was even possible.
They sure do take our billions every year. Are you under the impression that that's a gift from the American people, with no conditions or strings attached?

The naivety of the fringe Right is at once comical and astonishing.

A) Do you realize how many countries we give aid to every year? I don't see us telling them how to provide for their security

We have conditions for every country we give money to.

B) I would absolutely be fine with cutting ALL foreign aid, including to Israel.
Sure. Until he actually suggests it. Then you'll be right there to call him an anti-Semite, irrelevantly dragging religion into a political question.
I believe you are correct. Just as now the meme seems to be: how dare Obama instruct Israel on her borders!!!

No one ever criticized any other American president for doing the same. And the last two had basically the same ideas on borders.

It makes you wonder.
Janitor in your dreams monkey, don't let your job envy fry your brain, I will never bow down to Zionists and their AIPAC lobbyists.
Job envy?.....Dude I can buy and sell you like a Plantation owner would:cool:

And, I fully get your hatred of Jews.......Many blacks are generally racist towards Jews so, nothing to see here.:eusa_whistle:

Not supporting Zionists=hating Jews? Jew doesn't equal being a Zionist, I have said nothing anti-Semitic or against Jews, AIPAC has really worked over that simian brain of yours in accordance with their vision. Those monkeys even spied on us and we still give them aid? LOL:

But by far the most egregious damage done by Pollard was to steal classified documents relating to the US Nuclear Deterrent relative to the USSR and send them to Israel. According to sources in the US State Department, Israel then turned around and traded those stolen nuclear secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas from the USSR to Israel. Other information that found its way from the US to Israel to the USSR resulted in the loss of American agents operating inside the USSR. Casper Weinberger, in his affidavit opposing a reduced sentence for Pollard, described the damage done to the United States thus, "[It is] difficult to conceive of a greater harm to national security than that caused by... Pollard's treasonous behavior."

This should end the suggestion that Israel’s spies are harmless. They are not. The United States’ nuclear deterrent cost an estimated five trillion taxpayer dollars during the 50s and 60s to build and maintain, and less than $100,000 for Pollard to undermine. Israel waited 13 years to admit Pollard had been spying for them, and now lobbies for his release, having granted him Israeli citizenship.

The Zionists are in no damn position to talk about betrayal or getting thrown under a bus. Pointing these facts out alone would get me called an anti-Semite thats why I laugh at idiots who call any criticism of Zionist Israel anti-Semitic.

Fuckwit Arabs don't care who's a Zionist and who's an Israeli, they want both dead.

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