Would You Favor Majority Vote?

Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.

Not really, for the following reason.

if we had a popular vote on issues, we'd have probably voted to Nuke Iran in 1979 or nuke Afghanistan in 2001.

I wouldn't have a problem with national referendums as guiding points for legislation- The majority votes for single payer health care, and Congress has to find a way to make it work.

But California is a great example of democracy gone too far. They've voted themselves all these goodies and then voted to not pay for any of it.
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Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.

Nope. If we had that we'd probably still have slavery.
Years ago, California realized that the legislature was so interested in its own preservation that an initiative process was implemented to put important issues up for a direct vote. It works even worse than having the legislature make law.

To have the whole nation run like California would be a disaster. If you don't like the federal laws passed, vote the bums out.
I have no idea. But, different kinds of learning occur at the end of a gun barrel so what is your point? Everybody isn't the same. The idea that everyone should go to college and all learn the same way is BS.
It sounded like the voice of Obama, the droning Whiner Drone in Chief.
Not unlike the general elections, would you be in favor of national votes on issues that are of major concern such as taxes, medicare and other entitlements, job programs, education etc.? A straight up or down vote that can be scheduled as we can deem appropriate. Yearly every six months what ever. It seems as though little is getting done and the outside interests are taking control. The supreme court is a joke. They are appointed therefore are bias from the beginning of their appointment. A national vote would better reflect the nations desire to move in a specific direction on a number of issues. It will be paramount that several free channels be set up with the issues described without commentary. The Oil Sands is a hot topic today. I chose to get the information straight from Canadian resources. The professional Chemists, Geologists etc. How many jobs would be created which both sides lied about but are now walking back. I base my opinions on those facts not those of oil interests and political posturing. This is useful to me not MSNBC or FOX. If we can present the concrete facts then the people can make an informed decision. Well what do you think? Costs can be absorbed by cutting politicians pay and benefits as they are all for sacrifices by all of us.

Nope. If we had that we'd probably still have slavery.

But it would solve the unemployment problem...
No. We have a Federal Republic. Otherwise big cities get to decide everyone else's way of life. No thanks.

so you think your vote should be worth more than the vote of someone in a city?

I'll use an example I read about from the Seattle region.

the people of Seattle out voted the country side on what a property owner can do on thier property.

what right does a person, with no property, have to tell a person who bought and pays taxes for property, what they can and can't do with it?

sorry if that's confusing, I've been up to long.
It used to be that only property owners could vote. But, like Ben Franklin said , once the people learn that they can vote themselves other peoples' money, it's all over.
What do you want me to learn? To parrot your opinions or what?

Another little birdie land on your shoulder with that one? I don't even expect that my own kids parrot my opinions.

When exactly do all of the children who are unwilling to learn make that decision? I assume that it is after they have learned to walk and avoid eating paint chips.

Do we find more or fewer of these learning-averse kids in homes with highly educated parents?
No. We have a Federal Republic. Otherwise big cities get to decide everyone else's way of life. No thanks.

so you think your vote should be worth more than the vote of someone in a city?

That isnt what she said, and since we know you understand a little of history you are just trying to be a bitch. :eek:

i know exactly what she's saying. she's saying that someone in utah's vote should have more weight than mine because i live in a city.

i'm not quite sure how that's bitchy. it's an accurate reflection of what is being said... just like people who love the electoral college because they get to vote land instead of people.

i know there was a utility to that when we were an agrarian society. but we aren't an agrarian society any longer. given that red states pull more money out of the federal system than they pay, and my blue state with it's nice big cities, pays more taxes to the feds than we use, i'd say that my vote should have equal weight.
so you think your vote should be worth more than the vote of someone in a city?

That isnt what she said, and since we know you understand a little of history you are just trying to be a bitch. :eek:

i know exactly what she's saying. she's saying that someone in utah's vote should have more weight than mine because i live in a city.

i'm not quite sure how that's bitchy. it's an accurate reflection of what is being said... just like people who love the electoral college because they get to vote land instead of people.

i know there was a utility to that when we were an agrarian society. but we aren't an agrarian society any longer. given that red states pull more money out of the federal system than they pay, and my blue state with it's nice big cities, pays more taxes to the feds than we use, i'd say that my vote should have equal weight.

You can lie about it if you wish.

you have that tendency.

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