Would there have been the Newtown killings if...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
the shooter had been taught, believed and lived the "Golden Rule", i.e. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"!
Now before you idiots cynically respond.."HE DID"... reflect on what you are stupidly saying!
If you believe that then ALL of us are like the shooter... AND I for one don't believe the vast, large majority of people are like the shooter!

So if the shooter had been raised with the practical, DAILY.. examples taught in school at home, on video games!!! The value of abiding by the Golden Rule.. do you really think the shooter would have gone on the killing spree?

Of course ALL of us are bombarded DAILY by advertisers emphasis on "greening" , "ecological responsibility", "global warming" BUT is there an equal if not GREATER bombardment as to the "Golden Rule"?

If our schools and parents bombarded DAILY with the virtues of the "Golden Rule" how much better would the world be?

Of course there will always be evil people... BUT there would be less of them if:
1) Society glorified the "Golden Rule" rather then violence, killings, destruction like we see in TV,video games and on the Internet!
Glorification like these titles I just found on the internet of Video games available to shooters!
10 Most Violent Video Games

1. Manhunt Players advance by stalking and killing victims, all for the delight of a "director" who urges you to make the killings bloodier, more cunning, and ever more horrific. Manhunt 2 is more of the same, but now you've been injected with a drug to bring out your "homicidal tendencies."
2. Resident Evil 5 Using guns, swords, or a chainsaw, you shoot, hack, and slash oncoming enemies, producing copious amounts of blood. And the game's racial undertones are hard to ignore, as the white hero (accompanied by a light-skinned African American) has to kill mostly black victims infected by the zombie-causing virus.
3. Dead Rising Based on the 1978 Dawn of the Dead zombie splatter flick, this game combines gory imagery -- like shotgun blasts, chainsaw dismemberment, and hand-to-hand combat -- with images of nude women on various objects.
4. Resident Evil 4 Players must stab, shoot, and bomb their way through hundreds of realistic-looking humans and monsters. Cursing and sexual dialogue round out the mix.
5. Grand Theft Auto (specifically Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) Players can kill other humans, including police officers, or drive into pedestrians on sidewalks and in parks. Gang warfare, beatings, drive-by shootings, and bloody deaths are all shown in gory detail.
6. God of War II Players can do everything from ripping the eye out of a Cyclops to twisting the head off of Medusa to slicing off enemies' arms with chains strapped to their wrists. There's also a sex mini-game.
7. Mortal Kombat: Deception The goal of this game is the same as other Mortal Kombats: Kill or be killed, and make it as horrific as you can.
8. MadWorld With the Wii remote and Nunchuk in your hands, you simulate the motions used to split someone open with a chainsaw, punch opponents with your fists, or pick up and use assorted objects scattered throughout the levels to dismember, bludgeon, and impale your foes.
9. Gears of War You can use a chainsaw to rip apart enemies or machine guns to spray them down. Characters and world are photorealistic, making bloody battles seem even gorier.
10. Saints Row 2 The protagonist never shows hesitation or remorse, often deliberately choosing the most violent means possible of carrying out missions -- declaring such methods "more fun" at least once -- and taking pleasure in homicide.

The Effects of Violent Video Games on Behavior

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From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.
This is just bullshit from stupid fucking people who are looking to blame things they already didn't like on a disturbed person who would've done this regardless. The OP really needs to just shut the fuck up and get a life.
From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.

"hearing"???? GEEZ I'm not talking about "hearing"!!
IMMERSION! Bombardment! AS frequently and intense as we get from the "global warming" evangelists!
As intense and frequent as "gay marriage"!

Advertisers... Public Service Announcements!
All of the efforts that we see, hear and experience on a similar level regarding Global warming, etc. should be done regarding the "Golden Rule"!

WHY is it so difficult for people to understand that IF the same trillions of dollars spent by the government, advertisers companies on Global warming message was spent on
promoting, pounding, evangelizing the "Golden Rule" the trillions spent on Global warming wouldn't be necessary!
The Trillions wasted in rules and regulations would not be necessary because why would you do unto others what you want others to do unto you!

Do you understand? Here is a practical example!
Why would you drive 40 mph in a school zone if YOUR kid darted out behind and your kid was killed?
Do you understand the principle is we promote VIOLENCE but NOT GOOD!!!
We glorify violent video games ALL the while realizing aDVERTISING sells so we are ADVERTISING VIOLENCE!!

So why not video games about the Golden Rule???

AFTER ALL the Golden RULE is the epitome of selfishness!
WHY would should YOU do unto others as YOU want others to do unto you?
Do you understand??? IT is selfish to follow the Golden RULE because if for example YOU open the door, or let a car jump in front of you... GUESS WHAT ..
if others do that to YOU... YOU are selfishly doing what you want others to do!
Violent video games have been around for a loo00ng long time now, movies too.

Not seeing the big influx of psycho killers that would have lead the brain to think that they have much to do with it. No, millions and millions of people play these games and watch these movies .....yet...no millions and millions of new killers influenced by said things.

Use common fucking sense.
From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.

"hearing"???? GEEZ I'm not talking about "hearing"!!
IMMERSION! Bombardment! AS frequently and intense as we get from the "global warming" evangelists!
As intense and frequent as "gay marriage"!

Advertisers... Public Service Announcements!
All of the efforts that we see, hear and experience on a similar level regarding Global warming, etc. should be done regarding the "Golden Rule"!

WHY is it so difficult for people to understand that IF the same trillions of dollars spent by the government, advertisers companies on Global warming message was spent on
promoting, pounding, evangelizing the "Golden Rule" the trillions spent on Global warming wouldn't be necessary!
The Trillions wasted in rules and regulations would not be necessary because why would you do unto others what you want others to do unto you!

Do you understand? Here is a practical example!
Why would you drive 40 mph in a school zone if YOUR kid darted out behind and your kid was killed?
Do you understand the principle is we promote VIOLENCE but NOT GOOD!!!
We glorify violent video games ALL the while realizing aDVERTISING sells so we are ADVERTISING VIOLENCE!!

So why not video games about the Golden Rule???

AFTER ALL the Golden RULE is the epitome of selfishness!
WHY would should YOU do unto others as YOU want others to do unto you?
Do you understand??? IT is selfish to follow the Golden RULE because if for example YOU open the door, or let a car jump in front of you... GUESS WHAT ..
if others do that to YOU... YOU are selfishly doing what you want others to do!

These tactics don't work on the insane. When you tell someone do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, what they hear is that someone is out to kill them.
And YES it is entirely possible there are EVIL people that would continue...BUT NOT AS MANY!!!
If 7/24 as much as we hear/read/see about "global warming" by advertisers,companies, governments the message of the "Golden Rule " was pounded into our kids heads from pre-school on...
The "Golden Rule" is practical! It is selfish!
From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.

"hearing"???? GEEZ I'm not talking about "hearing"!!
IMMERSION! Bombardment! AS frequently and intense as we get from the "global warming" evangelists!
As intense and frequent as "gay marriage"!

Advertisers... Public Service Announcements!
All of the efforts that we see, hear and experience on a similar level regarding Global warming, etc. should be done regarding the "Golden Rule"!

WHY is it so difficult for people to understand that IF the same trillions of dollars spent by the government, advertisers companies on Global warming message was spent on
promoting, pounding, evangelizing the "Golden Rule" the trillions spent on Global warming wouldn't be necessary!
The Trillions wasted in rules and regulations would not be necessary because why would you do unto others what you want others to do unto you!

Do you understand? Here is a practical example!
Why would you drive 40 mph in a school zone if YOUR kid darted out behind and your kid was killed?
Do you understand the principle is we promote VIOLENCE but NOT GOOD!!!
We glorify violent video games ALL the while realizing aDVERTISING sells so we are ADVERTISING VIOLENCE!!

So why not video games about the Golden Rule???

AFTER ALL the Golden RULE is the epitome of selfishness!
WHY would should YOU do unto others as YOU want others to do unto you?
Do you understand??? IT is selfish to follow the Golden RULE because if for example YOU open the door, or let a car jump in front of you... GUESS WHAT ..
if others do that to YOU... YOU are selfishly doing what you want others to do!

Violent video games have been around for a loo00ng long time now, movies too.

Not seeing the big influx of psycho killers that would have lead the brain to think that they have much to do with it. No, millions and millions of people play these games and watch these movies .....yet...no millions and millions of new killers influenced by said things.

Use common fucking sense.

You don't know much about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION and yet YOU are exhibiting IT perfectly by mouthing the cliches you just did!

You are a perfect example that takes the EXCEPTIONS and make it the rule!
I didn't! I said as I've frequently said IT ISN"T everyone that watches video games ...get that through your stupid head!

BUT when you constantly hours on hours PLAY violent video games as Lanza did... YOU WILL have your behavior modified!

Again do a little research in "BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION" and you will soon learn how YOUR daily behavior has been modified! Like your being on this board!!!
You're a LOON.

Lanza's killings werent because his behavior was modified by video games. You pull things out of your ass and if they're a bit shiny you post them in caps. Sit down.
And YES it is entirely possible there are EVIL people that would continue...BUT NOT AS MANY!!!
If 7/24 as much as we hear/read/see about "global warming" by advertisers,companies, governments the message of the "Golden Rule " was pounded into our kids heads from pre-school on...
The "Golden Rule" is practical! It is selfish!

Not EVIL. Crazy. Now, if you go back and take a hard look at the various killings over the last five years, I think you will find that there are more of them from people who thought they were doing God's will than people just going off in a school or theatre. To paraphrase the philosopher F. Gump, crazy is as crazy does.
From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.

"hearing"???? GEEZ I'm not talking about "hearing"!!
IMMERSION! Bombardment! AS frequently and intense as we get from the "global warming" evangelists!
As intense and frequent as "gay marriage"!

Advertisers... Public Service Announcements!
All of the efforts that we see, hear and experience on a similar level regarding Global warming, etc. should be done regarding the "Golden Rule"!

WHY is it so difficult for people to understand that IF the same trillions of dollars spent by the government, advertisers companies on Global warming message was spent on
promoting, pounding, evangelizing the "Golden Rule" the trillions spent on Global warming wouldn't be necessary!
The Trillions wasted in rules and regulations would not be necessary because why would you do unto others what you want others to do unto you!

Do you understand? Here is a practical example!
Why would you drive 40 mph in a school zone if YOUR kid darted out behind and your kid was killed?
Do you understand the principle is we promote VIOLENCE but NOT GOOD!!!
We glorify violent video games ALL the while realizing aDVERTISING sells so we are ADVERTISING VIOLENCE!!

So why not video games about the Golden Rule???

AFTER ALL the Golden RULE is the epitome of selfishness!
WHY would should YOU do unto others as YOU want others to do unto you?
Do you understand??? IT is selfish to follow the Golden RULE because if for example YOU open the door, or let a car jump in front of you... GUESS WHAT ..
if others do that to YOU... YOU are selfishly doing what you want others to do!

These tactics don't work on the insane. When you tell someone do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, what they hear is that someone is out to kill them.

I agree... IF in Lanza's formative years though behavior modification techniques employed for GOOD rather then the video games for VIOLENCE.. AND there is a possibility the medications he may have been proscribed accelerated his bad behavior.

But I'm saying if Lanza and other shooters had been bombarded daily as we are with "global warming" evangelism... the "Golden Rule"... THERE WOULD BE LESS!
You're a LOON.

Lanza's killings werent because his behavior was modified by video games. You pull things out of your ass and if they're a bit shiny you post them in caps. Sit down.

Pot meet kettle and a continuing fascination with other poster's asses. :clap2: We all use the phrase from time to time but this failed rapper seems to have a obsession with other's asses here and in other sections of the board.:cool:
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From what I've read or head about this guy I don't think hearing about the Golden Rule 24/7 would have made a difference. The poor guy had problems and a horrible tragedy resulted.

'empathy'--many times it has been stated that he had problems relating to and interacting with others.

wondering what might have made a difference myself.

Last night it was reported that he had considered the military because of his expertise in technology but his aversion to being touched and related issues ruled that out. He was said to have repaired computers in the basement. It sounds like he never really had much of a life.
"hearing"???? GEEZ I'm not talking about "hearing"!!
IMMERSION! Bombardment! AS frequently and intense as we get from the "global warming" evangelists!
As intense and frequent as "gay marriage"!

Advertisers... Public Service Announcements!
All of the efforts that we see, hear and experience on a similar level regarding Global warming, etc. should be done regarding the "Golden Rule"!

WHY is it so difficult for people to understand that IF the same trillions of dollars spent by the government, advertisers companies on Global warming message was spent on
promoting, pounding, evangelizing the "Golden Rule" the trillions spent on Global warming wouldn't be necessary!
The Trillions wasted in rules and regulations would not be necessary because why would you do unto others what you want others to do unto you!

Do you understand? Here is a practical example!
Why would you drive 40 mph in a school zone if YOUR kid darted out behind and your kid was killed?
Do you understand the principle is we promote VIOLENCE but NOT GOOD!!!
We glorify violent video games ALL the while realizing aDVERTISING sells so we are ADVERTISING VIOLENCE!!

So why not video games about the Golden Rule???

AFTER ALL the Golden RULE is the epitome of selfishness!
WHY would should YOU do unto others as YOU want others to do unto you?
Do you understand??? IT is selfish to follow the Golden RULE because if for example YOU open the door, or let a car jump in front of you... GUESS WHAT ..
if others do that to YOU... YOU are selfishly doing what you want others to do!

These tactics don't work on the insane. When you tell someone do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, what they hear is that someone is out to kill them.

I agree... IF in Lanza's formative years though behavior modification techniques employed for GOOD rather then the video games for VIOLENCE.. AND there is a possibility the medications he may have been proscribed accelerated his bad behavior.

But I'm saying if Lanza and other shooters had been bombarded daily as we are with "global warming" evangelism... the "Golden Rule"... THERE WOULD BE LESS!

God damn you are a sick fuck. This is like listening to General Ripper from Dr. Strangelove talk about how the communists are out to pervert our bodily fluids.


And you've posted this cocksucking thread with your insane theories at least twice already that I know of. Why do you keep spamming this idiocy?
Didn't we already do this silly fucking thread a few days ago?

Are you a fu...king IDIOT?
Where has ANY ONE written a thread that called for a massive infusion equal to what we are bombarded with regarding "global warming" for the "Golden Rule"??

I mean yOU fervently believe I'm sure in "global warming"... in the "evil 1%", that "millionaires and billionaires" are BAD!

AND where did you get these beliefs???
From being bombarded with advertisers about "greening",etc..
Being told by the MSM how bad the evil capitalists are!

So why not if you DON"T LIKE the Lanzas' actions promote "Golden Rule" rather then promote Class warfare?

So why not promote Constructive behavior rather then the "destructive" behavior exhibited by the "Occupy Wall Street" movement?
Not one of OWS objectives were constructive or much less promote the "Golden Rule"... right they cynically used "Them that has the gold rules" message!

My point is you people wanting guns banned... that's a destructive behavior!
Why not CHANGE the behaviors of people like Lanza rather then modify ALL Americans behaviors THAT aren't like LANZAs i.e. banning guns!

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