Would The Military Obey Commander In Chief Trump? Probably.

I just glanced through your first opening post . Its too long and the thing that i saw that made me stop reading is your reference to 'international law' . Feck 'international law' as the USA is a SOVEREIGN Nation and lets hope that the Trump return to the principles of American Sovereignty and everything that the words American Sovereignty means Lakhota .

"International law" helps to protect all civilized sovereign nations. All for one and one for all. Putin hates international law and NATO.
--------------------------------------- and Putin is a smart guy as he understands the value of Russian Sovereignty Lakhota .

Yeah, just too bad he doesn't also understand the "sovereignty" of other nations: Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine...
------------------------------------ crimea , georgia , ukraine are not MY concern Lakhota ,
I just glanced through your first opening post . Its too long and the thing that i saw that made me stop reading is your reference to 'international law' . Feck 'international law' as the USA is a SOVEREIGN Nation and lets hope that the Trump return to the principles of American Sovereignty and everything that the words American Sovereignty means Lakhota .

"International law" helps to protect all civilized sovereign nations. All for one and one for all. Putin hates international law and NATO.
--------------------------------------- and Putin is a smart guy as he understands the value of Russian Sovereignty Lakhota .

Yeah, just too bad he doesn't also understand the "sovereignty" of other nations: Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine...
------------------------------------ crimea , georgia , ukraine are not MY concern Lakhota ,

They should be your concern...

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."​
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.
------------------------------------ i hope that the TRUMP can purge some , hopefully ALL of the unAmerican diversity that has been inserted into American military and Government ranks .
Our military men and women are not emotionless killbots or worthless cannon fodder. Commanders who treat them that way do not deserve command, this is not just my opinion, it is the very basis of an all volunteer force.

I agree. I can imagine Trump reinstating the military draft and using the threat of capital punishment for anyone who would disobey his orders.
Conscription would certainly be necessary after destroying morale to the point where reenlistment falls off a cliff. We are the good guys here, I do not understand the argument that we should be just as horrible and murderous as ISIS
Even if some officers thought his orders were illegal or unethical.

Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

He has suggested carpet-bombing Syrian cities, assassinating the families of Islamic State fighters and torturing detainees, all illegal under international or U.S. law. He has proposed withdrawing troops from South Korea (a similar troop withdrawal helped ignite the 1950 Korean War), advocated disengaging from NATO, and declared that Japan would be “better off” with its own nuclear weapons. And he has famously bragged, “I know more about ISIS than the generals!”

The U.S. military prides itself on scrupulous adherence to strict moral and ethical values. While some in the ranks may be passionate Trump supporters, for others, the idea of actually carrying out his more bizarre ideas is unthinkable.

“I cannot imagine active-duty troops doing what Trump is stating,” said Paul Eaton, an Army two-star general who resigned in 2006 in protest against Bush administration military policies. “I believe we would have outright defiance,” Eaton told The Huffington Post. Michael Hayden, a retired Air Force four-star general and former director of the National Security Agency, is even more blunt. Given an order to kill families of suspected terrorists, “the American armed forces would refuse to act,” he said.

Trump has fired back. “They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me,” he boasted at a March 3 GOP presidential debate. “Believe me ― If I say do it, they’re gonna do it.”

Trump may be right. Despite its occasional disagreements with presidents and civilian officials, the military doesn’t have an especially proud record of refusing orders. Military officers swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution, not to the commander in chief. Nevertheless, the top brass, despite deep misgivings about the conduct of the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, quietly went along with what the White House wanted. In 11 years of war in Vietnam, 58,220 Americans were killed; 4,520 Americans have died in the still-raging Iraq War so far.

“Do what’s right, legally and morally,” the Army instructs its soldiers.
--U.S. Army Doctrine, Army Values

The record suggests that the United States military, which takes pride in its strong professional ethics, nevertheless is no bulwark against military fiascos.

“It’s hard for military officers to disobey orders,” said Peter Mansoor, a historian and retired Army colonel who was the top aide to Gen. David Petraeus during the Iraq War troop surge in 2007-2008. “It’s a career-ending move that likely will get you court-martialed. One has to be willing to put one’s future on the line.”

The legal lines are clear. Waterboarding, used on detainees during the Bush administration as an “enhanced interrogation technique,” or torture, is illegal under international and now U.S. law. The deliberate targeting of war-zone civilians, whether or not they are related to ISIS fighters or other terrorists, is a war crime under international law.

Nevertheless, Trump has asserted that both are necessary and, if he’s president, would be part of his war on ISIS.

“You have to take out their families,” Trump said three times during a phone interviewwith Fox News last December, brushing aside the issue of civilian casualties as “political correctness.”

These and other Trump pronouncements may be impulsive bluster, but they clash hard against the military’s values of personal courage, honor, integrity and loyalty, among others. At its core, the military’s value system is its commitment to use lethal violence only when legally and morally justified.

“Do what’s right, legally and morally,” the Army instructs its soldiers. “Facing moral fear or adversity may be a long, slow process of continuing forward on the right path, especially if taking those actions is not popular with others.”

More: Would The Military Obey Commander In Chief Trump? Probably.

This is yet another reason why I find the thought of a President Trump very dangerous and repugnant - because I agree with the OP that most soldiers would likely obey illegal, immoral and/or unethical orders from the president.

Your government, with your boy as president, is already spying on the tribes with drones. And you're worried about Donald Trump. Hilarious.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.
------------------------------------ i hope that the TRUMP can purge some , hopefully ALL of the unAmerican diversity that has been inserted into American military and Government ranks .
Our military men and women are not emotionless killbots or worthless cannon fodder. Commanders who treat them that way do not deserve command, this is not just my opinion, it is the very basis of an all volunteer force.

I agree. I can imagine Trump reinstating the military draft and using the threat of capital punishment for anyone who would disobey his orders.
Conscription would certainly be necessary after destroying morale to the point where reenlistment falls off a cliff. We are the good guys here, I do not understand the argument that we should be just as horrible and murderous as ISIS

I agree. Possible conscription should be another consideration as voters ponder the General Election.

Conscription, or drafting, is the compulsory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service.[1] Conscription dates back to antiquity and continues in some countries to the present day under various names. The modern system of near-universal national conscription for young men dates to the French Revolution in the 1790s, where it became the basis of a very large and powerful military. Most European nations later copied the system in peacetime, so that men at a certain age would serve 1–8 years on active duty and then transfer to the reserve force.

Conscription - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.
------------------------------------ i hope that the TRUMP can purge some , hopefully ALL of the unAmerican diversity that has been inserted into American military and Government ranks .
Our military men and women are not emotionless killbots or worthless cannon fodder. Commanders who treat them that way do not deserve command, this is not just my opinion, it is the very basis of an all volunteer force.
--------------------------------------- and thats one of the reasons why a volunteer military is a poor choice for a USA military Occupied .
Explain? The draft just about tore our nation apart because too many poor people were sent and the rich kids got deferments while wasting their lives and limbs in a stupid war no one really wanted. You want to go back to how it was in light of how badly it flew in the face of this being a free country?
Wow, is the quasi anarchistic left suggesting a military coup when Trump is elected? The harsh political reality is that Hillary has around 10% support in the military which is about ten times the approximate number of sodomites. Some coup.
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Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.
------------------------------------ i hope that the TRUMP can purge some , hopefully ALL of the unAmerican diversity that has been inserted into American military and Government ranks .
Our military men and women are not emotionless killbots or worthless cannon fodder. Commanders who treat them that way do not deserve command, this is not just my opinion, it is the very basis of an all volunteer force.
--------------------------------------- and thats one of the reasons why a volunteer military is a poor choice for a USA military Occupied .
Explain? The draft just about tore our nation apart because too many poor people were sent and the rich kids got deferments while wasting their lives and limbs in a stupid war no one really wanted. You want to go back to how it was in light of how badly it flew in the face of this being a free country?

I agree. Vietnam and the movie Platoon made that crystal clear.
I just glanced through your first opening post . Its too long and the thing that i saw that made me stop reading is your reference to 'international law' . Feck 'international law' as the USA is a SOVEREIGN Nation and lets hope that the Trump return to the principles of American Sovereignty and everything that the words American Sovereignty means Lakhota .
we all fart sovereignty in america, that's why there's a senate in congress, can't just pretend like united states is ignorant of the other nations and their sovereignty, okay. jesus h. trump, where does this nonsense come from?
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
PTSD is undue emotional stress largely due to lack of support from the upper echelon.
Trump, as Command-In-Chief, would order our Military to kill first, be fired at second.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
I think ordering the carpet bombing of cities would be grounds for impeachment. Democrats will have the senate next term so there's that.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
PTSD is undue emotional stress largely due to lack of support from the upper echelon.
Trump, as Command-In-Chief, would order our Military to kill first, be fired at second.
You do not know what you are talking about, stop now.
Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
PTSD is undue emotional stress largely due to lack of support from the upper echelon.
Trump, as Command-In-Chief, would order our Military to kill first, be fired at second.
You do not know what you are talking about, stop now.
No, my immature, friend, you have no idea what YOU'RE talking about.
Before Bill Clitoris, we had REAL Commanders-In-Chief.
Donald J. Trump is causing some high anxiety inside the military.

I'm sure some of the transgender officers Obama promoted are nervous.

Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
I think ordering the carpet bombing of cities would be grounds for impeachment. Democrats will have the senate next term so there's that.

IF enough zombie voters would actually put Trump in the White House - I would fully expect him to be impeached within his first term. Maybe even summarily relieved of command.
Is that really all you gleaned from the OP?
We also gleaned that you're a bleeding heart retard who has as much sympathy for brutal murderers as for people who volunteer for the Salvation Army.
Trump is talking the indiscriminate killing of civilians, a war crime. It's not a matter of sympathy so much as our president forcing our young men and women to do illegal things that would destroy our standing in the world.

I agree. PTSD in our military is already bad enough - I can only imagine what it would be like under a President Trump.
I think ordering the carpet bombing of cities would be grounds for impeachment. Democrats will have the senate next term so there's that.

IF enough zombie voters would actually put Trump in the White House - I would fully expect him to be impeached within his first term. Maybe even summarily relieved of command.
You expect a lot of Progressive bullshit.
You ain't gonna get it.

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