Without Obamacare, my health insurance plan is excellent.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
I pay roughly $400 a month for my entire family. Each routine doctor, or dentist, or optometrist visit requires a $30 deductible. I have no deductible for major illnesses. I have had 5 children under this plan and the only money we had to spend was on the food we ate. I have had back surgery and my wife had a hysterectomy, paid very very little out of pocket. I had to have a tooth implant and some bridgework done and I had to pay for most if that, but I can get eyeglasses every two years for next to nothing.

I'll bet that as soon as the employer mandate kicks in, I'll lose my healthcare coverage. Another in a long succession of lies from Hussein Obama.
I guarantee you that by the end of the year or the first month of January, I will be dumped onto the Obamacare system or have my healthcare benefits reduced because I have a "Cadillac" plan.
Last year I had a medication that cost $30 with insurance. This year it is $180 with insurance. Thank you, Obama.
I pay roughly $400 a month for my entire family. Each routine doctor, or dentist, or optometrist visit requires a $30 deductible. I have no deductible for major illnesses. I have had 5 children under this plan and the only money we had to spend was on the food we ate. I have had back surgery and my wife had a hysterectomy, paid very very little out of pocket. I had to have a tooth implant and some bridgework done and I had to pay for most if that, but I can get eyeglasses every two years for next to nothing.

I'll bet that as soon as the employer mandate kicks in, I'll lose my healthcare coverage. Another in a long succession of lies from Hussein Obama.

If it does blame your employer not the ACA. The ACA has changed nothing as relates to your employer supplied plan, with the exception that if you work for a small business it might save them money.
I pay roughly $400 a month for my entire family. Each routine doctor, or dentist, or optometrist visit requires a $30 deductible. I have no deductible for major illnesses. I have had 5 children under this plan and the only money we had to spend was on the food we ate. I have had back surgery and my wife had a hysterectomy, paid very very little out of pocket. I had to have a tooth implant and some bridgework done and I had to pay for most if that, but I can get eyeglasses every two years for next to nothing.

I'll bet that as soon as the employer mandate kicks in, I'll lose my healthcare coverage. Another in a long succession of lies from Hussein Obama.

If it does blame your employer not the ACA. The ACA has changed nothing as relates to your employer supplied plan, with the exception that if you work for a small business it might save them money.

Yes, it's the evil small business that is reacting to the ACA to save money and maximize profits........

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