What makes you lean ‘Left’? What makes nearly all big cities ‘Left’?

If your kid is transgender, they are going to be transgender whether you like it or not.
The problem is most of you would prefer a dead son to a live daughter.
WTF….it seems like you purple hairs are sort of talking your kids into being trans…trannies attempt suicide at a rate that’s off the charts…Why wouldn’t you just teach your child the good old fashion American value system? Where were all the suicidal trannies back in the day?
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?
I ask because thinking ‘Left‘ in America isn’t exactly the conventional ideolgy to adopt…right?
Your thoughts?
They’re weak and gay.
I had this discussion last night with my daughter’s best friend. She’s a Conservative but comes from a Democrat voting leftist family…she has a gay brother, she said as soon as her brother “came out” the whole family turned leftist Democrat. Her position is that households with ‘abnormalities’ have to be leftist Dem by default.
Of course I’ve always known this but it is rare that people will admit to it.
“I’m a Leftist because my son wears lipstick and a dress.”
I had this discussion last night with my daughter’s best friend. She’s a Conservative but comes from a Democrat voting leftist family…she has a gay brother, she said as soon as her brother “came out” the whole family turned leftist Democrat. Her position is that households with ‘abnormalities’ have to be leftist Dem by default.
Of course I’ve always known this but it is rare that people will admit to it.
“I’m a Leftist because my son wears lipstick and a dress.”

Turn them on to The Log Cabin Republicans.
I had this discussion last night with my daughter’s best friend. She’s a Conservative but comes from a Democrat voting leftist family…she has a gay brother, she said as soon as her brother “came out” the whole family turned leftist Democrat. Her position is that households with ‘abnormalities’ have to be leftist Dem by default.
Of course I’ve always known this but it is rare that people will admit to it.
“I’m a Leftist because my son wears lipstick and a dress.”

True that liberal parents are more accepting of gay children

Conservative parents can be real assholes
True that liberal parents are more accepting of gay children

Conservative parents can be real assholes
“Real assholes” are parents who don’t exhaust all energy teaching their children core American values, teaching them that a penis belongs in a vagina and not a man’s dirty asshole.
I left all of this up to my kids. Not my place. Once they're adults we'll it not my business.
What are the primary issues that drive people to the Left…why are such driving forces so much more prevelant in urban metropolises?

When you live in a larger population area you have to be more open to those that do not look and think just like you.

As you prove on a daily basis, that is not a trait the right possesses.
“Real assholes” are parents who don’t exhaust all energy teaching their children core American values, teaching them that a penis belongs in a vagina and not a man’s dirty asshole.

Thanks for that Conservative perspective on homosexuality

Why Conservatives should not be parents
You're so angry. Why?
The better question is; why aren’t you equally as angry? Have you no decency?

We’ve become a lost and divided nation with no identity, we’re $34T in debt, we have a larger homeless population than the total population of some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million unvetted illegals fucking over our citizenry, destroying blue collar trade work, destroying our public school and healthcare institutions ….we have a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, a social media and media steering our elections and the cultural direction of our nation, interest rates rising, mortgages, rents, food and fuel at all time highs…and you feelings people continue to embrace, champion and push things you KNOW will only cause further decay and degradation…The anti-America loons have lost all their fucking shit…they can’t and won’t get out of their own way….
“Real assholes” are parents who don’t exhaust all energy teaching their children core American values, teaching them that a penis belongs in a vagina and not a man’s dirty asshole.
You think that kinda thing is taught behavior?

You’re an idiot
“Real assholes” are parents who don’t exhaust all energy teaching their children core American values, teaching them that a penis belongs in a vagina and not a man’s dirty asshole.

How about a mouth? Did you teach your kids that a penis does not belong in a mouth? Is that what you wife told you long ago and you never questioned it?

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