trump brings registered sex offender on stage

So Trump being a liar doesn't entitle us to lie? Sounds like you want us to fight them with one hand tied behind our backs.
Nothing entitles you to lie. You just do it.

Dogs bark, Pigs oink, Cats meow, Babies cry, and dimocrap scum lie.

You're not just a liar, you're pathological about it. You, and people like you, lie when the truth would work just as well. When asked a question, you automatically look for a way to lie. Doesn't matter what it is about. It could be about breakfast or dinner or what time you get up in the morning.... dimocraps are pathological liars.

Why? The truth frightens you. You're afraid of it because you know, better than anybody else, what a dirtbag you are, and you subconsciously feel that you have to hide the truth.

Because the truth would expose you.
So if somebody forcibly jams a finger up one of your orifices without your consent that's quite alright because least it isn't rape?
Reminds me of this guy at the dog park who kicked my dog because it was humping his dog. He said "I don't like my dog getting humped". I said fine but that's not how you handle it. He said next time I'll grab him by the neck.

So the next time he does it I'm going to walk up and kick him. He better not tell me that's not the way you handle it. If he does I will tell him sorry but I don't like people kicking my dog. Next time you do it I'm going to choke you around the neck. God I can't wait.
Nothing entitles you to lie. You just do it.

Dogs bark, Pigs oink, Cats meow, Babies cry, and dimocrap scum lie.

You're not just a liar, you're pathological about it. You, and people like you, lie when the truth would work just as well. When asked a question, you automatically look for a way to lie. Doesn't matter what it is about. It could be about breakfast or dinner or what time you get up in the morning.... dimocraps are pathological liars.

Why? The truth frightens you. You're afraid of it because you know, better than anybody else, what a dirtbag you are, and you subconsciously feel that you have to hide the truth.

Because the truth would expose you.
If I was a dick I'd be a republican. I advocate for unions because it helps uneducated blue collar workers. You know, the ones suffering the most? If I didn't care, I'd say fuck them.

The closest I ever came to being a Republican was in the 2000's when I was struggling and uneducated blue college union guys were making more than me. I had a college degree.

But what I realize is that is what created the best middle class the world has ever seen before. It wasn't unregulated free market capitalism you fool.
Trump is suing George Stephanopolis because he used the word rape in his reports of this case. Let's see if Trump wins that case. Did George slander Trump? I mean, he's not a rapist. I guess if Trump appoints a Gerbles type attorney general lots of people will be going to jail like Jimmy Kimmel and Kathy Griffin
Trump can be called a rapist. Trump has no case.
If I was a dick I'd be a republican. I advocate for unions because it helps uneducated blue collar workers. You know, the ones suffering the most? If I didn't care, I'd say fuck them.

The closest I ever came to being a Republican was in the 2000's when I was struggling and uneducated blue college union guys were making more than me. I had a college degree.

But what I realize is that is what created the best middle class the world has ever seen before. It wasn't unregulated free market capitalism you fool.
But what I realize is that is what created the best middle class the world has ever seen before. It wasn't unregulated free market capitalism you fool.

It was not entirely because of unions or the free market

Both contributed
Reminds me of this guy at the dog park who kicked my dog because it was humping his dog. He said "I don't like my dog getting humped". I said fine but that's not how you handle it. He said next time I'll grab him by the neck.

So the next time he does it I'm going to walk up and kick him. He better not tell me that's not the way you handle it. If he does I will tell him sorry but I don't like people kicking my dog. Next time you do it I'm going to choke you around the neck. God I can't wait.
Are you day drinking again?
What the fuck does this stupid story have to do with anything?
Oh did he shower with his daughter or something Mrs. Jones??

How many times has trump said in public he wants to fuck his own daughter?

So it was funny when Stormy testified that he said to her right before fucking her "you remind me of my daughter"

Stormy Daniels took the witness stand Tuesday in Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, and, not surprisingly, shared some weird and gross details about the former president.

According to Daniels, Trump told her that she reminded him of his daughter, Ivanka, just before their affair.

”You remind me of my daughter because she is smart and blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her as well,” the adult film actress recalled Trump saying.

You don't believe it? Yes you do.
If I was a dick I'd be a republican. I advocate for unions because it helps uneducated blue collar workers. You know, the ones suffering the most? If I didn't care, I'd say fuck them.

The closest I ever came to being a Republican was in the 2000's when I was struggling and uneducated blue college union guys were making more than me. I had a college degree.

But what I realize is that is what created the best middle class the world has ever seen before. It wasn't unregulated free market capitalism you fool.
The South has long been anti-Union. We're growing and growing and in case it's escaped your stupid attention span, the North is dying.

Actually, no. The North is dead. Deader than Toby's dick. It is beyond dead, it's rotting in the ground.

And it was your beloved party, your total scumbag dimocrap FILTH that killed it.

They, along with RINO dirtbags, shipped all our well-paying manufacturing jobs overseas. They're gone. Kaput, Fini. And it was YOUR scumbag party that did it.

I'm working class, too. I've belonged to many Unions in the past. I believe in them, to a point.

But I don't believe in Union Politics. They're run by criminals. They invited The Mob in decades ago to help deal with the Pinkertons the Companies were using against them and the Mob never left. They never do.

Just like in the dimocrap scum party. The Mob runs it now. Has for decades.

Instead of trying to get better pay and conditions for actual working men and women, know what the scumbag Unions are doing now? They've left the Blue Collar workers and are making bank on white collar workers in goobermint. That's their biggest constituency. People who don't need them. People who have actual, very SERIOUS laws to protect them. It's almost impossible to fire a Civil Service employee. But now they're all Unionized. WHY?!?!

Fuck Unions. The dirtbags who were willing to let thousands of employees go on unemployment just to be stubborn assholes. Until Trump intervened. Hostess and Carrier. Remember? Fuck 'em. In the ass. Their job is to protect the workers, not themselves. But they'll sacrifice a hundred thousand jobs just to make a point. They're manufacturing jobs anyway, which the pretty boys at the EPA hat.

OMB was trying, extremely hard, to bring back decent-paying Manufacturing jobs but dimocrap FILTH fought him tooth-and nail the whole way.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants just now, NOW, increased Tariffs on Chinese garbage coming into this Country.

Know why? He, and his scumbag party, don't give a FUCK about Union Workers, he did it for votes. To win votes in Michiganistan. Otherwise he wouldn't have 3-1/2 fucking years to do it.

If what you feel is honest, you're cheering for the wrong team. They HATE you. They DESPISE you and people like you.

Which means they hate and despise me and people like me. The difference is -- I hate them right back.

And I can't wait for the day when they are all led, in chains, into the Gulags they built for us.

You better get your head on straight or it will be too late. They've got you fooled
So if somebody forcibly jams a finger up one of your orifices without your consent that's quite alright because least it isn't rape?
With Ms. Carroll, it never happened. I am quite alright with no one sticking anything in any of my orifices at any time.

That entire fiasco might yet go away.
The South has long been anti-Union. We're growing and growing and in case it's escaped your stupid attention span, the North is dying.

Actually, no. The North is dead. Deader than Toby's dick. It is beyond dead, it's rotting in the ground.

And it was your beloved party, your total scumbag dimocrap FILTH that killed it.

They, along with RINO dirtbags, shipped all our well-paying manufacturing jobs overseas. They're gone. Kaput, Fini. And it was YOUR scumbag party that did it.

I'm working class, too. I've belonged to many Unions in the past. I believe in them, to a point.

But I don't believe in Union Politics. They're run by criminals. They invited The Mob in decades ago to help deal with the Pinkertons the Companies were using against them and the Mob never left. They never do.

Just like in the dimocrap scum party. The Mob runs it now. Has for decades.

Instead of trying to get better pay and conditions for actual working men and women, know what the scumbag Unions are doing now? They've left the Blue Collar workers and are making bank on white collar workers in goobermint. That's their biggest constituency. People who don't need them. People who have actual, very SERIOUS laws to protect them. It's almost impossible to fire a Civil Service employee. But now they're all Unionized. WHY?!?!

Fuck Unions. The dirtbags who were willing to let thousands of employees go on unemployment just to be stubborn assholes. Until Trump intervened. Hostess and Carrier. Remember? Fuck 'em. In the ass. Their job is to protect the workers, not themselves. But they'll sacrifice a hundred thousand jobs just to make a point. They're manufacturing jobs anyway, which the pretty boys at the EPA hat.

OMB was trying, extremely hard, to bring back decent-paying Manufacturing jobs but dimocrap FILTH fought him tooth-and nail the whole way.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants just now, NOW, increased Tariffs on Chinese garbage coming into this Country.

Know why? He, and his scumbag party, don't give a FUCK about Union Workers, he did it for votes. To win votes in Michiganistan. Otherwise he wouldn't have 3-1/2 fucking years to do it.

If what you feel is honest, you're cheering for the wrong team. They HATE you. They DESPISE you and people like you.

Which means they hate and despise me and people like me. The difference is -- I hate them right back.

And I can't wait for the day when they are all led, in chains, into the Gulags they built for us.

You better get your head on straight or it will be too late. They've got you fooled

Blue collar workers in the south won't stay stupid forever

Unions drive forward into south; UAW scores first win in Tennessee and poised for victory in Alabama​

The unionization fight is coming to the South​

Workers at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Alabama are on their last day of voting for a UAW union. Here’s why it matters.

Why are they organizing? Because they saw union workers up north do really well for themselves in 2023

2023 has been called the "Year of the Union" due to the number of strikes, high union favorability, and union leaders fighting for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. In 2023, more than 500,000 workers went on strike nationwide, which is almost triple the number from the same period in 2022. The strikes were widespread, with 71 strikes in California, 48 in New York, and 27 in Illinois, but most were brief, with 47 of California's strikes ending in seven days or less.

These uneducated blue collar workers are doing better. People voting for Trump need to join or start a union.
Blue collar workers in the south won't stay stupid forever

Unions drive forward into south; UAW scores first win in Tennessee and poised for victory in Alabama​

The unionization fight is coming to the South​

Workers at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Alabama are on their last day of voting for a UAW union. Here’s why it matters.

Why are they organizing? Because they saw union workers up north do really well for themselves in 2023

2023 has been called the "Year of the Union" due to the number of strikes, high union favorability, and union leaders fighting for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. In 2023, more than 500,000 workers went on strike nationwide, which is almost triple the number from the same period in 2022. The strikes were widespread, with 71 strikes in California, 48 in New York, and 27 in Illinois, but most were brief, with 47 of California's strikes ending in seven days or less.

These uneducated blue collar workers are doing better. People voting for Trump need to join or start a union.
For the first time in 80 fucking years, the UAW wins an election in the South and you want to Crow about it?

You're not pro-American. You're a Union thug
How many times has trump said in public he wants to fuck his own daughter?

So it was funny when Stormy testified that he said to her right before fucking her "you remind me of my daughter"

Stormy Daniels took the witness stand Tuesday in Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, and, not surprisingly, shared some weird and gross details about the former president.

According to Daniels, Trump told her that she reminded him of his daughter, Ivanka, just before their affair.

”You remind me of my daughter because she is smart and blonde and beautiful and people underestimate her as well,” the adult film actress recalled Trump saying.

You don't believe it? Yes you do.
Pathetic attempt at spin and taking remarks totally out of context loser. Your lies are just sad at this point. But you have to lie to yourself because your savior Xiden is cratering and headed for a huge loss.
For the first time in 80 fucking years, the UAW wins an election in the South and you want to Crow about it?

You're not pro-American. You're a Union thug
Look at you being a good little footsoldier for rich people who wouldn't give you a squirt of piss, if you were on fire.

The South has long been anti-Union. We're growing and growing and in case it's escaped your stupid attention span, the North is dying.

Actually, no. The North is dead. Deader than Toby's dick. It is beyond dead, it's rotting in the ground.

And it was your beloved party, your total scumbag dimocrap FILTH that killed it.

They, along with RINO dirtbags, shipped all our well-paying manufacturing jobs overseas. They're gone. Kaput, Fini. And it was YOUR scumbag party that did it.

I'm working class, too. I've belonged to many Unions in the past. I believe in them, to a point.

But I don't believe in Union Politics. They're run by criminals. They invited The Mob in decades ago to help deal with the Pinkertons the Companies were using against them and the Mob never left. They never do.

Just like in the dimocrap scum party. The Mob runs it now. Has for decades.

Instead of trying to get better pay and conditions for actual working men and women, know what the scumbag Unions are doing now? They've left the Blue Collar workers and are making bank on white collar workers in goobermint. That's their biggest constituency. People who don't need them. People who have actual, very SERIOUS laws to protect them. It's almost impossible to fire a Civil Service employee. But now they're all Unionized. WHY?!?!

Fuck Unions. The dirtbags who were willing to let thousands of employees go on unemployment just to be stubborn assholes. Until Trump intervened. Hostess and Carrier. Remember? Fuck 'em. In the ass. Their job is to protect the workers, not themselves. But they'll sacrifice a hundred thousand jobs just to make a point. They're manufacturing jobs anyway, which the pretty boys at the EPA hat.

OMB was trying, extremely hard, to bring back decent-paying Manufacturing jobs but dimocrap FILTH fought him tooth-and nail the whole way.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants just now, NOW, increased Tariffs on Chinese garbage coming into this Country.

Know why? He, and his scumbag party, don't give a FUCK about Union Workers, he did it for votes. To win votes in Michiganistan. Otherwise he wouldn't have 3-1/2 fucking years to do it.

If what you feel is honest, you're cheering for the wrong team. They HATE you. They DESPISE you and people like you.

Which means they hate and despise me and people like me. The difference is -- I hate them right back.

And I can't wait for the day when they are all led, in chains, into the Gulags they built for us.

You better get your head on straight or it will be too late. They've got you fooled
The only one who really make out well in unions are the union leadership. They couldn't care less about the rank and file workers
It was a weak attempt at guilt by association, but the guilty party was a democrat when he was convicted. I don’t expect nuance from useful idiots, though, so carry on with your bliss.
Haha, those big bad Dems. Nevermind this guys association with Trump now. That means nothing. It’s all the Dems fault!

Yall crack me up

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