With The Shooting In Arlington VA, IS It Time to Shun the Partisan Hate?

I ask that rhetorically, because I know the ideologues hate each other with such a passion that they can never let go.

But why cant the rest of us shun the partisan hate mongers and push for unity in the public arena? I shun Black Lies Matter as much as I shun any Tea Party people that call for violence.

I shun Rush as much as I shun Chucky Schumer.

Let us all shun those who call for violence or who voice approval of violence by one of their own.

Gillian Turner: Scalise Shooting Is a 'Wake-Up Call for Bipartisanship'

Gillian Turner said on "Outnumbered" that the attack on congressional Republicans' baseball practice is a "wake-up call" for Washington, D.C. to return to bipartisanship.

The shooting, reportedly by a man who supported Bernie Sanders, wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressional aide and two police officers.

"It's now incumbent upon the governing class in Washington to do their best to, if not end the gridlock, then at least end the hellacious, completely critical rhetoric that has just done nothing but divide our nation over the last election cycle," said Turner, a Fox News contributor and former White House National Security Council member under Presidents Bush and Obama.

She called on members of Congress and the executive branch to end the "heated" daily rhetoric.

"It puts a fine point on the problem at hand. It's a wake-up call for bipartisanship," she said.

Melissa Francis echoed the call for politicians to "turn the temperature down" in Washington.

Earlier on the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the shooting is part of a pattern of "an increasing intensity of hostility on the left."

He said that the violent feelings of people who disagree with conservatives have been building since election night.

Abby Huntsman and Gingrich said the president struck the right tone of unity in his message from the White House on the shooting.​

It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.
Lets just get rid of the SOTUS and the MIC, as the states will be fighting against one another, we just need the state militias. In all states say goodbye to any and all civil rights, the elites will have slaves, like the Edwardian period in England. The slaves will be all the lower class citizens, the elites are growing as they have kids that inherit, remember DT wants to make inheritance all tax free. The lower class will be conscripted in your state, the state lines will change, the western states will want water, etc.

Only the elites will survive and some of the elites will end up in slavery. This is the elites vision of paradise and its already happening.

After all , no empire lasts forever. You have voted for this and this is what you will get , chaos.

No...Conservative Americans are fighting against this....while the democrats are fighting to do just what you listed.......we will fight to preserve individual freedom, the Bill of Rights and the powers defined in the Constitution...

Just the opposite, and its just what I said. There is a partisan push to make the states more powerful than the Fed government, and its the Republicans. Where have you been, DT is doing is as we write.
I ask that rhetorically, because I know the ideologues hate each other with such a passion that they can never let go.

But why cant the rest of us shun the partisan hate mongers and push for unity in the public arena? I shun Black Lies Matter as much as I shun any Tea Party people that call for violence.

I shun Rush as much as I shun Chucky Schumer.

Let us all shun those who call for violence or who voice approval of violence by one of their own.

Gillian Turner: Scalise Shooting Is a 'Wake-Up Call for Bipartisanship'

Gillian Turner said on "Outnumbered" that the attack on congressional Republicans' baseball practice is a "wake-up call" for Washington, D.C. to return to bipartisanship.

The shooting, reportedly by a man who supported Bernie Sanders, wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressional aide and two police officers.

"It's now incumbent upon the governing class in Washington to do their best to, if not end the gridlock, then at least end the hellacious, completely critical rhetoric that has just done nothing but divide our nation over the last election cycle," said Turner, a Fox News contributor and former White House National Security Council member under Presidents Bush and Obama.

She called on members of Congress and the executive branch to end the "heated" daily rhetoric.

"It puts a fine point on the problem at hand. It's a wake-up call for bipartisanship," she said.

Melissa Francis echoed the call for politicians to "turn the temperature down" in Washington.

Earlier on the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the shooting is part of a pattern of "an increasing intensity of hostility on the left."

He said that the violent feelings of people who disagree with conservatives have been building since election night.

Abby Huntsman and Gingrich said the president struck the right tone of unity in his message from the White House on the shooting.​

It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..


Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
I ask that rhetorically, because I know the ideologues hate each other with such a passion that they can never let go.

But why cant the rest of us shun the partisan hate mongers and push for unity in the public arena? I shun Black Lies Matter as much as I shun any Tea Party people that call for violence.

I shun Rush as much as I shun Chucky Schumer.

Let us all shun those who call for violence or who voice approval of violence by one of their own.

Gillian Turner: Scalise Shooting Is a 'Wake-Up Call for Bipartisanship'

Gillian Turner said on "Outnumbered" that the attack on congressional Republicans' baseball practice is a "wake-up call" for Washington, D.C. to return to bipartisanship.

The shooting, reportedly by a man who supported Bernie Sanders, wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressional aide and two police officers.

"It's now incumbent upon the governing class in Washington to do their best to, if not end the gridlock, then at least end the hellacious, completely critical rhetoric that has just done nothing but divide our nation over the last election cycle," said Turner, a Fox News contributor and former White House National Security Council member under Presidents Bush and Obama.

She called on members of Congress and the executive branch to end the "heated" daily rhetoric.

"It puts a fine point on the problem at hand. It's a wake-up call for bipartisanship," she said.

Melissa Francis echoed the call for politicians to "turn the temperature down" in Washington.

Earlier on the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the shooting is part of a pattern of "an increasing intensity of hostility on the left."

He said that the violent feelings of people who disagree with conservatives have been building since election night.

Abby Huntsman and Gingrich said the president struck the right tone of unity in his message from the White House on the shooting.​

It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

And here......from research about the CDC....

Want to Stop Gun Murder, Democrats? Give Up Your Guns - Breitbart

But he’s just one example of gun crime in the Democrat-supporting world. From 2009-2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 26,632 firearm-related homicides took place in the United States. The CDC investigated the number of firearm-related homicides in the 50 most populous U.S. cities; all but six of those cities were located in counties which would go on to vote for Barack Obama in 2012. In those cities, 13,014 firearm-related homicides took place.

In other words, just by confiscating all the guns from all the people in the most populous Democratic cities–by following the Democratic theory that less guns mean less gun crimes–the American gun murder rate would drop by half. And that doesn’t even count all murders from all Democrat-supporting areas in the country.

Obviously, that wouldn’t work–virtually all the major Democratic cities already have gun control, and the Democratic-area murder spree continues. But the media will never discuss where most murders actually occur, or who actually commits them.
Lets just get rid of the SOTUS and the MIC, as the states will be fighting against one another, we just need the state militias. In all states say goodbye to any and all civil rights, the elites will have slaves, like the Edwardian period in England. The slaves will be all the lower class citizens, the elites are growing as they have kids that inherit, remember DT wants to make inheritance all tax free. The lower class will be conscripted in your state, the state lines will change, the western states will want water, etc.

Only the elites will survive and some of the elites will end up in slavery. This is the elites vision of paradise and its already happening.

After all , no empire lasts forever. You have voted for this and this is what you will get , chaos.

No...Conservative Americans are fighting against this....while the democrats are fighting to do just what you listed.......we will fight to preserve individual freedom, the Bill of Rights and the powers defined in the Constitution...

Just the opposite, and its just what I said. There is a partisan push to make the states more powerful than the Fed government, and its the Republicans. Where have you been, DT is doing is as we write.

No...there is a balance that the Constitution was created to outline.......right now the Federal Government has way too much power, more power than it was ever intended to have.
I ask that rhetorically, because I know the ideologues hate each other with such a passion that they can never let go.

But why cant the rest of us shun the partisan hate mongers and push for unity in the public arena? I shun Black Lies Matter as much as I shun any Tea Party people that call for violence.

I shun Rush as much as I shun Chucky Schumer.

Let us all shun those who call for violence or who voice approval of violence by one of their own.

Gillian Turner: Scalise Shooting Is a 'Wake-Up Call for Bipartisanship'

Gillian Turner said on "Outnumbered" that the attack on congressional Republicans' baseball practice is a "wake-up call" for Washington, D.C. to return to bipartisanship.

The shooting, reportedly by a man who supported Bernie Sanders, wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressional aide and two police officers.

"It's now incumbent upon the governing class in Washington to do their best to, if not end the gridlock, then at least end the hellacious, completely critical rhetoric that has just done nothing but divide our nation over the last election cycle," said Turner, a Fox News contributor and former White House National Security Council member under Presidents Bush and Obama.

She called on members of Congress and the executive branch to end the "heated" daily rhetoric.

"It puts a fine point on the problem at hand. It's a wake-up call for bipartisanship," she said.

Melissa Francis echoed the call for politicians to "turn the temperature down" in Washington.

Earlier on the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the shooting is part of a pattern of "an increasing intensity of hostility on the left."

He said that the violent feelings of people who disagree with conservatives have been building since election night.

Abby Huntsman and Gingrich said the president struck the right tone of unity in his message from the White House on the shooting.​

It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..

FactCheck: Are most violent criminals Democrats?

Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence
I ask that rhetorically, because I know the ideologues hate each other with such a passion that they can never let go.

But why cant the rest of us shun the partisan hate mongers and push for unity in the public arena? I shun Black Lies Matter as much as I shun any Tea Party people that call for violence.

I shun Rush as much as I shun Chucky Schumer.

Let us all shun those who call for violence or who voice approval of violence by one of their own.

Gillian Turner: Scalise Shooting Is a 'Wake-Up Call for Bipartisanship'

Gillian Turner said on "Outnumbered" that the attack on congressional Republicans' baseball practice is a "wake-up call" for Washington, D.C. to return to bipartisanship.

The shooting, reportedly by a man who supported Bernie Sanders, wounded House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressional aide and two police officers.

"It's now incumbent upon the governing class in Washington to do their best to, if not end the gridlock, then at least end the hellacious, completely critical rhetoric that has just done nothing but divide our nation over the last election cycle," said Turner, a Fox News contributor and former White House National Security Council member under Presidents Bush and Obama.

She called on members of Congress and the executive branch to end the "heated" daily rhetoric.

"It puts a fine point on the problem at hand. It's a wake-up call for bipartisanship," she said.

Melissa Francis echoed the call for politicians to "turn the temperature down" in Washington.

Earlier on the show, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said the shooting is part of a pattern of "an increasing intensity of hostility on the left."

He said that the violent feelings of people who disagree with conservatives have been building since election night.

Abby Huntsman and Gingrich said the president struck the right tone of unity in his message from the White House on the shooting.​

It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..

FactCheck: Are most violent criminals Democrats?

Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

Well...the left wing fight club has been up and running, and committing murder since 1917.........

No...I am for the Constitution separation of powers and the checks and balances on Federal and state power with the Rights of the individual Trumping....both.

You didn't read it. It doesn't matter what you are for, only the elites get to chose.

Only if you vote democrat.......and I not only read the Declaration of Independence, I read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers.....and then some Friedrich Hayek, and Friedrich Bastiat...and John Locke...
It starts at the top, Trump's hate for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass for openers.

And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..

FactCheck: Are most violent criminals Democrats?

Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

Well...the left wing fight club has been up and running, and committing murder since 1917.........

Were the KKK left wing?? NO not hardly. The JDL, are they left or right. Both the alt right and the alt left are radicals and actually its those who are poor and see the rich taking everything. It has been that way for all of history, poor against the elites, and the elites have the poor to do their dirty fighting. The rich has no reason to fight, they have what they want, money and power.

DT's little Barron is going to Episcopalian school which is 40 grand a year. That is a little below the median income and you wonder why the rich need a tax cut?
If you ban Muslims and partisan hate, who will you all have left to hate? :dunno:
Lets just get rid of the SOTUS and the MIC, as the states will be fighting against one another, we just need the state militias. In all states say goodbye to any and all civil rights, the elites will have slaves, like the Edwardian period in England. The slaves will be all the lower class citizens, the elites are growing as they have kids that inherit, remember DT wants to make inheritance all tax free. The lower class will be conscripted in your state, the state lines will change, the western states will want water, etc.

Only the elites will survive and some of the elites will end up in slavery. This is the elites vision of paradise and its already happening.

After all , no empire lasts forever. You have voted for this and this is what you will get , chaos.
Even money you end up trying to murder someone for political reasons.
And yet only democrats and their supporters are actually shooting and stabbing people to death...as well as engaging in riots to silence political opposition...

Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..

FactCheck: Are most violent criminals Democrats?

Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

Well...the left wing fight club has been up and running, and committing murder since 1917.........

Were the KKK left wing?? NO not hardly. The JDL, are they left or right. Both the alt right and the alt left are radicals and actually its those who are poor and see the rich taking everything. It has been that way for all of history, poor against the elites, and the elites have the poor to do their dirty fighting. The rich has no reason to fight, they have what they want, money and power.

DT's little Barron is going to Episcopalian school which is 40 grand a year. That is a little below the median income and you wonder why the rich need a tax cut?

The kkk are democrats....they believed in a strong government to give them power over blacks. They did not believe in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.
Back that up with facts, I bet you have no where to look. Look to Rush and Fox. I want to see some stats.

First.....more felons who are voting vote democrat...and felons are the ones doing 90% of the shooting..

FactCheck: Are most violent criminals Democrats?

Their research into whether voting rights notification laws increase ex-felons’ voter turnout found that in three states — New York, New Mexico and North Carolina — a majority of ex-felons registered post-incarceration as Democrats. The breakdown was as follows: New York, 61.5 percent Democrat, 9 percent Republican; New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democrat, 18.9 percent Republican; and North Carolina, 54.6 percent Democrat, 10.2 percent Republican.
Moreover, the two men published another paper in March 2014 with data from three other states — Iowa, Maine and Rhode Island — and the results were different. In all three of those states, a plurality was affiliated with no party (though in every case, there were far more registered as Democrats than Republicans).

“Ex-felons’ partisan affiliations vary across states and I don’t think there’s enough evidence to claim that the national ex-felon population is ‘overwhelmingly Democratic,’ at least in terms of party registration,” Morse said. “There is more evidence that ex-felons are not very supportive of the Republican Party.”
Morse pointed to the book “Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy” — written by Jeff Manza of New York University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota — which he said estimated that about 73 percent of ex-felons would vote Democratic.

Manza told us via email that their research, based mainly on data from Oregon and Minnesota, was an estimate that relied on matching the felon population with “all the demographic characteristics we could to estimate the partisanship of similar people in the general population (that is, an average voter with the same education, race, gender, marital status, etc. of the felon population). It is an indirect method of trying to figure out how felons and ex-felons might have voted (and how many of them might have voted if they were eligible).”

Indeed, Manza told us that he is aware of no direct survey of the felon population that asked about partisanship, meaning Cruz “has no direct evidence for what he said.”

More broadly, Uggen told us in a phone interview that Cruz’s statement is “quite a stretch” of the research on the subject.

“I think the main things that are responsible for that correlation (between criminality and Democratic party affiliation) are race and poverty,” Uggen said. “If you look closely, it isn’t criminality that is so clearly associated with partisanship. We know very clearly that the criminal justice system falls more heavily on people of color in urban areas and people who are farther down the rungs of the socioeconomic ladder.”

Uggen noted that their research focused mainly on Oregon and Minnesota and so, “I can’t really speak to the national picture with confidence.” However, he said, “it is certainly the case (among ex-felons) that there are likely more individuals who would identify as Democrats rather than would identify as Republicans.”
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence

Well...the left wing fight club has been up and running, and committing murder since 1917.........

Were the KKK left wing?? NO not hardly. The JDL, are they left or right. Both the alt right and the alt left are radicals and actually its those who are poor and see the rich taking everything. It has been that way for all of history, poor against the elites, and the elites have the poor to do their dirty fighting. The rich has no reason to fight, they have what they want, money and power.

DT's little Barron is going to Episcopalian school which is 40 grand a year. That is a little below the median income and you wonder why the rich need a tax cut?

The kkk are democrats....they believed in a strong government to give them power over blacks. They did not believe in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.

No they were conservative, southern protestants. In the 1800's they were pro slavery, in the early 1900's they were anti RC and Jews and immigration, white supremacist, Protestants, pushing morals (as the roaring 20's they felt were too amoral), later they were anti the new deal.

They were always white supremacist Protestants, same as the GOP party today.

The Dixiecrats were a political party organized in the summer of 1948 by conservative white southern Democrats committed to states' rights and the maintenance of segregation and opposed to federal intervention into race, and to a lesser degree, labor relations.Feb 22, 2008


After the southern conservatives failed to prevent the nomination of Harry Truman at the 1948 Democratic National Convention, some 6,000 individuals from 13 southern states converged on Birmingham on July 17, 1948, to hold their own convention. Participants from South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi made up the majority of those in attendance. Governors J. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina and Fielding Wright of Mississippi were nominated as the presidential and vice-presidential candidates of the States' Rights Democrats

Dixiecrats | Encyclopedia of Alabama
Actions speak louder than words. I agree with the sentiment, but need to see more conservative mainstream media. Maybe CNN and MSNBC can become conservative. The libs have too much media already.
It's time to declare the dnc and the dem party as being hate groups.

the proof is clear they have no restraint in using violence to get what they want.

You can discipline and correct the actions of a spoiled child so they grow up to be adults, but there's no fixing spoiled adults.
"It's time to declare the dnc and the dem party as being hate groups." Then what? One party rule by you guys? :rofl:
so it's cool to kill people as long as they are gop b/c you don't want one party rule.

you do know that killing off the competition leads to the same thing?
The other day also on NPR a guy from Vox was commenting and the comparison was made between Republicans and "normal people."

It's very, very subtle.
About as subtle as this comparison?

Townhall Columnists Kurt Schlichter
Liberals Want To Kill Free Speech, So We Patriots Must Fight Back

Can't handle the comparison I posted? Sounds like it's an issue for you.
Pot, meet kettle.

Grow up. I'm not going to pat you on the head and tell you a bunch of even-Steven shit so you can feel like a champ.
There's really no need to be rude.

You should work on that.

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