With Donald Trump's Iowa landslide, evangelicals reveal who they really are


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2016
North Carolina

This article from Salon really hits the nail on the head.

the religious right emerged directly as a reaction to the civil rights movement, as a way for segregationists to justify their racism on the grounds of faith rather than bigotry. The architects of modern American evangelicalism, such as Jerry Falwell, often got their start by pushing the view that the Bible demands the separation of the races. The infrastructure of the modern evangelical movement, especially its schools, grew up as a way to establish white-only spaces after the federal ban on most forms of racial discrimination.

Trump may not believe in faith or salvation, but he sure believes in racism and sexism. That Iowa evangelicals turned out to back Trump isn't a betrayal of their values. It reveals the values that always fueled their movement. It's just the last bit of plausible deniability has faded away.

I kind of take this as some kind of vindication. Over forty years ago I took the pulpit in one of the largest churches in the area. I was a senior in High School, and an award winning speaker, nationally ranked in Forensics, national winner with the American Legion. My church had a senior Sunday, where seniors took over the service. Traditionally, a seminary student would deliver the sermon, but they thought it was a good idea to give me the sermon. I mean what could go wrong?

So, I took it and ran with it. The quoted above is pretty much what I said. Jerry Falwell, the moral majority, well I demonstrated that they weren't moral, that they were not walking with Christ, that they were white supremist, no longer hiding behind a white coat and hood, but hiding behind the bible.

I mean come on, Ronald Reagan was running for president, against Jimmy Carter, and the evangelical movement was behind Reagan. WTF? How the hell does that make any sense? And that was just the beginning. Now look where we are at. So called "Christain" evangelicals backing a low life scumbag like Donald Trump. Do these people have no sense of decency? Do they even bother to read the Bible?

But anyways, after the service, as was customary, I walked out with the preacher and then stood at the door greeting parishioners as they exited. The poor preacher, he was looking for a rock to hide under. And man didn't I get some icy glances. But there were some of them that gave me a big bear hug and said they were happy someone had the guts to lay reality out there.

But that was forty years ago. There hasn't been a senior Sunday since then. I killed it. I couldn't be more proud.

This article from Salon really hits the nail on the head.

the religious right emerged directly as a reaction to the civil rights movement, as a way for segregationists to justify their racism on the grounds of faith rather than bigotry. The architects of modern American evangelicalism, such as Jerry Falwell, often got their start by pushing the view that the Bible demands the separation of the races. The infrastructure of the modern evangelical movement, especially its schools, grew up as a way to establish white-only spaces after the federal ban on most forms of racial discrimination.

Trump may not believe in faith or salvation, but he sure believes in racism and sexism. That Iowa evangelicals turned out to back Trump isn't a betrayal of their values. It reveals the values that always fueled their movement. It's just the last bit of plausible deniability has faded away.

I kind of take this as some kind of vindication. Over forty years ago I took the pulpit in one of the largest churches in the area. I was a senior in High School, and an award winning speaker, nationally ranked in Forensics, national winner with the American Legion. My church had a senior Sunday, where seniors took over the service. Traditionally, a seminary student would deliver the sermon, but they thought it was a good idea to give me the sermon. I mean what could go wrong?

So, I took it and ran with it. The quoted above is pretty much what I said. Jerry Falwell, the moral majority, well I demonstrated that they weren't moral, that they were not walking with Christ, that they were white supremist, no longer hiding behind a white coat and hood, but hiding behind the bible.

I mean come on, Ronald Reagan was running for president, against Jimmy Carter, and the evangelical movement was behind Reagan. WTF? How the hell does that make any sense? And that was just the beginning. Now look where we are at. So called "Christain" evangelicals backing a low life scumbag like Donald Trump. Do these people have no sense of decency? Do they even bother to read the Bible?

But anyways, after the service, as was customary, I walked out with the preacher and then stood at the door greeting parishioners as they exited. The poor preacher, he was looking for a rock to hide under. And man didn't I get some icy glances. But there were some of them that gave me a big bear hug and said they were happy someone had the guts to lay reality out there.

But that was forty years ago. There hasn't been a senior Sunday since then. I killed it. I couldn't be more proud.
So you believe all Christians are Racists because a majority of Iowan "evangelicals" voted for Trump? Wow, yeah whatever.
Historic win? He got fifty percent of the vote of 15% of Republican voters. In other words, not squat shit.
It was historic, no Republican has done what Trump did. Tissue?

Yup, whatever it takes.....lies, slanders......whatever it takes!!

Sorry losers and haters that's all the Globalist Demonic Left are!:mad-61:
Dems are fit to be tied. They attacked the guy, fabricated Russian conspiracies, fake impeached him twice, indicted him dozens of times and the American people still prefer Trump. Dems everywhere are freaking out it's brilliant! :clap2:

This article from Salon really hits the nail on the head.

the religious right emerged directly as a reaction to the civil rights movement, as a way for segregationists to justify their racism on the grounds of faith rather than bigotry. The architects of modern American evangelicalism, such as Jerry Falwell, often got their start by pushing the view that the Bible demands the separation of the races. The infrastructure of the modern evangelical movement, especially its schools, grew up as a way to establish white-only spaces after the federal ban on most forms of racial discrimination.

Trump may not believe in faith or salvation, but he sure believes in racism and sexism. That Iowa evangelicals turned out to back Trump isn't a betrayal of their values. It reveals the values that always fueled their movement. It's just the last bit of plausible deniability has faded away.

I kind of take this as some kind of vindication. Over forty years ago I took the pulpit in one of the largest churches in the area. I was a senior in High School, and an award winning speaker, nationally ranked in Forensics, national winner with the American Legion. My church had a senior Sunday, where seniors took over the service. Traditionally, a seminary student would deliver the sermon, but they thought it was a good idea to give me the sermon. I mean what could go wrong?

So, I took it and ran with it. The quoted above is pretty much what I said. Jerry Falwell, the moral majority, well I demonstrated that they weren't moral, that they were not walking with Christ, that they were white supremist, no longer hiding behind a white coat and hood, but hiding behind the bible.

I mean come on, Ronald Reagan was running for president, against Jimmy Carter, and the evangelical movement was behind Reagan. WTF? How the hell does that make any sense? And that was just the beginning. Now look where we are at. So called "Christain" evangelicals backing a low life scumbag like Donald Trump. Do these people have no sense of decency? Do they even bother to read the Bible?

But anyways, after the service, as was customary, I walked out with the preacher and then stood at the door greeting parishioners as they exited. The poor preacher, he was looking for a rock to hide under. And man didn't I get some icy glances. But there were some of them that gave me a big bear hug and said they were happy someone had the guts to lay reality out there.

But that was forty years ago. There hasn't been a senior Sunday since then. I killed it. I couldn't be more proud.

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