Willfull ignorance, then and now

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
This is so like those that deny the existance of warming and it's cause today.

In 1925, the word "tornado" wasn't even in the vocabulary of the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service). The word had been banned since 1887, when the U.S. Army Signal Corps managed the country's weather forecasting. Tornadoes were utterly unpredictable, the logic went, and forecasting them, besides being a fruitless venture, would only spread panic among the public. Forecasters weren't allowed to study tornadoes, or even acknowledge their existence in public.

Read more: Tri-State Tornado: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, March 1925 - Popular Mechanics
From CNN s0ns........and highlighted on DRUDGE right now!!!

28 April 2011 -

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials

In the aftermath of a severe tornado, owner Frank Evans stands on the rubble that was the Quik Pawn Shop in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south. AFP - US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south.

"If you look at the past 60 years of data, the number of tornadoes is increasing significantly, but it's agreed upon by the tornado community that it's not a real increase," said Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University.

"It's having to do with better (weather tracking) technology, more population, the fact that the population is better educated and more aware. So we're seeing them more often," Dixon said.

But he said it would be "a terrible mistake" to relate the up-tick to climate change.

The tornadoes that ripped through the US south this week killed over 250 people, in the worst US weather disaster in years, with residents and emergency workers sifting through the rubble on Thursday.

Violent twisters that famously rip through the US south's "Tornado Alley" are formed when strong jet winds bringing upper-level storms from the north interact with very warm, humid air mass from the Gulf of Mexico, said David Imy from the NOAA Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma.

On Wednesday, a particularly potent storm was whipping up around the heart of that tornado-prone corridor where the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, eastern Texas and northwest Louisiana meet, noted Kristina Pydynowski, a senior meteorologist at the AccuWeather.com website.

Sparking the severe thunderstorms from that point was the much warmer air arriving from the south, over the tropical Gulf. The combining winds at differing altitudes, said Pydynowski, created "significant twisting motion in the atmosphere, allowing the strongest thunderstorms to spawn tornadoes."

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials - FRANCE 24


S0N...........WILL YOU EVER LEARN???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fu:
I agree with Old Rocks concerning global warning...but I still think he's a tard.
By the way..........in terms of credibility, and for the sake of those new to this forum, might want to know this Old Rocks guy...........besides being hyper-OCD on the man-made global warming stuff also believes that GIANTS roam the eastern Meditteranean. If its hysterical..........Old Rocks is on it.

Something he posted up awhile back......................


Cant make this shit up................:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:
This is so like those that deny the existance of warming and it's cause today.

In 1925, the word "tornado" wasn't even in the vocabulary of the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service). The word had been banned since 1887, when the U.S. Army Signal Corps managed the country's weather forecasting. Tornadoes were utterly unpredictable, the logic went, and forecasting them, besides being a fruitless venture, would only spread panic among the public. Forecasters weren't allowed to study tornadoes, or even acknowledge their existence in public.

Read more: Tri-State Tornado: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, March 1925 - Popular Mechanics
Sounds like Political Correctness, which is practiced by you Lefties nowadays. GW critics are chastised publicly and equated with "Holocaust Deniers" because "geniuses" like you can't be bothered to explain your ideas to "the great unwashed" like us.

You're not gonna' turn anyone over to your way of thinking by being so condescending.
This is so like those that deny the existence of warming and it's cause today.

In 1925, the word "tornado" wasn't even in the vocabulary of the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service). The word had been banned since 1887, when the U.S. Army Signal Corps managed the country's weather forecasting. Tornadoes were utterly unpredictable, the logic went, and forecasting them, besides being a fruitless venture, would only spread panic among the public. Forecasters weren't allowed to study tornadoes, or even acknowledge their existence in public.

Read more: Tri-State Tornado: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, March 1925 - Popular Mechanics

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Here's a good one for the ones who work for the oil cops or have a financial interest in the production and sales of fossil fuels.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary (or investment income) depends on his not understanding it."
— Upton Sinclair

Of course most of the denier cultists who post on here are moronic trailer trash and have no investments but they are the "useful idiots" who can be manipulated with political slogans by any group who knows how to play on their biases, prejudices and general ignorance. Something the PR/propaganda firms working for the fossil fuel interests have gotten really good at since the days when they worked for the tobacco companies to confuse the public about the dangers of smoking and to delay governmental restrictions on smoking in public places in the name of public health.

The quote I like that probably has the most significance regarding our current situation with global warming/climate changes is from Winston Churchill:

“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences”

By the way..........in terms of credibility, and for the sake of those new to this forum, might want to know this Old Rocks guy...........besides being hyper-OCD on the man-made global warming stuff also believes that GIANTS roam the eastern Meditteranean. If its hysterical..........Old Rocks is on it.

Something he posted up awhile back......................

Wow! That couldn't possibly be shopped! :rolleyes:
The word had been banned since 1887, when the U.S. Army Signal Corps managed the country's weather forecasting. Tornadoes were utterly unpredictable, the logic went, and forecasting them, besides being a fruitless venture, would only spread panic among the public.

And I was wondering why the word 'Obama' has never left the lips of todays weather forecasters. Learn something new every day.
This is the type of religious fervor that the alarmists are resorting to. Just like the religious loonies of old the new religion blames the sufferers for "denying AGW" so Mother Nature has punished them.

A better example of the new lunacy would be harder to find. Thanks olfraud for giving me the opportunity to post up some of your religious viewpoints in a relevent manner.

"Today, news agencies are still tallying reports of deaths from the most devastating storm system in the United States in decades:

Dozens of massive tornadoes tore a town-flattening streak across the South, killing at least 250 people in six states and forcing rescuers to carry some survivors out on makeshift stretchers of splintered debris. Two of Alabama’s major cities were among the places devastated by the deadliest twister outbreak in nearly 40 years.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

The congressional delegations of these states — Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia, and Kentucky — overwhelmingly voted to reject the science that polluting the climate is dangerous. They are deliberately ignoring the warnings from scientists."

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers
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Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

Really? Nature killed people in retribution?.................:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

PS........THINK PROGRESS is a far lefty website frequented by the MoveOn folks!!!

Just keeping it real s0n...............
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

PS........THINK PROGRESS is a far lefty website frequented by the MoveOn folks!!!

Just keeping it real s0n...............

Your posts annoy me almost as much as Mr. Shaytard's, s0n.
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Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

PS........THINK PROGRESS is a far lefty website frequented by the MoveOn folks!!!

Just keeping it real s0n...............

Your posts annoy me almost as much as Mr. Shaytard's, s0n.


Indeed son............the musicians in particular are prone to virtually every gay-ass "cause" you can find!! If its hysterical...........they're on it!!!
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

PS........THINK PROGRESS is a far lefty website frequented by the MoveOn folks!!!

Just keeping it real s0n...............
Nope, kooker, you never "keep it real". Your specialty is 'keeping it stupid and demented', you're good at that and this is another example. What Dr. Trenberth said is the important point. Who quoted him has nothing to do with the validity of his statement.
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

PS........THINK PROGRESS is a far lefty website frequented by the MoveOn folks!!!

Just keeping it real s0n...............
Nope, kooker, you never "keep it real". Your specialty is 'keeping it stupid and demented', you're good at that and this is another example. What Dr. Trenberth said is the important point. Who quoted him has nothing to do with the validity of his statement.

Its always an important point when the person saying it is pushing an agenda embraced by k00ks, however, his statement implies that "storms" never happened before the onset of the industrial age. But thats not absurd............unless you're a k00k.

Just to elaborate..........THINKPROGRESS is a far left progressive website frequently referenced by hyper-progressive, hate-America/capitalism assholes. If you fall into that category, check it out. They promote trickle-up poverty economic policy.
Dr. Trenberth is absolutely correct. And more violent and chaotic weather systems with more precipitation, as a result of global warming, are exactly what the climate scientists have been predicting for the last few decades.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

ThinkProgress » Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers

I actually like Trenberth. While he does have an ideology to promote he seldom actually lies about the science.

....the uncertainty in AR5's climate predictions and projections will be much greater than in previous IPCC reports, primarily because of the factors noted above. This could present a major problem for public understanding of climate change. Is it not a reasonable expectation that as knowledge and understanding increase over time, uncertainty should decrease? But while our knowledge of certain factors does increase, so does our understanding of factors we previously did not account for or even recognize.

this is an interesting quote. Trenberth actually admits that when the IPCC starts taking more factors into account the uncertainty will increase!!. what does that say about the reality of their previous declarations of 'certainty'? if your model only accounts for a few factors and you say it is 90% likely to be accurate what does it mean if you ADD more factors and it becomes less likely to be certain? obviously the first model wasnt 90% certain in the first place was it?

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