Will There Be An Anti-muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached The Heartland?

Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

Yeah, I was thinking about this yesterday.

We know that, since Islam is a (the) PC-protected religion, the Left will continue to do what it's doing now, and that is spin and deflect and say that this is no big deal.

The variable in the equation is whether this happens again, and if so, at what frequency.

Even the PC Police and their allies in the media wouldn't be able to explain away and/or ignore more than a couple more.

Let's just hope this was isolated and it doesn't come to that. One and done.


Look, 9/11 couldn't push the American population over the line, so a beheading or two or three or four are not going to do it. It's going to have get to Palestinian level and frequency of attacks in heartland of America to get us there.

The cumulative effect of this coming as it has AFTER 9/11 and all the other things we've seen and done and heard and learned about Islam over the intervening 13 years makes it possible, IMO, for America, Americans, well at least SOME Americans (not a slam at you, Rik) to be at a different boiling point with regard to what is happening to America.

Because of the Islamist campaign of stealth Jihad in this country, while some of America has reset to Zero others have remained at a slow simmer with regard to the Muslim Brotherhood efforts and progress being made to conquer America from within.

So, to some this is like a brand new 'thing' which would recommend a patient and dispassionate measured response from the American people.

However, to others this may be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Some Americans have been watching this unblinkingly since 9/11 and they are alarmed that Islam has a greater foothold in America today than ever before.

The fact that the revolting act of murder being committed is that of beheading is particularly galling.

We'll have to wait and see how well the Islamists can forestall our natural instincts of self preservation from kicking in.

America, I hope you aren't on Roofies and are sleeping through all of this!
Muslims have been in our nation since its founding. Those individuals are westernized. They have fought in our wars, support our communities and the women wear western style clothing. The problem is the ones that have been arriving here in the last decade or so. They don't assimilate into our society, but rather cling to the Islamic ideology of not being friends with infidels, hide behind our freedoms and would rather see the Constitution ripped up and Shariah Law implemented. The latter are the ones I don't have sympathy for, if there is a backlash.

If the Muslim population of America had been at Stage Two levels at our founding we'd probably be a 100% Muslim nation by now.

Thank God they weren't.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

This is war? I thought war had organized sides. If this guy in OK was somehow connected to an organization, I'd give this claim a little more credence; otherwise, he is a violent criminal who needs to pay for his crime.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

Yeah, I was thinking about this yesterday.

We know that, since Islam is a (the) PC-protected religion, the Left will continue to do what it's doing now, and that is spin and deflect and say that this is no big deal.

The variable in the equation is whether this happens again, and if so, at what frequency.

Even the PC Police and their allies in the media wouldn't be able to explain away and/or ignore more than a couple more.

Let's just hope this was isolated and it doesn't come to that. One and done.


Look, 9/11 couldn't push the American population over the line, so a beheading or two or three or four are not going to do it. It's going to have get to Palestinian level and frequency of attacks in heartland of America to get us there.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

Yeah, I was thinking about this yesterday.

We know that, since Islam is a (the) PC-protected religion, the Left will continue to do what it's doing now, and that is spin and deflect and say that this is no big deal.

The variable in the equation is whether this happens again, and if so, at what frequency.

Even the PC Police and their allies in the media wouldn't be able to explain away and/or ignore more than a couple more.

Let's just hope this was isolated and it doesn't come to that. One and done.


Look, 9/11 couldn't push the American population over the line, so a beheading or two or three or four are not going to do it. It's going to have get to Palestinian level and frequency of attacks in heartland of America to get us there.

Maybe we are talking about two separate and different things here.

You are saying that this beheading isn't enough to start rioting in the streets en masse.

I'm saying that some people MAY have been set off by this beheading and I would not be surprised if it touched off a slow burning fuse among those who see this not as an isolated event or just one and done reaction to the volatile events involving ISIS and fundamentalist Islam.

This is like waking up in the night to grab a nosh from the kitchen and seeing roaches scurrying under the refrigerator when the lights came on.

How many more do you need to see?

How many will you tolerate before taking action?

Some one may be planning a response as we speak.

We don't want violence to result from this.

We don't want blood running in America's streets.

But the possible alternative unless something is done to adequately address the growing problem of Muslim stealth Jihad on the way to their conquering America from within, right before our eyes, will mean far greater violence and bloodshed if we wait until later, when there is no disputing the dynamics of their invasion/infiltration.

I'm wondering what would happen if a Lone Wolf Patriot responded to this barbaric display of Islamism with his own act of 'backlash.'

Would Muslims rise to avenge a hypothetical attack such as that? Let's hope we don't have to find out.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

We're decades away from that outcome. Before people take the law into their own hands they have to come to terms with the cost to their own lives and weigh that against the benefits. There's no way that one murder is going to motivate people to risk their own lives to fight against Muslim jihad.

Contrary to popular belief THEY HAVE BEEN AT WAR WITH US FOR YEARS.

Has our failure to recognize that and respond appropriately to it made us stronger and better able to protect and defend America and our way of life?

They have infiltrated the Congress. The White House. The RNC. Hillary Clinton's staff. And she is the Dem. front runner for the Oval Office in 2016.

How much more should we tolerate before we wake up and recognize the war being waged against us?

A war we are not winning yet.
While I am not fan of tolerance when it comes to an ideology that promotes brutality such as radical Islam, I think it is way too soon to be drawing conclusions. This asshole was most likely a disgruntled former employee with mental problems.

Not all ISLAMIC terrorists are anti-American. Most of the anti-American ones come from the Middle East and Northern Africa. This prick who beheaded the former co-worker was just some black dude from middle America who, for whatever reason, got into Islam. The Black Panthers are largely Muslim too, but they do not go around cutting whitey's heads off.

True, this prick may have been inspired by recent videos. Nonetheless, there is nothing yet to indicate that he was part of some movement or organization devoted to terrorism. If he was then why didn't he attack a political target, or a target that would result in the spread of terror (shopping mall, subway, etc...)? No, he went to his former job and went all sideways.

All of the facts are not yet known. As I said, I believe that this was merely a case of a mentally ill disgruntled former employee flipping out big time. It happens. The Islam slant most likely not a motivating factor. But, I could be wrong.
I rest my case.

I would not "rest my case" yet, shit-for-brains. There is a lot of distance between the facts you think you know and the conclusions that you reach.

I agree that we are engaged to some degree in a war with Islamists. I do not pity MUSLIMS and I sure as hell am not for banning guns and doing the rest of the bullshit you mention. I am most certainly NOT a liberal, you moronic twat.

I am sorry that you lack the ability to objectively and emotionlessly analyze the data before you. That is a personal problem you posses, and you need to work on that. There is no way to know at this point that but-for Islam this man would not have beheaded that woman. He went to his old job where he was fired, cut off the head of a woman and was in the process of carving up another woman when he was shot and stopped. Unless you have been living under a rock the past 100 years you know that workplace killings happen all the time. Nothing so far suggests that this was an ideologically motivated attack. Maybe facts will ultimately come out to prove that it was. But right now your conclusions are not compelled by the known facts.

Go jack it, you dumb bitch.

When the facts are confirmed I'd guess she'll be closer to the truth than not.

But will you be man enough to come back here and apologize to her for being an asshole?

Of course not.
"Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?"

This is a lie, consistent with the fact that the OP is a liar, as there is no 'violent jihad' in any 'heartland.'

The OP seeks only to contrive a controversy where none exists, the consequence of his unwarranted and delusional fear and hatred of Muslims – this is nothing more than demagoguery and fear-mongering, and fails accordingly.

You silly Liberal man!

You indict yourself.

All this thread represents to you is, "demagoguery and fear-mongering."

All I can say is that THIS is what separates Conservatives from Liberals.

Conservatives do this thing called thinking. Thinking before acting. Pondering the what if's before the fact.

Of course you are affronted by this humble little thread. Its existence is an insult to your infirmity.

'What infirmity is that,' you ask?

You are born with Liberal hard wiring which makes you inferior in the game of life compared to Conservatives.
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Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

This is war? I thought war had organized sides. If this guy in OK was somehow connected to an organization, I'd give this claim a little more credence; otherwise, he is a violent criminal who needs to pay for his crime.

Thank you, ricechickie, for addressing that sentence.

I was hoping someone would because most people truly do not know that al Qaeda, as the Base from which many of the other more recently infamous Islamic terrorist groups have sprung, declared war on the United States inthe 1990's.

Any and every act of Jihad directed against the USA since then can, technically, be considered acts of war.

We have just been able to ignore it until now.

What I wanted to do was to let you know there are hundreds, thousands, millions of Muslims who want us dead.

Dead or captive or converted.

And this act is an act of war to further the Islamic goal of global supremacy by bringing America down to its knees.

And wars don't have to have two organized sides.
There will be no anti muslim backlash because we have not yet come to terms with islam. Was this man recruited in prison? Many are. Prisons are fertile grounds for recruiting the violent. Those who are predisposed to violence are attracted to a belief system that makes killing a holy act. Which mosque did he attend? Whatever that mosque was, it was NOT a place that educated him into what the government calls "real" islam. It was a place where he learned the meaning of the words convert or die. Words that he put into practice at his workplace when he offered his coworkers an opportunity to convert and stone fellow employees or be beheaded.

That this one man was recruited out of the already existing criminal class isn't nearly as important as how many others have been recruited out of the criminal class.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

This is war? I thought war had organized sides. If this guy in OK was somehow connected to an organization, I'd give this claim a little more credence; otherwise, he is a violent criminal who needs to pay for his crime.

Thank you, ricechickie, for addressing that sentence.

I was hoping someone would because most people truly do not know that al Qaeda, as the Base from which many of the other more recently infamous Islamic terrorist groups have sprung, declared war on the United States inthe 1990's.

Any and every act of Jihad directed against the USA since then can, technically, be considered acts of war.

We have just been able to ignore it until now.

What I wanted to do was to let you know there are hundreds, thousands, millions of Muslims who want us dead.

Dead or captive or converted.

And this act is an act of war to further the Islamic goal of global supremacy by bringing America down to its knees.

And wars don't have to have two organized sides.

The ISIS propaganda minister continues his quest to spread the message of extremism. Keep up the good work Achmed.
There will be backlash. Backlash against anyone who says a word bad about Islam.

The left wing certainly isn't going to say much of a word because they like that the Muslims are anti-Christian. The enemy of my enemy....... Even though they don't realize that their atheist views puts them first on the hit list. But as long as there is something tearing down the fabric of America that is all OK with the left. I really don't understand what the left thinks they have to gain by being so closed minded.
Muslim violence will continue to be ignored or recompartmentalized when it can't be ignored. As long as incidents can be transferred from what it really is, which is an organized program of terrorism, to isolated criminal acts, muslim violence will be explained and reasoned away. It has to become the elephant in the living room before it can't be ignored any more. It has to reach the same proportions that it reached in Iraq and Syria before it can't be ignored.

We had one guy in Moore, Oklahoma, like we had one guy in Ft. Hood, Texas and two guys sniping on the beltway in Washington DC. All can be ignored as isolated criminal acts. No matter how many there are. In 74 separate terrorist attacks 3,106 people have been killed not including the beheading in Moore. It will have to be 1,000 guys spread out over New York City beheading at random (per the plan in Australia) for the public to finally stop ignoring it.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

Where have you been?

Remember 9/11? Did you forget that was perpetrated by Muslim terrorists ?

The first thing we saw was brainless RW nutters going after innocent people.

You people really do need to work on not being the STOOOPID party.
They even did it after the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing.
There will be no anti muslim backlash because we have not yet come to terms with islam. Was this man recruited in prison? Many are. Prisons are fertile grounds for recruiting the violent. Those who are predisposed to violence are attracted to a belief system that makes killing a holy act. Which mosque did he attend? Whatever that mosque was, it was NOT a place that educated him into what the government calls "real" islam. It was a place where he learned the meaning of the words convert or die. Words that he put into practice at his workplace when he offered his coworkers an opportunity to convert and stone fellow employees or be beheaded.

That this one man was recruited out of the already existing criminal class isn't nearly as important as how many others have been recruited out of the criminal class.

Couldn't someone merely by reading the Koran, without anyone to, "radicalize" him, become a terrorist?

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef
Raise your hand if you want all Muslims deported from the US.


I guess you'll have to find some other thing to stir them up with and enrage your fellow Jihadis in order to get them to hate us more.
Will There be an Anti-Muslim Backlash Now That Violent Jihad Has Reached the Heartland?

This is war.

Will this war see a nationwide wave of backlash attacks against American Muslims prompted by the Oklahoma beheading of a woman there by a Muslim?

They had a chance. Too bad they didn't make better use of it. Too late now, I think.

Where have you been?

Remember 9/11? Did you forget that was perpetrated by Muslim terrorists ?

The first thing we saw was brainless RW nutters going after innocent people.

You people really do need to work on not being the STOOOPID party.
They even did it after the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing.

You mean the Muslim Brotherhood wasn't against US Imperialism when the OKC Fed Bldg was bombed???


So tell us, when DID they decide we were the Great Satan???

EDIT: And this Wikipedia excerpt reminds me that the first WTC bombing by Muslims had taken place a few years earlier.

Media coverage[edit]

Hundreds of news trucks and members of the press arrived at the site to cover the story. The press immediately noticed that the bombing took place on the second anniversary of the Waco incident.[93] Many initial news stories hypothesized the attack had been undertaken by Islamic terrorists, such as those who had masterminded the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.[147][148][149]Some responded to these reports by attacking Muslims and people of Arab descent.[117][150]

Before any evidence could be introduced to say otherwise, the media presented stories to the public that accused individuals within Middle Eastern groups.[151] At this time in America, stereotypes that focused on the Arab race had affected many American Arabs within the United States.[152] These stereotypes may have impacted how individuals acted after the bombing, and can explain why the media assumed that Middle Eastern groups were responsible.[153] In the case of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Hamzi Moghrabi, chairman of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, blamed the media for the attacks on Muslims and Arabs that took place just days after the bombing.[154]

As the rescue effort wound down, the media interest shifted to the investigation, arrests, and trials of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and on the search for an additional suspect named "John Doe Number Two." Several witnesses claimed to have seen a second suspect, who did not resemble Nichols, with McVeigh.[155][156]

Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, tell us why terrorism by Islamists should not have been suspected in the OKC blast even though unproven?

And before you go THERE I'll remind you that Blacks and Liberals around the world, inside the USA and especially here at USMB were famous for jumping to conclusions without any real evidence to go on but their own feelings, when it came to Trayvon and Big Mike.

So, it would be understandable, though regrettable, that innocent Muslims in America would be targeted for violence.

Maybe they should move to Saudi Arabia. I hear the religious police do a very good job there.
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Muslim violence will continue to be ignored or recompartmentalized when it can't be ignored. As long as incidents can be transferred from what it really is, which is an organized program of terrorism, to isolated criminal acts, muslim violence will be explained and reasoned away. It has to become the elephant in the living room before it can't be ignored any more. It has to reach the same proportions that it reached in Iraq and Syria before it can't be ignored.

We had one guy in Moore, Oklahoma, like we had one guy in Ft. Hood, Texas and two guys sniping on the beltway in Washington DC. All can be ignored as isolated criminal acts. No matter how many there are. In 74 separate terrorist attacks 3,106 people have been killed not including the beheading in Moore. It will have to be 1,000 guys spread out over New York City beheading at random (per the plan in Australia) for the public to finally stop ignoring it.

Until most Americans establish in our mind the solid, unflinching realization that we are at war with a force with all the endearing charms as the Terminator:

Kyle Reese: Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

The Terminator 1984 - Quotes - IMDb


... I'm afraid we will always be at least a step behind where we want and need to be.​
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