Will the NAACP denounce Alternet?


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
The Bay Area Soviet
I ask because well, this is pretty vile stuff.


Black History Month is Herman Cain Playing the Race Minstrel for CPAC
Posted by Chauncey DeVega at 3:12 pm
February 12, 2011

In the immortal words of Megatron in Transformers: The Movie, Herman Cain’s speech at CPAC really is bad comedy. As you know, I find black garbage pail kids black conservatives fascinating not because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and perform for their White Conservative masters.


We always need a monkey in the window, for he/she reminds us of our humanity while simultaneously reinforcing a sense of our own superiority. Sadly, there are always folks who are willing to play that role because it pays so well.

Black History Month is Herman Cain Playing the Race Minstrel for CPAC « SpeakEasy

( note there is a line thru the line " garbage pail kids" that did not transfer to this page text)

The whole piece is pretty vile. Now, I would think that this is pretty risible ala someone like the NAACP, who interest this would catch and there fore at least make a case as to its lack of, uhmmmm, inappropriateness?

One would think. The NAACP is deeply aggrieved by and partnered with media matters, new left media and think progress to keep an eye on the tea party ala their ‘racist tendencies’ teapartytracker.org ....so, what are they waiting for?

CORE’s (Congress of Racial Equality) National spokesman Niger Innis took them to task ( see letter to alternet below).....So, what is Mr. Jealous ( of the NAACP) waiting for?

Alternet.org’s Racist Attack on Herman Cain*|*NetRight Daily
I keep saying the real racists are on the left, and they keep proving me correct.
It ought to, but it won't.The Left has its own peculiar form of racism, in which Black America is supposed to remain meekly subservient on Massa Liberal's Plantation, in eternal gratitude for what the Left has "given to them". The Left's message to Black America is simple: "WE gave you everything you have; why, without US, you'd still be living under Jim Crow, going to segregated schools, and using the "Colored" facilities. How dare you be ungrateful! If you would even THINK of supporting anything remotely conservative, you are a sellout, a race traitor, an Uncle Tom, an Aunt Jemima, a house N*****! YOU OWE US, and don't you dare forget it!"

If that is not patronizing, demeaning and thoroughly racist hypocrisy, I don't know what is! Yet, the Left, so utterly convinced of its own essential goodness, and feeling it has a monopoly on all things virtuous, is utterly blind to the defect; it assumes that poor people and minorities could never have accomplished anything on their own. Of course, the bigotry of the Left is not merely racial; they cheerfully extend it to anyone else who doesn't think, act, speak, and vote as the Left would like; anyone who would do that MUST be evil, or at least uneducated, ignorant, or gullible; why, if they had any sense at all, they would worship at the altar of Progressive Thought, and at least kiss the Left's hand, if not its collective backside! Like the Left's selective tolerance ("You can say anything, anything at all....IF you toe our party line!"), this would be comical, if it were not so ugly. As it is, this peculiar form of elitist, moral myopia is both ridiculous and vicious at once! Ah, the American Left, still far more sanctimonious than sanctified, marches on.

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