Will Republicans shut down the Government over Planned Parenthood?

What part of the federal government doesn't fund abortions anyway are clowns like John McCormack and you not getting? By cutting Planned Parenthood, ironically, they'll be cutting PREGNANCY PREVENTION for low-income women. You want more babies born to women who can't care for them or don't want them and then have even MORE chidren on welfare to continue the cycle?

This is a fucking no-brainer.

Almost all county health departments provide family planning and birth control for low income participants. Giving money to planned parenthood to duplicate those services that are provided by state and county governments is a waste of money we don't have. People seem to forget that we are BORROWING a lot of the money we're spending.

Sure. Ever walked into a county welfare office to see what a zoo it is? They hardly offer family "planning." It's more like how-fast-can-I-get-this-lowlife-out-of-my-office. Here's some condoms to hold you over. There may be some states that offer those services separately from all the other applicants for other social programs, but not in my state. It's all under one tent. And ours is one of the better administered ones.

So, we should BORROW money to give to Planned Parenthood because it's a hassle to go to the county health department?
Can anyone imagine the reaction on this board if the Democrats held up the budget in order to get cuts to end oil subsidies or to pay for programs that support gun control? It wouldn't be pretty. And yet to some people on this board it's alright if the GOP decides to hold up the entire budget because they want to push through their religious right agenda.

If the Democrats had a spine, I'd say just wait until the positions are reversed and you hear the same people on the board defending the GOP call the Dems traitors.
Can anyone imagine the reaction on this board if the Democrats held up the budget in order to get cuts to end oil subsidies or to pay for programs that support gun control? It wouldn't be pretty. And yet to some people on this board it's alright if the GOP decides to hold up the entire budget because they want to push through their religious right agenda.

If the Democrats had a spine, I'd say just wait until the positions are reversed and you hear the same people on the board defending the GOP call the Dems traitors.

The democrats didn't write a budget, they had the house the senate and the wh,, but they didn't do a budget, stop whining.
Many of us told you GOP Hacks that they would cost you the Senate, and they did. Now they will cost you the WH in 2012.

That would be GREAT.... then maybe we can get people mobilized for what it will REALLY take to TRULY implement change in this country..... REVOLUTION.

The Government Shutdown is About Abortion and Pollution | Death and Taxes

Leaving aside the fact that abortion is a medical procedure performed by medical professionals and should therefore enjoy the same federal dollars our government has deemed wise to spend on public health, to shut down the government over the chump change Washington spends on the procedure is nothing short of ludicrous. The government’s relationship with abortion, as well as its relation with the environment, are conversations that are absolutely worthwhile—so worthwhile that they require completely separate debates. Attempting action on these issues in the context of a budget debate, prompting gridlock (which Republicans had to know would happen) and endangering the livelihood of nearly one million government employees in addition to freezing public services, is profoundly irresponsible.

Since it's only "chump change" then Planned Parenthood will no doubt be able to replace that funding from a private source. Are you telling us that the Democrats are willing to shut the government down over "chump change"?

Are the Republicans willing to shut down the government over an issue that's already the law, and also the law that abortion can't be funded with federal money anyway?
And if congress passes it, and P-BO vetoes it... who shut the government down again?

Don't be a tool.
Can anyone imagine the reaction on this board if the Democrats held up the budget in order to get cuts to end oil subsidies or to pay for programs that support gun control? It wouldn't be pretty. And yet to some people on this board it's alright if the GOP decides to hold up the entire budget because they want to push through their religious right agenda.

If the Democrats had a spine, I'd say just wait until the positions are reversed and you hear the same people on the board defending the GOP call the Dems traitors.

The democrats didn't write a budget, they had the house the senate and the wh,, but they didn't do a budget, stop whining.
That batch of Dems and fiscal responsibility are rarely two terms used in the same sentence.
Restoring the Dornan amendment ensures that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia. It's already been done. But the teepees still want ALL of Planned Parenhood defunded.

And by the way, initially there were over 60 policy "riders" the teepees demanded in the CRs that have subsequently been worked through. The Planned Parenthood one is the only one remaining, and the CR with that in it will not pass the Senate. So shut it down and let the fools quibbling over a an issue which DOES NOT BELONG in an emergency resolution suffer the consequences. Bring it on.


It's not a surprise to me that liberals lack consistency

The democrats didn't write a budget, they had the house the senate and the wh,, but they didn't do a budget, stop whining.

Except nothing I said has anything to do with your excuse. If President Obama and Senate Democrats held up the budget because they want to get rid of oil subsidies and fund gun control programs, I would love to see the reaction on here. I can tell you that the same people making excuses for the GOP such as yourself would not be making excuses for the Dems. In fact, I'm willing to bet that some would even call for President Obama's impeachment.

Makes me glad to avoid the partisan bickering as much as I do these days.
The Government Shutdown is About Abortion and Pollution | Death and Taxes

Leaving aside the fact that abortion is a medical procedure performed by medical professionals and should therefore enjoy the same federal dollars our government has deemed wise to spend on public health, to shut down the government over the chump change Washington spends on the procedure is nothing short of ludicrous. The government’s relationship with abortion, as well as its relation with the environment, are conversations that are absolutely worthwhile—so worthwhile that they require completely separate debates. Attempting action on these issues in the context of a budget debate, prompting gridlock (which Republicans had to know would happen) and endangering the livelihood of nearly one million government employees in addition to freezing public services, is profoundly irresponsible.

Since it's only "chump change" then Planned Parenthood will no doubt be able to replace that funding from a private source. Are you telling us that the Democrats are willing to shut the government down over "chump change"?

Are the Republicans willing to shut down the government over an issue that's already the law, and also the law that abortion can't be funded with federal money anyway?
I'm not so sure that citing the law in defense of this batch of Democrats is all that convincing a thing to do. They ignored the Budget Act of 1974 and its subsequent amendments. They thought they had better things to do than their jobs as dictated by the law.
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Reid lies
There are only two "riders" in this budget stopgap. The first prevents federal funds from being used to build a detention center on U.S. soil for Guantanamo detainees or for bringing those detainees to the United States. But Reid didn't say anything about that rider in his remarks.

Instead, Reid said that "the two main issues that are holding this matter are up the choice of women, reproductive rights, and clean air. These matters have no place on a budget bill." By clean air, he means the amendment to keep the EPA from regulating carbon dioxide emissions. That rider is not included in House Republicans' bill....

So that seems to be the sticking point--the reason Reid won't vote for this budget or won't allow a vote. To be clear: We're not talking about prohibiting funds for contraception from being used to subsidize abortion providers (i.e. the Pence amendment on Planned Parenthood). We're talking about direct taxpayer-funding of abortion....

This policy, known as the Dornan amendment, has previously enjoyed bipartisan support: Indeed, Reid, Biden, Pelosi, and Obama have all voted for appropriations bills that included the Dornan amendment. President Obama signed the Dornan amendment into law in the fiscal year 2009 budget.

Restoring the Dornan amendment ensures that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia. It's already been done. But the teepees still want ALL of Planned Parenhood defunded.

And by the way, initially there were over 60 policy "riders" the teepees demanded in the CRs that have subsequently been worked through. The Planned Parenthood one is the only one remaining, and the CR with that in it will not pass the Senate. So shut it down and let the fools quibbling over a an issue which DOES NOT BELONG in an emergency resolution suffer the consequences. Bring it on.

Every dime of taxpayer money that goes to PP is another dime they can reallocate from somewhere else to use for abortion purposes.


And you know that how?
History repeats itself.

Shutting down the government so they can play to their base and shut down Planned Parenthood.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't support?
And you know that how?

Because PP being the "evil geniuses" they are clearly want to fund as many Abortions as possible but don't just simply use the money from private donors and allocate that to Abortions.

Though maybe this will reveal that PP is actually in reality nothing but an Abortion factory run by Lizard people. :eusa_think:
The democrats didn't write a budget, they had the house the senate and the wh,, but they didn't do a budget, stop whining.

Except nothing I said has anything to do with your excuse. If President Obama and Senate Democrats held up the budget because they want to get rid of oil subsidies and fund gun control programs, I would love to see the reaction on here. I can tell you that the same people making excuses for the GOP such as yourself would not be making excuses for the Dems. In fact, I'm willing to bet that some would even call for President Obama's impeachment.

Makes me glad to avoid the partisan bickering as much as I do these days.
Funding gun control programs, for example, is an increase in spending. Cutting some subsidies is a decrease in spending. So I have no idea what your point is.

It's the money, stupid.

But keep the hyperbole about wars on women, hatred of old people, burning of puppies, etc. up. It's entertaining.
History repeats itself.
Let's all hope so... The results of the last time this happened? Billy Clinton's surplus!

Don't you want a balanced budget, hack?

I want to be hearing all about "The Obama Surplus" in a couple of years, don't you?
Yes, Social Engineering is important enough for the Republicans to Shut Down the Government. The GOP cannot say NO! to Batcrazy Bachmann and her clann. Therefore, the riders will stay and the Government will come down.

1995 all over again...

Social engineering? How is it social engineering to let nature take it's course?

Social engineering is encouraging "less desirables" to abort their children. Ensuring that only the "pure" and "good" people continue to live on.

Yeah, we all know it's only "those people" who have abortions, never the pretty young blonde gal looking for her first break in Hollywood, or the bored rich bitch who fooled around with the pool guy and got 'accidentally' knocked up. But of course neither of "those" types of people would go to a disgusting place like Planned Parenthood, so they don't get counted in the statistics.
Restoring the Dornan amendment ensures that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia. It's already been done. But the teepees still want ALL of Planned Parenhood defunded.

And by the way, initially there were over 60 policy "riders" the teepees demanded in the CRs that have subsequently been worked through. The Planned Parenthood one is the only one remaining, and the CR with that in it will not pass the Senate. So shut it down and let the fools quibbling over a an issue which DOES NOT BELONG in an emergency resolution suffer the consequences. Bring it on.

Every dime of taxpayer money that goes to PP is another dime they can reallocate from somewhere else to use for abortion purposes.


And you know that how?

I have been in the accounting field for decades. Any entry level bookkeeper can tell you that is how things work especially one who has worked for a non-profit entity such as I have.

You give me funds and tell me that I can only use it for providing STD Testing Services for teens and I will do just that, but the funds that I would have allocated to the testing services are going to be reallocated to the areas that I want to focus upon or that I believe are most important.

It is the same thing that the states did with lottery money that was dedicated to "education". They sure enough took the proceeds from the lottery and put them in the education fund while simultaneously reallocating funds that would have gone from the budget to education into other areas.

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Will Republicans shut down the government over Planned Parenthood? - The Week

Another night of budget talks failed to produce a deal acceptable to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). Reid said that money isn't the holdup, but rather the GOP's "line in the sand" over its hundreds of policy amendments, especially those to defund Planned Parenthood and curb EPA enforcement. Such big policy issues "have no place on a budget bill," Reid said. Could the government really shut down over Planned Parenthood?

It is because of abortion and planned parenthood. Repubs believe government shouldn't have anything to do with it so they don't want to waste tax dollars there. But the Hussein and Reid want the government knee deep in people's personal lives, in short, they want tax dollars to push their pro-abortion agenda. That is 100 times more important than paying troops.

Yeah, that's it. :cuckoo:

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