Will Liberals Cry

Will liberals really cry again if Trump wins in 2024?

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Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Will the liberals really cry again if Trump gets elected or will they rejoice with more impeachment hearings, legal battles, and fun stuff like that? These fun things can’t be done if Trump loses in 2024. So the question is: Will liberals really cry if Trump wins in 2024?
Why would I cry?
You promise a return to greatness.
What could possibly go wrong?
Why would I cry?

It could reignite sad memories of the people who died from Covid-19 which was 100% Trump’s fault. Deaths can cause crying especially if it is someone you knew well. Since Trump’s presence as president caused 100% of all the deaths from Covid-19 then you may be sad of the new virus that his presidency will cause. This is just a guess. I don’t know why so many think liberals will cry again if Trump is elected.
Trump cannot win

No way can he get 270 EVs
Kamala Harris, as Vice President, can reject any Electoral Votes she finds are compromised.….starting with Texas and Florida
Illiberal leftists will cry.

Who are these mythological "liberals" of which you speak, though? They are all but extinct, and the few that are left are all independents.

I guess we have to wait until after the election to find out.
Why would I cry?
You promise a return to greatness.
What could possibly go wrong?

Good point. They claim

a. Crime won't exist
b. Companies will only hire the best and brightest
c. The economy will get better for the average American making $62K a year
d. The middle east problem will go away
e. Russia war will end well for us
f. They will fix social security and medicare
g. Illegals won't exist and refuges will stop coming
h. Pollution will be solved
i. Healthcare they'll fix
j. Fix the trade war with China
k. Trump won't tell any more of our top secrets to his guests at Mara Lago
Good point. They claim

a. Crime won't exist
b. Companies will only hire the best and brightest
c. The economy will get better for the average American making $62K a year
d. The middle east problem will go away
e. Russia war will end well for us
f. They will fix social security and medicare
g. Illegals won't exist and refuges will stop coming
h. Pollution will be solved
i. Healthcare they'll fix
j. Fix the trade war with China
k. Trump won't tell any more of our top secrets to his guests at Mara Lago

So many people here on Debate Politics do not understand the point of speaking in rhetoric.

No candidate will ever claim to lower crime by 1% or to reduce immigration by 9% or for Social Security recipients to get a 5% better use of their payments due to reduced inflation from 9% down to 1%.

Rhetoric is a communication tool. It is never meant to be taken literally unless the hearer of the rhetoric is an idiot.
Trump cannot win

No way can he get 270 EVs
Kamala Harris, as Vice President, can reject any Electoral Votes she finds are compromised.….starting with Texas and Florida

Is there any way to shift the bizarre Republican conviction that only Trump will save them?​

“They’re not indicting me, they’re indicting you. I just happen to be standing in the way,” Donald Trump declared (again) in the wake of a new updated federal indictment connected to the classified documents case.

The claim is as effective as it is stupid. The federal government is not, in fact, prosecuting the average Trump supporter for mishandling documents or obstructing justice (save for two Trump aides who allegedly helped him mishandle documents and obstruct justice).

But the idea that Trump is a populist sword-and-shield against the “establishment,” “Deep State,” or “elites” has ensorcelled large swaths of the GOP base, which is at least partly why he’s got a massive lead over his opponents. In the latest New York Times/Siena College poll asking potential Republican primary voters which candidate they would most likely vote for, Trump is at 54%, a 37-point lead over his closest challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
So many people here on Debate Politics do not understand the point of speaking in rhetoric.
Me or them?

Rhetoric—which people sometimes call “the art of language” uses figures of speech and persuasive strategies to elevate language and make it more engaging, memorable, and entertaining. When used properly, rhetoric can be a powerful tool for crafting speeches that stick.

Who you clowning?
Me or them?

Rhetoric—which people sometimes call “the art of language” uses figures of speech and persuasive strategies to elevate language and make it more engaging, memorable, and entertaining. When used properly, rhetoric can be a powerful tool for crafting speeches that stick.

Who you clowning?

Rhetoric can help explain your priorities without giving accurate outcomes that would be unpredictable anyways.
Rhetoric can help explain your priorities without giving accurate outcomes that would be unpredictable anyways.
I can always predict what Republicans believe. They won't even admit it or don't even realize it but based on their policies, they must believe what I am inferring. I think Cognitive Dissonance is factoring in.
I can always predict what Republicans believe. They won't even admit it or don't even realize it but based on their policies, they must believe what I am inferring. I think Cognitive Dissonance is factoring in.

That’s a good gift to have. I bet your friends and family are proud of you.
That’s a good gift to have. I bet your friends and family are proud of you.
They always get annoyed with I assume I know what the believe but they must believe it if they are supporting a certain party. Like Kaitlyn Jenner but be on board with how Republicans feel about trannies right? Or does Kaitlyn understand those are social wedge issues used to divide the dummies in our society. He/she knows the GOP is homophobic just like Nikki knows they are mysogynistic and Ben Carson knows they are racist. But they also know that the GOP is actually the party for the rich. Corporations. Investor Class.

So they put away all that guns, gays, god, racism bullshit and vote for the party that best suits their financial best interests. Republicans. They vote Republican. This is the proof that the GOP is the party for the rich. If not please explain to me why Kaitlyn Jenner votes GOP?

Caitlyn Jenner is an Olympic Gold Medalist and American television personality who has a net worth of $25 million
That's unfortunate.
“I didn’t even vote,” Jenner told Bash in a wide-ranging interview at her home in Malibu. “Out here in California, it’s like, why vote for a Republican president? It’s just not going to work. I mean, it’s overwhelming.”

“It was voting day and I thought the only thing out here in California that I worry about, which affects people, is the propositions that were out there,” she said. “And I didn’t see any propositions that I really had one side or the other. And so it was Election Day and I just couldn’t get excited about it. And I just wound up going to play golf and I said, ‘I’m not doing that.’ “

Jenner did actually vote by mail in the 2020 elections, but she only voted on the ballot propositions and did not vote in the presidential race or other down ballot races, according to a campaign official.

Jenner told Bash she is “kind of on the Republican side” but doesn’t like “labels.” Defending her lack of government experience, she said she was prepared to take on the role of managing a state that has the fifth largest economy in the world, in part by surrounding herself “with some really good people.”

Why does SHE vote GOP? She's rich

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