Why we are fighting in Syria


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Genie Energy, which is chaired by Howard Jonas, has some heavyweight investors. Former US vice president Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, and Rupert Murdoch are all reportedly connected to the company. It also has connections within the Israeli political establishment: The chairman of Genie Israel is Effie Eitam, a former member of Knesset who also served as the minister of national infrastructures in 2002-2003.

Read more: Israel's oil wars shift to the Golan Heights | The Times of Israel Israel s oil wars shift to the Golan Heights The Times of Israel
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Google these people , Steinhardt sounds like a winner.
  • On Israel, Steinhardt states “Its politicians are, writ large, awful; its businessmen are of less than glorious quality; and when you walk down Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv and you look around at these people and you say, ‘This is who you admire?’ I often say it’s easier to be a Zionist in Manhattan than it is in Tel Aviv.”[9]
  • On Judaism. Steinhardt identifies himself as an atheist who nonetheless strongly supports cultural Jewish identity.[10] Israel is his “substitute for religion.” Steinhardt states: “While the religion of Judaism is so deeply disappointing – its practice, its verbiage, its inability to reflect realistically upon our lives; I could forgive almost anything vis-à-vis Israel. Israel was and still is my Jewish miracle!”[9]
In 2004, Eitam called the Palestinians "dark forces" and said "We will have to kill them all... I don’t mean all the Palestinians, but the ones with evil in their heads." [13] .”[14] In October 2005, Eitam opposed a Supreme Court of Israel ruling that banned the IDF from using Palestinians as human shields, stating that "Supreme court judges demonstrated today that their pity for the cruel will prove cruel to the merciful and will expose Israeli soldiers to more danger".[15] In November 2006, he called for an expulsion of most Palestinians from the West Bank: "Expel most of the Judea and Samaria Arabs from here. We cannot be with all these Arabs and we cannot give up the land."[16] In March 2008, he called for the expulsion of Israeli Arab members of the Knesset, "One day we will expel you to Gaza from this house and from the national home of the Jewish people."[17]In 2002, the Israeli Army used Nidal Abu Muihsein as a human shield, causing his death; Eitam called this “very moral,
In October 2005, Eitam opposed a Supreme Court of Israel ruling that banned the IDF from using Palestinians as human shields, stating that "Supreme court judges demonstrated today that their pity for the cruel will prove cruel to the merciful and will expose Israeli soldiers to more danger".[15] In November 2006, he called for an expulsion of most Palestinians from the West Bank: "Expel most of the Judea and Samaria Arabs from here. We cannot be with all these Arabs and we cannot give up the land."[16] In March 2008, he called for the expulsion of Israeli Arab members of the Knesset, "One day we will expel you to Gaza from this house and from the national home of the Jewish people."[17]

I hope the wells turn out to be dry and they loose lots of money. Cheney needs to rot in hell for the death he has caused.

also the crap going on in your gov from the Russian immigrants is unreal. And you call yourselves the "chosen ones by God, what kind of God do you worship". The US is getting just as bad as too many Zionist running out government.

Happy Holidays. Just trying to keep you updated .

This thread is simply just another example of Muslims like Penelope and Sunni Welfare Troll blaming Israel for the fact that Muslim savages are doing what Muslim savages do best, massacring each other in record numbers, raping, torturing, pillaging and destroying their own country. That's the Muslim way :cool:
This thread is simply just another example of Muslims like Penelope and Sunni Welfare Troll blaming Israel for the fact that Muslim savages are doing what Muslim savages do best, massacring each other in record numbers, raping, torturing, pillaging and destroying their own country. That's the Muslim way
Although neither one of us are christian. Today is a day of peace for over a billion people and that should be respected. So I am puzzled as to why you continue to spew your hate and attack other posters on such a nice day? ...... :confused-84:
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This thread is simply just another example of Muslims like Penelope and Sunni Welfare Troll blaming Israel for the fact that Muslim savages are doing what Muslim savages do best, massacring each other in record numbers, raping, torturing, pillaging and destroying their own country. That's the Muslim way
Although neither one of us are christian. Today is a day of peace for over a billion people and that should be respected. So I am puzzled as to why you continue to spew your hate and attack other posters on such a nice day? ...... :confused-84:
Sunni Welfare Troll, you spew the most hateful crap more than any poster I have ever seen. You spew hatred against Jews, Blacks and Gays on a level unseen by anyone before. You are nothing but an Islamo Nazi, so you really don't have the right to tell someone else that they are spewing hate.
Also, everything I said was true, so too bad if you see it as hateful? And what the hell doe sit have to do with Christmas and Christians?
You truly are one pathetic troll :cool:
Can someone translate the OP? Daniyel, you have any clue what the fuck did I just read?

The Israeli jews are again funding and supporting the destabilization of a neighboring country in order to further their zionist agenda. ..... :cool:
Yup, even jews are against war in the middle east. I don't think that Israel is real america ally. They just used american military and political power to resist Iran. It was a bad idea to flirt with Iran and Israel simultaneously.
Wrong section again loony.

Soon to be moved, I hope.


Can someone translate the OP? Daniyel, you have any clue what the fuck did I just read?
The Tangling thoughts of a loony.
-Conspiracy + Jew hatred + Inability to think clearly.

Your thieves, and you call me a Jew hater. I think this makes it even more obvious that Isis is working for Israel, and its obvious you have now claimed the Golan Heights also as your own. Your government is the cause of all the unrest in the ME and well this is where the thread belongs so everyone can see what yours are like.
I have no doubt that ISIS is an Israeli/ Mossad operation.

Israel rarely ever mentions ISIS or the ongoing civil war in Syria even thought the conflict is taking place right on its border.

Which is just another indication of the zionist states surreptitious involvement in that part of the Levant. ..... :cool:
Muslims + Arab culture is the only reason the ME is burning and long before 1948.
Howard S. Jonas (born 2 June 1956) is the founder of IDT Corp..[1] Although not raised Orthodox, this wealthy and generous philanthropist funds a range of Orthodox as well as other Jewish causes across the ideological spectrum, and has made major investments in Israel as well. It is estimated that 25 percent to 40 percent of the 5,000 employees at IDT are Orthodox.

Yes the wealthy Jews do Philanthropists, but mainly to Jews and Israel, they have no problem with taking from the goyin
Muslims + Arab culture is the only reason the ME is burning and long before 1948.

Not true, who was the largest most powerful empire before the US, Britain. Who gave you some land in Palestine Britain, EU is still the richest, but the US is said to be the strongest.
Genie Energy, which is chaired by Howard Jonas, has some heavyweight investors. Former US vice president Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, and Rupert Murdoch are all reportedly connected to the company. It also has connections within the Israeli political establishment: The chairman of Genie Israel is Effie Eitam, a former member of Knesset who also served as the minister of national infrastructures in 2002-2003.

Read more: Israel's oil wars shift to the Golan Heights | The Times of Israel Israel s oil wars shift to the Golan Heights The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Google these people , Steinhardt sounds like a winner.
  • On Israel, Steinhardt states “Its politicians are, writ large, awful; its businessmen are of less than glorious quality; and when you walk down Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv and you look around at these people and you say, ‘This is who you admire?’ I often say it’s easier to be a Zionist in Manhattan than it is in Tel Aviv.”[9]
  • On Judaism. Steinhardt identifies himself as an atheist who nonetheless strongly supports cultural Jewish identity.[10] Israel is his “substitute for religion.” Steinhardt states: “While the religion of Judaism is so deeply disappointing – its practice, its verbiage, its inability to reflect realistically upon our lives; I could forgive almost anything vis-à-vis Israel. Israel was and still is my Jewish miracle!”[9]
In 2004, Eitam called the Palestinians "dark forces" and said "We will have to kill them all... I don’t mean all the Palestinians, but the ones with evil in their heads." [13] .”[14] In October 2005, Eitam opposed a Supreme Court of Israel ruling that banned the IDF from using Palestinians as human shields, stating that "Supreme court judges demonstrated today that their pity for the cruel will prove cruel to the merciful and will expose Israeli soldiers to more danger".[15] In November 2006, he called for an expulsion of most Palestinians from the West Bank: "Expel most of the Judea and Samaria Arabs from here. We cannot be with all these Arabs and we cannot give up the land."[16] In March 2008, he called for the expulsion of Israeli Arab members of the Knesset, "One day we will expel you to Gaza from this house and from the national home of the Jewish people."[17]In 2002, the Israeli Army used Nidal Abu Muihsein as a human shield, causing his death; Eitam called this “very moral,
In October 2005, Eitam opposed a Supreme Court of Israel ruling that banned the IDF from using Palestinians as human shields, stating that "Supreme court judges demonstrated today that their pity for the cruel will prove cruel to the merciful and will expose Israeli soldiers to more danger".[15] In November 2006, he called for an expulsion of most Palestinians from the West Bank: "Expel most of the Judea and Samaria Arabs from here. We cannot be with all these Arabs and we cannot give up the land."[16] In March 2008, he called for the expulsion of Israeli Arab members of the Knesset, "One day we will expel you to Gaza from this house and from the national home of the Jewish people."[17]

I hope the wells turn out to be dry and they loose lots of money. Cheney needs to rot in hell for the death he has caused.

also the crap going on in your gov from the Russian immigrants is unreal. And you call yourselves the "chosen ones by God, what kind of God do you worship". The US is getting just as bad as too many Zionist running out government.

Happy Holidays. Just trying to keep you updated .

For those who have not been reading my posts --in which I quickly and correctly identified Penelope
as an islamo Nazi parrot of islamo Nazi shit. Please
note------"@timesof Israel" are on twitter and facebook----very purveyors of typical islamo Nazi shit----
put into cyberspace for consumption by islamo Nazi pigs and sows. It is nothing more than THE SAME OLD CRAP injested and extruded from the shit holes of Nazis. I read Nazi propaganda as a child----way back in the 1950s -----even at age 8 --reading it
entirely independently of any adult supervision or input----I understood it to be so idiotic that only a really stupid
person would believe it-------I grew up and began to find
such people. It is something like CORE CURRICULUM----for run of the mill Nazi pigs ----especially in the southern states of the USA and also thruout the Islamic world. Here in the north east----the best places to run into it----other than Islamic enclaves-----are methadone clinics
This thread is simply just another example of Muslims like Penelope and Sunni Welfare Troll blaming Israel for the fact that Muslim savages are doing what Muslim savages do best, massacring each other in record numbers, raping, torturing, pillaging and destroying their own country. That's the Muslim way
Although neither one of us are christian. Today is a day of peace for over a billion people and that should be respected. So I am puzzled as to why you continue to spew your hate and attack other posters on such a nice day? ...... :confused-84:
Sunni Welfare Troll, you spew the most hateful crap more than any poster I have ever seen. You spew hatred against Jews, Blacks and Gays on a level unseen by anyone before. You are nothing but an Islamo Nazi, so you really don't have the right to tell someone else that they are spewing hate.
Also, everything I said was true, so too bad if you see it as hateful? And what the hell doe sit have to do with Christmas and Christians?
You truly are one pathetic troll :cool:

Today is Friday----sunni is being recharged by the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling in the mosque

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