Why The Left Is Having A Nervous Breakdown


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Roger Simon nails it.

Why The Left Is Having A Nervous Breakdown.

Trump is what the shrinks call the “presenting complaint.” The real problem, as is often the case in psychotherapy, is something entirely different. And it is this: The left is dead. It’s not only dead, it’s decomposed with no there there or anywhere.

Only dopes or con artists believe in socialism anymore (hello, Venezuela!) and identity politics has been exposed as the racist shell game it is with blacks and Latinos actually doing better than they have in decades under the current pro-capitalist administration.

So the left has nothing to say, only most of them don’t quite realize it yet. But this blockage, this reluctance and even inability to deal with what is actually happening shuts down the brain and emerges as anger, the hamster wheel of constant rage against Trump.

And that, of course, feeds on itself, as we have seen for the past year and a half, making matters worse, not just for the obvious reason — the aforementioned alienation of the public — but for what it does to their own minds.

Anger makes you stupid.
Trump will take another 10% of the black vote in 2020. dems only have Illegals and the non-living as their base
Trump will take another 10% of the black vote in 2020. dems only have Illegals and the non-living as their base

Mr Trump is gutting that illegal vote as we speak.
And the Supreme Court has ok’ed taking their dead voters off the rolls.
The winning picks up steam.
Trump will take another 10% of the black vote in 2020. dems only have Illegals and the non-living as their base
I'm thinking Trump gets at least 25% of the black vote. Right now he is getting economic results for their communities. Build upon that, then in 19 say "see what I've done for you". He knows how to bypass the MSM now, and you can't BS the economic situation of people.

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