Why the Educated Members of the Millennials (and subsequent) are Irreligious


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
While belief in "god" is fundamental to religion, there is a corollary that is even more important, from a practical standpoint. That corollary is that There is an ultimate dictator of Good and Evil.

The most important aspect of the Ten Commandments is not what they are, actually, but that they COME FROM GOD. These are not Moses' beliefs about Good and Evil, or the consensus of Jewish people on Good and Evil, they are God's dictates on Good and Evil. And as such, they are UNASSAILABLE.

If you don't believe that, then you cannot be a "believer" in any rational sense.

But Millennials have been taught in our American public schools that THEY are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to what is Good and what is Evil. There is no "objective" Good and Evil; YOU decide.

And theologically, if YOU decide what is Good and/or Evil, then you are "god." And while they would dispute that characterization, it is true. If you are the decider of what is Good and/or Evil then you are, in effect, "god."

If you have come to believe it is within your power to make this Good/Evil assessment, then how can you be religious? Even if you are "religious," you are a fraud. (NOTE: Obviously, there are unique circumstances in each new generation that Biblical teachings do not DIRECTLY or OBVIOUSLY cover, for example, the morality of using a cell phone while driving, but that's why we have an intellect - to infer the proper conclusions from Biblical teachings).

And nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in the debate over the moral characterization of homosexual sodomy. If you believe in GOD, then you believe/know that the distinction between Good and Evil is not man-made...that it is not a matter of opinion...that it is not YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. Hence, if you believe in God, the Bible, and "natural law," then you CANNOT accept an institution like "gay marriage, which in effect renders God's assessment about homosexual sodomy moot - or worse, renders it FALSE and ERRONEOUS!

And when you ask a Millennial about "gay marriage," or related topics, s/he will ultimately inform you that YOU are a BIGOT and a "HATER" because you have judged their life-choices as Evil. Typically, they would consider the act of rendering judgment on that behavior ITSELF to be "immoral"!

Which is preposterous, I, as a believer, have not made any judgment about that behavior; I have merely read, understood, and accepted the judgment of GOD on the subject, which is not mine to dispute.

Within my lifetime, Pennsylvania public schools proudly and conspicuously displayed the Ten Commandments, and started their day with The Lord's Prayer. (Historical Note: I only attended shop classes in public school; for everything else I went to Sacred Heart School, Pittsburgh).

But don't let anyone tell you that there has been a conspiracy to erase this country's Judeo-Christian heritage; that would be positively paranoid.

Bottom Line: Millennials and younger have been taught to reject "god" and have accepted those atheistic teachings. Within a few short generations, we will be like Europe, with churches that are in effect historical curiosities, having little other significance.
Organized religion does not register with many young people who do not agree with what is being taught

They are not being taught atheism, they are seeing what organized religion offers and turning away
I hear you. But the point is that they personally believe that religion only "works" if they agree with what is being taught. The historical attitude (you know, for like the past four thousand years?) was that reality has already been established; it is not your prerogative - based on your whole twelve years of life - to evaluate it as to its efficacity.
IF what you've posted is true, and the Ten Commandments are to be taken literally, why would any religious person side with Donald Trump, who has clearly violated the 6th, 8th and 9th Commandments I learned in the Catholic catechism:

Catholicism and the Ten Commandments - dummies

I suppose hypocrisy is afoot along with other character flaws in those Trump Supporters.
While belief in "god" is fundamental to religion, there is a corollary that is even more important, from a practical standpoint. That corollary is that There is an ultimate dictator of Good and Evil.

The most important aspect of the Ten Commandments is not what they are, actually, but that they COME FROM GOD. These are not Moses' beliefs about Good and Evil, or the consensus of Jewish people on Good and Evil, they are God's dictates on Good and Evil. And as such, they are UNASSAILABLE.

If you don't believe that, then you cannot be a "believer" in any rational sense.

But Millennials have been taught in our American public schools that THEY are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to what is Good and what is Evil. There is no "objective" Good and Evil; YOU decide.

And theologically, if YOU decide what is Good and/or Evil, then you are "god." And while they would dispute that characterization, it is true. If you are the decider of what is Good and/or Evil then you are, in effect, "god."

If you have come to believe it is within your power to make this Good/Evil assessment, then how can you be religious? Even if you are "religious," you are a fraud. (NOTE: Obviously, there are unique circumstances in each new generation that Biblical teachings do not DIRECTLY or OBVIOUSLY cover, for example, the morality of using a cell phone while driving, but that's why we have an intellect - to infer the proper conclusions from Biblical teachings).

And nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in the debate over the moral characterization of homosexual sodomy. If you believe in GOD, then you believe/know that the distinction between Good and Evil is not man-made...that it is not a matter of opinion...that it is not YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. Hence, if you believe in God, the Bible, and "natural law," then you CANNOT accept an institution like "gay marriage, which in effect renders God's assessment about homosexual sodomy moot - or worse, renders it FALSE and ERRONEOUS!

And when you ask a Millennial about "gay marriage," or related topics, s/he will ultimately inform you that YOU are a BIGOT and a "HATER" because you have judged their life-choices as Evil. Typically, they would consider the act of rendering judgment on that behavior ITSELF to be "immoral"!

Which is preposterous, I, as a believer, have not made any judgment about that behavior; I have merely read, understood, and accepted the judgment of GOD on the subject, which is not mine to dispute.

Within my lifetime, Pennsylvania public schools proudly and conspicuously displayed the Ten Commandments, and started their day with The Lord's Prayer. (Historical Note: I only attended shop classes in public school; for everything else I went to Sacred Heart School, Pittsburgh).

But don't let anyone tell you that there has been a conspiracy to erase this country's Judeo-Christian heritage; that would be positively paranoid.

Bottom Line: Millennials and younger have been taught to reject "god" and have accepted those atheistic teachings. Within a few short generations, we will be like Europe, with churches that are in effect historical curiosities, having little other significance.
Sorry but the concepts of good and evil are not absolutes from God, they are a reflection of the society at that time. That is why the morality of the OT, an eye for an eye, became 'turn the other cheek' in the NT.
IF what you've posted is true, and the Ten Commandments are to be taken literally, why would any religious person side with Donald Trump, who has clearly violated the 6th, 8th and 9th Commandments I learned in the Catholic catechism:

I suppose hypocrisy is afoot along with other character flaws in those Trump Supporters.

What do two of the Commandments have to do with the ability to lead a nation? As for the third...who hasn't? Sins are forgiven, and we are given the grace to try again.
IF what you've posted is true, and the Ten Commandments are to be taken literally, why would any religious person side with Donald Trump, who has clearly violated the 6th, 8th and 9th Commandments I learned in the Catholic catechism:

I suppose hypocrisy is afoot along with other character flaws in those Trump Supporters.

What do two of the Commandments have to do with the ability to lead a nation? As for the third...who hasn't? Sins are forgiven, and we are given the grace to try again.

LOL, it's all about hypocrisy. Was Bill Clinton impeached for lying under oath, or because the hypocrites -
Gingrich and others Republicans who violatred these commandments pushed for his impeachment, and now, trump is excused for a more egregious before, fucking other women when his wife was pregnant.

Trump is a consummate liar, is that a forgiven behavior for someone to lead a nation?
There were supposed to be 15 commandments but Moses droped one of the tablets on his way down.
IF what you've posted is true, and the Ten Commandments are to be taken literally, why would any religious person side with Donald Trump, who has clearly violated the 6th, 8th and 9th Commandments I learned in the Catholic catechism:

Catholicism and the Ten Commandments - dummies

I suppose hypocrisy is afoot along with other character flaws in those Trump Supporters.

Tell everyone that YOU are not a sinner. You have NEVER in your LIFE violated a Commandment. Go ahead. Tell everyone, Mister Perfect Rye Catcher.

People who are perfect, like you, don't need God, do they/you?
IF what you've posted is true, and the Ten Commandments are to be taken literally, why would any religious person side with Donald Trump, who has clearly violated the 6th, 8th and 9th Commandments I learned in the Catholic catechism:

Catholicism and the Ten Commandments - dummies

I suppose hypocrisy is afoot along with other character flaws in those Trump Supporters.

Tell everyone that YOU are not a sinner. You have NEVER in your LIFE violated a Commandment. Go ahead. Tell everyone, Mister Perfect Rye Catcher.

People who are perfect, like you, don't need God, do they/you?
That's stupid. There is no such thing as "sin". That is a childish, obsolete toy from a past age of ignorance.
Gingrich and others Republicans who violatred these commandments pushed for his impeachment,
No President--not even President Clinton--has been impeached for adultery. The articles of impeachment on President Trump do not include adultery. President Trump is not my spiritual leader, nor my guide on the Ten Commandments. For that matter, nor was King David to the people of his own time.
Many of the comments above corroborate exactly what I say. The commenters are convinced that THEY are the ultimate deciders of what is Good and what is Evil; hence, they claim, morally speaking, to be "god."

And if you are god, then what is the point of religion? They may pretend to Believe, but in their twisted, shriveled little hearts, they are irreligious.
While belief in "god" is fundamental to religion, there is a corollary that is even more important, from a practical standpoint. That corollary is that There is an ultimate dictator of Good and Evil.

The most important aspect of the Ten Commandments is not what they are, actually, but that they COME FROM GOD. These are not Moses' beliefs about Good and Evil, or the consensus of Jewish people on Good and Evil, they are God's dictates on Good and Evil. And as such, they are UNASSAILABLE.

If you don't believe that, then you cannot be a "believer" in any rational sense.

But Millennials have been taught in our American public schools that THEY are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to what is Good and what is Evil. There is no "objective" Good and Evil; YOU decide.

And theologically, if YOU decide what is Good and/or Evil, then you are "god." And while they would dispute that characterization, it is true. If you are the decider of what is Good and/or Evil then you are, in effect, "god."

If you have come to believe it is within your power to make this Good/Evil assessment, then how can you be religious? Even if you are "religious," you are a fraud. (NOTE: Obviously, there are unique circumstances in each new generation that Biblical teachings do not DIRECTLY or OBVIOUSLY cover, for example, the morality of using a cell phone while driving, but that's why we have an intellect - to infer the proper conclusions from Biblical teachings).

And nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in the debate over the moral characterization of homosexual sodomy. If you believe in GOD, then you believe/know that the distinction between Good and Evil is not man-made...that it is not a matter of opinion...that it is not YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. Hence, if you believe in God, the Bible, and "natural law," then you CANNOT accept an institution like "gay marriage, which in effect renders God's assessment about homosexual sodomy moot - or worse, renders it FALSE and ERRONEOUS!

And when you ask a Millennial about "gay marriage," or related topics, s/he will ultimately inform you that YOU are a BIGOT and a "HATER" because you have judged their life-choices as Evil. Typically, they would consider the act of rendering judgment on that behavior ITSELF to be "immoral"!

Which is preposterous, I, as a believer, have not made any judgment about that behavior; I have merely read, understood, and accepted the judgment of GOD on the subject, which is not mine to dispute.

Within my lifetime, Pennsylvania public schools proudly and conspicuously displayed the Ten Commandments, and started their day with The Lord's Prayer. (Historical Note: I only attended shop classes in public school; for everything else I went to Sacred Heart School, Pittsburgh).

But don't let anyone tell you that there has been a conspiracy to erase this country's Judeo-Christian heritage; that would be positively paranoid.

Bottom Line: Millennials and younger have been taught to reject "god" and have accepted those atheistic teachings. Within a few short generations, we will be like Europe, with churches that are in effect historical curiosities, having little other significance.
1) I am the Lord thy god, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

2) Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

4) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

5) Honor thy father and thy mother.

6) Thou shalt not murder.

7) Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8) Thou shalt not steal.

9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor.

10) Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.

Which commandment did Christians break right out of the gate? Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Look, I'm not a huge fan of millennials as a group but I would be very, very careful about this direction.
Materialism is a failed concept.

I say good luck to anyone who follows it. You are going to need it.
While belief in "god" is fundamental to religion, there is a corollary that is even more important, from a practical standpoint. That corollary is that There is an ultimate dictator of Good and Evil.

The most important aspect of the Ten Commandments is not what they are, actually, but that they COME FROM GOD. These are not Moses' beliefs about Good and Evil, or the consensus of Jewish people on Good and Evil, they are God's dictates on Good and Evil. And as such, they are UNASSAILABLE.

If you don't believe that, then you cannot be a "believer" in any rational sense.

But Millennials have been taught in our American public schools that THEY are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to what is Good and what is Evil. There is no "objective" Good and Evil; YOU decide.

And theologically, if YOU decide what is Good and/or Evil, then you are "god." And while they would dispute that characterization, it is true. If you are the decider of what is Good and/or Evil then you are, in effect, "god."

If you have come to believe it is within your power to make this Good/Evil assessment, then how can you be religious? Even if you are "religious," you are a fraud. (NOTE: Obviously, there are unique circumstances in each new generation that Biblical teachings do not DIRECTLY or OBVIOUSLY cover, for example, the morality of using a cell phone while driving, but that's why we have an intellect - to infer the proper conclusions from Biblical teachings).

And nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in the debate over the moral characterization of homosexual sodomy. If you believe in GOD, then you believe/know that the distinction between Good and Evil is not man-made...that it is not a matter of opinion...that it is not YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. Hence, if you believe in God, the Bible, and "natural law," then you CANNOT accept an institution like "gay marriage, which in effect renders God's assessment about homosexual sodomy moot - or worse, renders it FALSE and ERRONEOUS!

And when you ask a Millennial about "gay marriage," or related topics, s/he will ultimately inform you that YOU are a BIGOT and a "HATER" because you have judged their life-choices as Evil. Typically, they would consider the act of rendering judgment on that behavior ITSELF to be "immoral"!

Which is preposterous, I, as a believer, have not made any judgment about that behavior; I have merely read, understood, and accepted the judgment of GOD on the subject, which is not mine to dispute.

Within my lifetime, Pennsylvania public schools proudly and conspicuously displayed the Ten Commandments, and started their day with The Lord's Prayer. (Historical Note: I only attended shop classes in public school; for everything else I went to Sacred Heart School, Pittsburgh).

But don't let anyone tell you that there has been a conspiracy to erase this country's Judeo-Christian heritage; that would be positively paranoid.

Bottom Line: Millennials and younger have been taught to reject "god" and have accepted those atheistic teachings. Within a few short generations, we will be like Europe, with churches that are in effect historical curiosities, having little other significance.

As I read your rant, I wondered why you didn’t provide any links to support your conclusion that millennials have rejected god in favor of atheism. So of course I did a tiny bit of research and found out you are full of shit.

Millennials are not turning to atheism. They are rejecting organized, formal, structured traditional religion. That’s probably a good thing IMO.

56% identify as Christian
8% identify as non-Christian faith (ie Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist)
6% Atheist
7% Agnostic
23% unsure/ don’t identify.

Younger Millennials who are ages 18-29 - Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics
We are free to pursue pleasure, fame, fortune and power but at the end of the day those things won’t satisfy us because we were made for more.
While belief in "god" is fundamental to religion, there is a corollary that is even more important, from a practical standpoint. That corollary is that There is an ultimate dictator of Good and Evil.

The most important aspect of the Ten Commandments is not what they are, actually, but that they COME FROM GOD. These are not Moses' beliefs about Good and Evil, or the consensus of Jewish people on Good and Evil, they are God's dictates on Good and Evil. And as such, they are UNASSAILABLE.

If you don't believe that, then you cannot be a "believer" in any rational sense.

But Millennials have been taught in our American public schools that THEY are the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to what is Good and what is Evil. There is no "objective" Good and Evil; YOU decide.

And theologically, if YOU decide what is Good and/or Evil, then you are "god." And while they would dispute that characterization, it is true. If you are the decider of what is Good and/or Evil then you are, in effect, "god."

If you have come to believe it is within your power to make this Good/Evil assessment, then how can you be religious? Even if you are "religious," you are a fraud. (NOTE: Obviously, there are unique circumstances in each new generation that Biblical teachings do not DIRECTLY or OBVIOUSLY cover, for example, the morality of using a cell phone while driving, but that's why we have an intellect - to infer the proper conclusions from Biblical teachings).

And nowhere is this phenomenon more evident than in the debate over the moral characterization of homosexual sodomy. If you believe in GOD, then you believe/know that the distinction between Good and Evil is not man-made...that it is not a matter of opinion...that it is not YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. Hence, if you believe in God, the Bible, and "natural law," then you CANNOT accept an institution like "gay marriage, which in effect renders God's assessment about homosexual sodomy moot - or worse, renders it FALSE and ERRONEOUS!

And when you ask a Millennial about "gay marriage," or related topics, s/he will ultimately inform you that YOU are a BIGOT and a "HATER" because you have judged their life-choices as Evil. Typically, they would consider the act of rendering judgment on that behavior ITSELF to be "immoral"!

Which is preposterous, I, as a believer, have not made any judgment about that behavior; I have merely read, understood, and accepted the judgment of GOD on the subject, which is not mine to dispute.

Within my lifetime, Pennsylvania public schools proudly and conspicuously displayed the Ten Commandments, and started their day with The Lord's Prayer. (Historical Note: I only attended shop classes in public school; for everything else I went to Sacred Heart School, Pittsburgh).

But don't let anyone tell you that there has been a conspiracy to erase this country's Judeo-Christian heritage; that would be positively paranoid.

Bottom Line: Millennials and younger have been taught to reject "god" and have accepted those atheistic teachings. Within a few short generations, we will be like Europe, with churches that are in effect historical curiosities, having little other significance.
I'm not an expert on historical philosophy or theology, but most serious takes on the subject don't reduce good and ill to mere "dictates" or arbitrary "mandates".

From a historical perspective, notions of the "good", such as the Golden Rule are Common to legal systems, ancient and modern; our modern Common Law (e.x. State law, as well as Federal Law) having evolved or developed out of various older systems, much as there are few if any serious philosophers or theologians who reduce goodness to "Biblical literalism", or solely the text of the Bible in a vaccum, as opposed to the various reasons present and modern by which various legal and moral rules or principles were created, invented, or developed to begin with. (The archaic concept or notion of "legalism" is a fairly ubiquitious thing or phenomenon being more relevant to primitive times in general, not solely nor exclusively the "Bible" and Christian philosophy or whatnot, such as the philosophy of "legalism" in ancient China).

(As an example, ancient forms of law which are no longer in effect in 1st world countries, such as capital punishment for adultery likely served a pragmatic purposes in ancient days and ages, such as population control).

If one is merely concerned with "church attendance" statistics, something which may very well be a pragmatic financial or business motive, without regard for the level of personal moral or intellectual development of individuals, or more contemporary business models such as watching church sermons on social media, I don't particularly have too much of a cause to be concerned with something that archaic and dsolipsistic myself.

I may check up on CS Lewis' Christian philosophy at a later time, as well as that of others such as Augustine and whatnot.

Sadly, I have seen some millennials embrace nihilism and other morally or socially deviant beliefs.
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