Bigotry - Defined


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Leftists are pompously famous for calling everyone else "bigots," particularly when it comes to LGBTQ nonsense. There are dozens of different sexes, Leftists try to maintain with faces as straight (sick) as they can muster.

Here is the definition:

bigot [ˈbiɡət]
  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions
Anyone with a different opinion from a Leftist is, THEY SAY, "a bigot," making themselves bigots in the process. They're intolerant of you if you're intolerant of perverts, transgenders, and other sickos who have unusually high rates of depression, mental illness, and suicide. They have much shorter life expectancies and have unusually high incidences of committing violence, murder, and mass murder. Incidentally, all those vile priests who molested little boys were necessarily homosexuals. Men don't molest boys unless the men are homosexuals.

"Gay" is a one-word oxymoron. There's nothing "gay" about them.
Plenty of bigotry spraying from both ends of the spectrum.

Which end is (subjectively) "worse" is irrelevant, unless and until both ends hold their own accountable.
I am intolerant towards those who form their opinions based on how they filter facts.
Chem Engineer, years ago I took an advanced communications course at Oregon State University. One of the things we learned were that some communications are considered "crazy makers," of which there were several types. The one I fully understand that the lefts use is intended to send a sharp blow to their adversary. It was called "projecting." When one projects, he recalls the bad thing he did last week and accuses the object of his anger of doing exactly what he did. Often it is something for which if caught, one might receive a jail term. (or not) Anyway, it is a type of lying that confuses and may leave speechless his opponent, and it's a favorite of the leftists.

When you hear them calling their loyal opposition "bigot," they well know that is their trait, and not their adversary's. But since higher up low-downs use this tool of whacko perspectives, not-too-bright people buy into the lie, especially in politics where such dirtbags particularly choses words that warp a narrative, it can be a character assassination in disguise to all but those who know the crazymaker critique is phony as a three dollar bill.

Every morning I wake up, another crazymaker spew is around in the silly season of the year of a presidential election. This morning, Joe Biden associated President Trump with the KKK to try to lure simple people into hating the President, although he delivered his comments to a church populated by black persons. That accusation may be found here:

What Joe Biden fails to tell people he speaks to, Post-bellam Democrats in the South began the KKK movement to control politics to go their way with frightening black people in their homes.

Black people may be in their homes now, when Joe Biden dumps the KKK accusations against his Republican adversary.

That is only one of the projections that Democrats will be using against other American citizens. One poster, now on ignore, projected some willy-nilly false case projection on me just last night. Projection is the left's friend, because they feel that if they've served in office, even if it was only to rake in under-the-table cash, all people in America respect them.

Democrats actually think we the people are too stupid to know that they are lying their asses off, as usual. :rolleyes:
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The trouble with false accusations of bigotry in politics is some people think bad things said by their own party are always true. The shooter, a disgruntled Trump and Republican hater, shot up Republicans at Alexandria after Democrats were lying about the President, and his defenders in the House were particularly harshly blamed for the very lie Democrats were saying against Donald Trump.

The Republicans were practicing for a celebrity game for charities. James Hotchkinson was the shooter, and he attempted assassination on Scalise, who had a leadership position in the Republicans in the House.

As I said, blaming someone for your own crime is projection, and the results of using this crazymaker tool in politics is the stuff of civil war.

Results of one series of crazy-maker accusations against Republicans by Democrats:

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