Zone1 Why So Much Hate About The Mods and Forum?

I posted a thread in the Education forum yesterday. The moderator wasn't on duty, but commented that if they were on duty my thread would have been moved to the Rubber Room because there was nothing about Education in it. Go take a look for yourself. It's titled "Brainwashed College Creatures".

Hey, I'm not them so I can't really argue. :dunno:
Hey, I'm not them so I can't really argue. :dunno:
Not looking for an argument. My video contains students, a professor and it's on campus. The moderator simply didn't like the content. Biased.
I mean sure, it's a little rough around the edges here, but if ya'all hate it here so badly nobody's forcing you to stay, so I'm not sure what all the whining and temper tantrums are about. I constantly see thread after thread about it in here and you guys are calling the staff nuts? Give me a break! :rolleyes:
In my slightly biased opinion, I have been subjected to a little too much mod scrutiny. Sometimes, as I’ve noted, I likely deserved it. Sometimes, I think it’s just poor decisions. But either way, their job sucks. I don’t mean how they do their job. I mean the job they have to perform. Liberal or conservative, their job is very much like trying to round up a heard of cats.
Wrong! You just can't complain about the actions of staff in public. I think this is sort of different because this isn't a complaining thread, it's just a discussion. That's the way I see it anyways and I don't think there would be a problem with it.
You're wrong. Those are the rules and I have been banned for merely mentioning mod actions. Discussion; complaining; it's the same to them.
In my slightly biased opinion, I have been subjected to a little too much mod scrutiny. Sometimes, as I’ve noted, I likely deserved it. Sometimes, I think it’s just poor decisions. But either way, their job sucks. I don’t mean how they do their job. I mean the job they have to perform. Liberal or conservative, their job is very much like trying to round up a heard of cats.

Agreed one hundred percent and yeah, they do have a really tough job as I don't really believe they just want to go around banning everybody. If they did, they wouldn't have a forum anymore and they're really not like that either for the most part.
In my slightly biased opinion, I have been subjected to a little too much mod scrutiny. Sometimes, as I’ve noted, I likely deserved it. Sometimes, I think it’s just poor decisions. But either way, their job sucks. I don’t mean how they do their job. I mean the job they have to perform. Liberal or conservative, their job is very much like trying to round up a heard of cats.
You argue in bad faith and attack people personally. You 100% deserve it.
If the mods, admins, and or whoever else manages this site were actual professionals........there would be no problems.

I've been in other forums that have professional management staff that notify you of something you did, tell you WHY they notified you, what you need to do to stop it or change it, and let you know what will happen if you do it again.

They also notify you of improperly placed posts, and notify you they are moving them to where they believe they should be located, and give you the link to the new location.

The management on THIS site does not do any of that. In fact, they are extremely VAGUE when threatening you, as to what it is they are upset about. It took me 3-5 reply emails to squeeze out of the mod what it actually was that I did. And it was something that many of the other people who post on here do and NOTHING ever happens to them.

So yeah, I chuck it up to UNprofessionalism.
Well, mods on any forum are by and large unpaid volunteers. Some here may want to roger them with a big stick, but by and large, they're just doing their job.

The mods always reply to what I've asked, and I didn't offer payment or sexual favours for their time. I was dinged for a week because some dork insulted me, so I called them a paedo. I didn't realise it was in the rules that calling someone a paedo was a no no. So just had to chill and get on with it once I asked what the ding was about.
You're wrong. Those are the rules and I have been banned for merely mentioning mod actions. Discussion; complaining; it's the same to them.

Well it doesn't really help that all of your posts seem to be against white people either as I just looked up and realized I recognized you.
You argue in bad faith and attack people personally. You 100% deserve it.
Says a racist. No. I argue in perfectly good faith which is what confuses you. And I generally don’t attack people personally although I do respond in like fashion to teach some people the value of their own techniques. You’re welcome.

And your assessment of what I deserve is obviously baseless since you don’t have any clue about the reasons for any mod scrutiny I ever get. See? That wasn’t a personal attack, either, even if your feelings are hurt, Tom.
Well it doesn't really help that all of your posts seem to be against white people either as I just looked up and realized I recognized you.
All my posts being about white people doesn't mean anything. All of your posts are Pro white people, so you must necessarily be saying something inherently bad(your logic). That type of narrow logic is precisely the kind the mods have, thank you for illustrating.
In my slightly biased opinion, I have been subjected to a little too much mod scrutiny. Sometimes, as I’ve noted, I likely deserved it. Sometimes, I think it’s just poor decisions. But either way, their job sucks. I don’t mean how they do their job. I mean the job they have to perform. Liberal or conservative, their job is very much like trying to round up a heard of cats.
It's the avatar.....heard a couple like acoustical guitar. Bluto jacked them off a bit.
All my posts being about white people doesn't mean anything. All of your posts are Pro white people, so you must necessarily be saying something inherently bad(your logic). That type of narrow logic is precisely the kind the mods have, thank you for illustrating.

Because this is zone 1 I'm not going to say what I REALLY want to say,.. but what's so wrong with being proud to be white? Why should we be ashamed to be something that we had absolutely no say as when it comes to the way we were born? White people have rights to be proud of their race just as much as black people do.
Because this is zone 1 I'm not going to say what I REALLY want to say,.. but what's so wrong with being proud to be white? Why should we be ashamed to be something that we had absolutely no say as when it comes to the way we were born? White people have rights to be proud of their race just as much as black people do.
But you've already broken the rules by the nature of talking about mod behavior.
Strawman argument. I'm 40% white and I have zero white guilt miself. Nor do I have black guilt. You want to be a victim so bad and attack stramans made of your own projections and insecurity. But If you are so hell bent on white pride, then white guilt is legitimate too.You can't take the good but then try and throw out the bad. It don't work that way.
Too many posters have no interest in an actual discussion.

It’s too easy to act like a hammer viewing others as nails…

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