Why so few "Blacks" are Teaching


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Let's assume that there is an intelligence threshhold for teaching: an IQ of 115 or higher.

Let's further assume that the GenPop is 12% Black.

For white people, a 115 IQ is one standard deviation above the mean. Hence, we know that approximately 16% of the white population could be a teacher. But for Black people, a 115 IQ is TWO standard deviations above the mean, which means that only 2% (roughly) of the 12% has the threshhold intelligence to cut it - 0.24% of the overall population. To repeat, one sixth of the white population meet the cut, but only 1/50th of the Black population will make it. Which explains why in areas where we do have significan numbers of Black teachers, so many of them are sub-par. California's attempts to test and prequalify teachers have been a complete fiasco, due to the horrible scores achieved by the Black and Hispanic test-takers.

Now add to that situation the fact that super-intelligent Blacks have so may other opportunities, what with Diversity being emphasized in government, Academe (higher education), and in the corporate world.

More Black teachers? Expect a combination of unmet targets and substandard hires.
It's about the individual. One of the best and favorite teachers at our children's school is a black female. She's a fantastic teacher and the kids adore her
Too much ignorant, racist bullshit by weaklings who don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
So imagine this: We have a person who represents himself as a long-time teacher. When confronted with a statistical argument that supports the proposition that few Blacks have the intellectual capacity to be effective teachers...his response is the near-moronic response that, "I know a Black teacher who is really smart."

That is not a rebuttal, Chief. In a country where more than thirty million Black people reside, I'll bet there are a shitload of great Black teachers. I had two of them when I was in law school.

The fact remains that, as a percentage of the total Black population, not many (only a few million) COULD be outstanding teachers. And that group, by and large, have better things to do. Hence, the shortage of Black teachers, felt in most big cities with substantial Black populations.

But there's more. The claimed teacher then implies that because I made my statistical observations and conclusions, I must be a racist. While I may be a racist - none of the people in this discussion have ever met me - there is nothing "racist" in anything I've posted. It is precisely this addle-headed illogic that prevails in political discussion, spawning the absurd claims that our President is a "racist" because he sought to limit immigration from countries with no viable government.

It is nearly enough to cause me to lose faith in Government-sponsored schools.

The fact remains that, as a percentage of the total Black population, not many (only a few million) COULD be outstanding teachers. .....

That's not a "fact," champ. It's the biased imagination of an ignorant, prejudiced idiot risibly expecting anyone to take his racist assumptions as a given.

The fact remains that, as a percentage of the total Black population, not many (only a few million) COULD be outstanding teachers. .....

That's not a "fact," champ. It's the biased imagination of an ignorant, prejudiced idiot risibly expecting anyone to take his racist assumptions as a given.

1. Are you disagreeing with his premise that 115 iq is required to be a good teacher?

2. Are you challenging his claim that blacks are underrepresented in teaching?

3. If not, what do you think the reason is?
.... The claimed teacher then implies that because I made my statistical observations and conclusions, I must be a racist. ......




Your 'reasoning' is about as sound as the idiot who claimed "statistical evidence" that blacks aren't interested in politics because he hasn't noticed talk radio coming from the windows of the cars of black people who stop at red lights next to his car.

That's the level you are at.
..... It is precisely this addle-headed illogic that prevails in political discussion, spawning the absurd claims that our President is a "racist" because he sought to limit immigration from countries with no viable government......

Fallacy. Straw man. Fail, AGAIN.
....When confronted with a statistical argument ....

"Statistical argument" :lmao:

With 'statistics' pulled out of some idiot's ass. Nice work, professor.

Do you agree with his assumption that 115 is needed?

What the fuck is the assumption based on? He just pulled number out of his ass and expected anyone to accept such nonsense as "statistical." It's embarrassingly stupid.

2. Are you challenging his claim that blacks are underrepresented in teaching?...

Are they? Where is the proof of this? Where is any REAL data? Start from there and THEN consider causes and implications.
....When confronted with a statistical argument ....

"Statistical argument" :lmao:

With 'statistics' pulled out of some idiot's ass. Nice work, professor.

Do you agree with his assumption that 115 is needed?

What the fuck is the assumption based on? He just pulled number out of his ass and expected anyone to accept such nonsense as "statistical." It's embarrassingly stupid.

Teaching does not seem like something that would require a 115 iq, but then again the teachers I do know personally do seem fairly bright.

Where he got that assumption is a good question. You are a teacher are you not? Do you think your job requires that?

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