Why Republicans who make under $20 an hour should support the UAW strikes


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
My uncle, and Dad worked at Ford motor company. My grandfather work for Bethlehem Steel. So many of our American ancestors black-and-white worked these very jobs that built the country we live in. Everyone knows that the Bridges, road signs, buildings we have we’re built by these types of workers. Including many women.

Well, there’s many working class Republicans making under $20 an hour some under $15 an hour all throughout America. They should know that we have a chance at bringing back industry in America like it used to be for perhaps 50 years or even 70 years. You used to get a job out high school making over $30 an hour …and you did not have to live like a slave in this country making $15 an hour. If we can get the right leaders in power, we can bring back American industry.

It’s always unfortunate to see a republican who makes under $20 an hour say that he is upset to see UAW workers, striking demanding better wages. We already live in a country with a horrible Joe Biden inflation economy. So therefore, people in industry deserve better wages. We’re not talking about McDonald’s workers. We’re not talking about Walmart workers. Those who work the UAW jobs work in industry that is vital to this country.

Simply remember that the UAW strikes of history involves working class white people who served in World War II who fought in the Vietnam war. There is all the reason in the world for working class Republicans to support the UAW strikes.

At the very least after 90 days on the job, somebody at ford deserves to be making over $30 an hour. That’s the wage they got adjusted for inflation for 50 years in this country. There’s no reason for it to not happen again. It’s only the corporations and some Chinese companies who are paying a garbage wage that want Republicans to be against the UAW.
My uncle, at Dad worked at Ford motor company. My grandfather work for Bethlehem Steel. So many of our American ancestors black-and-white work these very jobs that built the country we live in. Everyone knows that Bridges, road signs, buildings we have we’re built by these types of workers. Including many women.

Well, there’s many working class Republicans making under $20 an hour some under $15 an hour all throughout America. They should know that we have a chance at bringing back industry in America like it used to be for perhaps 50 years or even 70 years. You used to get a job out high school making over $30 an hour …and you did not have to live like a slave in this country making $15 an hour. If we can get the right leaders in power, we can bring back American industry.

It’s always unfortunate to see a republican who makes under $20 an hour say that he is upset to see UAW workers, striking demanding better wages. We already live in a country with a horrible Joe Biden inflation economy. So therefore, people in industry deserve better wages. We’re not talking about McDonald’s workers. We’re not talking about Walmart workers. Those who work the UAW jobs work in industry that is vital to this country.

Simply remember that the UAW strikes of history involves working class white people who served in World War II who fought in the Vietnam war. There is all the reason in the world for working class Republicans to support the UAW strikes.

At the very least after 90 days on the job, somebody at four deserves to be making over $30 an hour. That’s the wage they got adjusted for inflation for 50 years in this country. There’s no reason for it to happen again. It’s only the corporations and some Chinese companies who are paying a garbage wage that want Republicans to be against the UAW.
Wouldn't be just better if the voted for Democrats?

The GOP is the party of the elites, just look at where they are getting their money and their actions in relation to workers...

The GOP are anti union because unions fight for workers...

PS. It was global inflation which US is doing better than averge. Why make a pretty reasonable post discredited with false propaganda..
For those who might say if the Ford employees or the General Motors employees receive a wage that’s going to wreck the economy. Here is the logical response to that. All you have to do is look at what was known as the American age of prosperity, which went from 1950 to about 2000.

For 50 years you were able to get a job out of high school in industry if you wanted to …. making over $30 an hour adjusted for inflation after a 90 day probationary period. So there you go there’s the answer and back in those days the prices were a lot lower than they are now adjusted for inflation.

There are communist Chinese corporations that hate when American workers get paid high amounts of money. There’s actually a documentary on Netflix showing a Chinese company paying very low wages to workers in America. They love it when they see republicans say the UAW is the enemy.

It’s important to stand up for American history, and for the working Man in this country.
Wouldn't be just better if the voted for Democrats?

The GOP is the party of the elites, just look at where they are getting their money and their actions in relation to workers...

The GOP are anti union because unions fight for workers...

PS. It was global inflation which US is doing better than averge. Why make a pretty reasonable post discredited with false propaganda..
It’s interesting though to know that Donald Trump support unions. He wants to get the union vote. There’s plenty of people who have worked for industry in the 20th century who were Republicans.
Wouldn't be just better if the voted for Democrats?

If you work for a Mexican drug cartel, want to rape women and children, want to loot city businesses, want to own slaves and call blacks who don't believe what you do "Uncle Toms," then yes, the Democrat party is for you. Just like 100 years ago and 200 years ago
My uncle, and Dad worked at Ford motor company. My grandfather work for Bethlehem Steel. So many of our American ancestors black-and-white worked these very jobs that built the country we live in. Everyone knows that the Bridges, road signs, buildings we have we’re built by these types of workers. Including many women.

Well, there’s many working class Republicans making under $20 an hour some under $15 an hour all throughout America. They should know that we have a chance at bringing back industry in America like it used to be for perhaps 50 years or even 70 years. You used to get a job out high school making over $30 an hour …and you did not have to live like a slave in this country making $15 an hour. If we can get the right leaders in power, we can bring back American industry.

It’s always unfortunate to see a republican who makes under $20 an hour say that he is upset to see UAW workers, striking demanding better wages. We already live in a country with a horrible Joe Biden inflation economy. So therefore, people in industry deserve better wages. We’re not talking about McDonald’s workers. We’re not talking about Walmart workers. Those who work the UAW jobs work in industry that is vital to this country.

Simply remember that the UAW strikes of history involves working class white people who served in World War II who fought in the Vietnam war. There is all the reason in the world for working class Republicans to support the UAW strikes.

At the very least after 90 days on the job, somebody at ford deserves to be making over $30 an hour. That’s the wage they got adjusted for inflation for 50 years in this country. There’s no reason for it to not happen again. It’s only the corporations and some Chinese companies who are paying a garbage wage that want Republicans to be against the UAW.
There's a tendency for low paid workers to begrudgingly oppose unions. Recent talking points being used to change that are ineffective and falling short.

It's going to continue to be a hard issue to tackle. The current trend is to drag low paid workers along slowly as they feel the effects of union workers' wages promoting inflation that leaves the scabs further and further behind.

American workers need a new way of thinking and they need to stop pretending they're on the same side of the very wealthy. Trump??

At least he's preferable on world peace!
There's a tendency for low paid workers to begrudgingly oppose unions. Recent talking points being used to change that are ineffective and falling short.

It's going to continue to be a hard issue to tackle. The current trend is to drag low paid workers along slowly as they feel the effects of union workers' wages promoting inflation that leaves the scabs further and further behind.

American workers need a new way of thinking and they need to stop pretending they're on the same side of the very wealthy. Trump??

At least he's preferable on world peace!

I know you're stupid and all and this will fly over your head, but unions have every right to do whatever they want. What they are not entitled to is the power of government behind them, just their market power
The problem is the unions receive a large cut of the money that could go to employees. The other problem is the UAW takes a lot of responsibility for the USA building shitty fucking vehicles.
What is the current market rate for automobile assembly line workers? If the people at the Big 3 aren't making the same or better than Toyota and Hyundai guys doing the same job, they should be complaining. If they are, they have nothing to whine about.
I know you're stupid and all and this will fly over your head, but unions have every right to do whatever they want. What they are not entitled to is the power of government behind them, just their market power
You may not completely understand?

In a capitalist free market system, all certified unions have a right to bargain collectively and government has to uphold that right.

Any government that doesn't uphold that right has turned to being a dictatorship on collective bargaining.

If you want to promote yourself as an authority on the question then maybe you can tell me of exceptions.

My Canadian opinion is that there are none if they aren't written into the collective agreement.
Wouldn't be just better if the voted for Democrats?

The GOP is the party of the elites, just look at where they are getting their money and their actions in relation to workers...

The GOP are anti union because unions fight for workers...

PS. It was global inflation which US is doing better than averge. Why make a pretty reasonable post discredited with false propaganda..

Because we don't think Women can have Penises?

That's sooooo 3 decades ago. The bourgoise is mostly card carrying progressives now.

We are anti-public sector union.
For those who might say if the Ford employees or the General Motors employees receive a wage that’s going to wreck the economy. Here is the logical response to that. All you have to do is look at what was known as the American age of prosperity, which went from 1950 to about 2000.

For 50 years you were able to get a job out of high school in industry if you wanted to …. making over $30 an hour adjusted for inflation after a 90 day probationary period. So there you go there’s the answer and back in those days the prices were a lot lower than they are now adjusted for inflation.

There are communist Chinese corporations that hate when American workers get paid high amounts of money. There’s actually a documentary on Netflix showing a Chinese company paying very low wages to workers in America. They love it when they see republicans say the UAW is the enemy.

It’s important to stand up for American history, and for the working Man in this country.
Sorry! We're all full up on our supply of bullshit. Try another line.
You may not completely understand?

In a capitalist free market system, all certified unions have a right to bargain collectively and government has to uphold that right.

Any government that doesn't uphold that right has turned to being a dictatorship on collective bargaining.

If you want to promote yourself as an authority on the question then maybe you can tell me of exceptions.

My Canadian opinion is that there are none if they aren't written into the collective agreement.

I was so confused until you pled guilty to being Canadian. No wonder you don't have a clue what capitalism is, your PM doesn't either
I was so confused until you pled guilty to being Canadian. No wonder you don't have a clue what capitalism is, your PM doesn't either
Just don't dare challenge what I said about collective bargaining and government's responsibility!

Unless you want me to tear you a new one?
That's about right. Even back when I was a kid, in the 1970's, it was very hard for a high school graduate to get a well paying job. The vast majority of young people had to start out at something that paid shittily.

And those jobs you WORKED. you didn't stand around influencing, or thinking, or sit at a desk and fuck around for 8 hours.
Just don't dare challenge what I said about collective bargaining and government's responsibility!

Unless you want me to tear you a new one?

I already addressed that. In capitalism, you have market power. You didn't grasp it. No worries, you're Canadian, of course you don't know what capitalism is
I already addressed that. In capitalism, you have market power. You didn't grasp it. No worries, you're Canadian, of course you don't know what capitalism is
Fine. Just don't challenge what I told you.
My uncle, and Dad worked at Ford motor company. My grandfather work for Bethlehem Steel. So many of our American ancestors black-and-white worked these very jobs that built the country we live in. Everyone knows that the Bridges, road signs, buildings we have we’re built by these types of workers. Including many women.

Well, there’s many working class Republicans making under $20 an hour some under $15 an hour all throughout America. They should know that we have a chance at bringing back industry in America like it used to be for perhaps 50 years or even 70 years. You used to get a job out high school making over $30 an hour …and you did not have to live like a slave in this country making $15 an hour. If we can get the right leaders in power, we can bring back American industry.

It’s always unfortunate to see a republican who makes under $20 an hour say that he is upset to see UAW workers, striking demanding better wages. We already live in a country with a horrible Joe Biden inflation economy. So therefore, people in industry deserve better wages. We’re not talking about McDonald’s workers. We’re not talking about Walmart workers. Those who work the UAW jobs work in industry that is vital to this country.

Simply remember that the UAW strikes of history involves working class white people who served in World War II who fought in the Vietnam war. There is all the reason in the world for working class Republicans to support the UAW strikes.

At the very least after 90 days on the job, somebody at ford deserves to be making over $30 an hour. That’s the wage they got adjusted for inflation for 50 years in this country. There’s no reason for it to not happen again. It’s only the corporations and some Chinese companies who are paying a garbage wage that want Republicans to be against the UAW.

So dont work for them if they do not pay enpugh. I do not work at McDonalds.

A janitor should earn $30/hour?


Fuck the unions and fuck Joe Biden.

Unions bankrupt the automakers, then the TAX PAYER bails them out. They are trying to do it again. Fuck that.
A 46% pay increase and a 4 day work week. GTFO

"Our members are working 60, 70, even 80 hours a week just to make ends meet. That's not living. It's barely surviving and it needs to stop," Fain said last month on Facebook Live, explaining the demands of the union.


I will never buy American again.

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