Why obamacare is needed. Asap


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

Dotors say Obamacare is no remedy for U.S. health woes:


Sally Pipes, Contributor
I cover health policy as President of the Pacific Research Institute

America’s doctors have conducted a full examination of the president’s health reform law — and their diagnosis of its effects on our healthcare system isn’t good.

Nearly two-thirds of doctors expect the quality of care in this country to decline, according to a new survey from consulting giant Deloitte. Just 27 percent think that the law will lower costs. And nearly seven of every 10 doctors believe that medicine is no longer attractive to America’s “best and brightest.”

Few people know more about our healthcare system than doctors working on the frontlines. Policymakers should pay heed to their indictment of Obamacare and revisit the disastrous law.

President Obama promised that his reform package would begin to stymie the out-of-control growth in the cost of American health care. He pledged $2,500 in health insurance savings for the typical American family.

But doctors don’t buy it. Only one quarter feel that Obamacare will reduce health insurance costs for consumers. Nine out of ten posit that insurers will raise premiums for employers and individuals.

They have good reason to doubt Obamacare’s cost-cutting potential. Healthcare spending is expected to reach $2.7 trillion this year — or about $1 of every $6 spent in our economy. By 2020, health spending will account for a full fifth of America’s GDP.

That increase is in large part thanks to Obamacare. Instead of relieving high insurance premiums, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that American families in the non-group market will see their premiums rise $2,100

They’re already trending higher. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation-------

More: Doctors Say Obamacare Is No Remedy for U.S. Health Woes - Forbes

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

Why do you want to fight against nature's laws?

Survival of the fittest.

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

As long as the child is out of the womb..conservatives are good with it's dying.

As Conservative heroine Governor Jan Brewer. She put that little proof of concept, live. She cut funding for 2 previously approved operations, resulting in the deaths of 2 people.

Good job boys!


Population control in effect!

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

Why do you want to fight against nature's laws?

Survival of the fittest.

^^^ Case in point. :eusa_whistle:

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

ever heard of schip?

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

As long as the child is out of the womb..conservatives are good with it's dying.

As Conservative heroine Governor Jan Brewer. She put that little proof of concept, live. She cut funding for 2 previously approved operations, resulting in the deaths of 2 people.

Good job boys!


Population control in effect!

you're a jackass, seriously. the question is; does it come naturally or do you work at it?

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

As long as the child is out of the womb..conservatives are good with it's dying.

As Conservative heroine Governor Jan Brewer. She put that little proof of concept, live. She cut funding for 2 previously approved operations, resulting in the deaths of 2 people.

Good job boys!


Population control in effect!
yea all Conservatives are like that right Sallow?......spend the week with Dean did ya?....
Dotors say Obamacare is no remedy for U.S. health woes:

That survey is fascinating, but primarily for the glimpse it offers of the medical profession, not the ACA--not least because the vast majority of the 501 physicians Deloitte polled only consider themselves "somewhat informed" about the law, with less than a quarter describing themselves as "very informed." But it does offer an interesting peek at some of the divisions and cultural divides among medical professionals. For instance:

  • The only group for which "the ACA is a step in the wrong direction" outweighed "the ACA is a good start" was surgical specialists; for every other physician group, that was reversed. But interestingly, surgical specialists were also the only group in which a majority of respondents gave the current U.S. health care system an A or B "grade." The other groups (primary care physicians, non-surgical specialists, and other) were all much more likely to give the current system a C or D rating. Perhaps that explains why there were more apt to see the ACA as a step in the right direction.
  • 62% percent of primary care physicians felt that "overutilization of surgery" is a key health care cost driver, yet only 37% of surgical specialists felt that way.
  • Physicians were less familiar with some of the key payment and delivery system reforms encouraged by the ACA than I would've guessed. Overall, only 42% were familiar with value-based purchasing and only about half were up on comparative effectiveness research. Similarly, just over half were familiar with patient-centered medical homes (though for primary care physicians the figure was much higher, at 70%--makes sense, since that's a primary care model, though it underscores the point that physicians aren't necessarily familiar with models, ideas, and cost-cutting measures that fall outside of their specialty). Rounding out the list, 55% of physicians were familiar with the concept of accountable care organizations, and 57% were familiar with episode-based (bundled) payments.
  • Physicians tend to fear payment reform, thinking it will decrease their incomes (surgical specialists especially)--for instance, they fear "Experiencing a reduction in revenues through fewer referrals or lower utilization of services." From the point of view of someone who doesn't benefit financially from the provision of unnecessary care, such an outcome due to the ACA would be a resounding success. Anyway, they're also wary, to varying degrees, of performance standards and quality measurement.

All in all, a pretty interesting (though not necessarily flattering) look at the current provider landscape. There does seem to be a growing realization that business as usual is going to have to start changing if we're going to start nudging costs and quality toward where they need to be. And, given how comfortable the status quo has grown for many of these folks, I can understand how that would be unnerving.
Dotors say Obamacare is no remedy for U.S. health woes:

That survey is fascinating, but primarily for the glimpse it offers of the medical profession, not the ACA--not least because the vast majority of the 501 physicians Deloitte polled only consider themselves "somewhat informed" about the law, with less than a quarter describing themselves as "very informed." But it does offer an interesting peek at some of the divisions and cultural divides among medical professionals. For instance:

  • The only group for which "the ACA is a step in the wrong direction" outweighed "the ACA is a good start" was surgical specialists; for every other physician group, that was reversed. But interestingly, surgical specialists were also the only group in which a majority of respondents gave the current U.S. health care system an A or B "grade." The other groups (primary care physicians, non-surgical specialists, and other) were all much more likely to give the current system a C or D rating. Perhaps that explains why there were more apt to see the ACA as a step in the right direction.
  • 62% percent of primary care physicians felt that "overutilization of surgery" is a key health care cost driver, yet only 37% of surgical specialists felt that way.
  • Physicians were less familiar with some of the key payment and delivery system reforms encouraged by the ACA than I would've guessed. Overall, only 42% were familiar with value-based purchasing and only about half were up on comparative effectiveness research. Similarly, just over half were familiar with patient-centered medical homes (though for primary care physicians the figure was much higher, at 70%--makes sense, since that's a primary care model, though it underscores the point that physicians aren't necessarily familiar with models, ideas, and cost-cutting measures that fall outside of their specialty). Rounding out the list, 55% of physicians were familiar with the concept of accountable care organizations, and 57% were familiar with episode-based (bundled) payments.
  • Physicians tend to fear payment reform, thinking it will decrease their incomes (surgical specialists especially)--for instance, they fear "Experiencing a reduction in revenues through fewer referrals or lower utilization of services." From the point of view of someone who doesn't benefit financially from the provision of unnecessary care, such an outcome due to the ACA would be a resounding success. Anyway, they're also wary, to varying degrees, of performance standards and quality measurement.

All in all, a pretty interesting (though not necessarily flattering) look at the current provider landscape. There does seem to be a growing realization that business as usual is going to have to start changing if we're going to start nudging costs and quality toward where they need to be. And, given how comfortable the status quo has grown for many of these folks, I can understand how that would be unnerving.

if we're going to start nudging costs and quality toward where they need to be.

so, how do you propose doing that? becasue anyone sentient reasonable person knows, obama care is not the answer....

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

And just why is your daughter my responsibility?

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

As long as the child is out of the womb..conservatives are good with it's dying.

As Conservative heroine Governor Jan Brewer. She put that little proof of concept, live. She cut funding for 2 previously approved operations, resulting in the deaths of 2 people.

Good job boys!


Population control in effect!

you're a jackass, seriously. the question is; does it come naturally or do you work at it?

And you're a fucking asshole with no manners. Is it genetic or did you go to school for it?

Do I win the debate now? :lol:

Recent child dies from untreated cancer because parents did not have healthcare or had it and could not afford to use it. Like my daughter who changed jobs and new insurance does not cover pre-existing heart illness and she needed a Ecocardiogram,etc. Her 18 year old daughter not covered at all and have neurological symptoms. She cannot go to ER and expect to get treatment. They will give her emergency treatment and tell her to see her private physician that will not see her or her daughter without payments. She will get a enormous bill from ER she cannot afford to pay and it will be turned over to collections and still cannot pay. She is a single mother, child in college and disabled child on Medicaid and SSI. Works three jobs and still cannot afford medical care. Shame on this country. And DeMint want people to keep the present private insurance and Government pay for it? Is he out of his mind? The status quo is what we need to get away from. Lives are being lost in the mean time.
And Radical Right Wing Extremists want to repeal Obamacare with status quo? Not on Obama’s watch.
Illegal aliens can get free healthcare in ER and never see a bill or go to collections? Nothing is wrong with our healthcare system but our leaders.
45,000 Americans die yearly because they do not have healthcare or have it and cannot afford to use it.
This country is responsible for the death of this child and that is an American tragedy.

And just why is your daughter my responsibility?

It works on the same principle as me paying for a bomb to kill some daughters of Iraqis.

I don't like it..but that's the way it is. And, personally, I'd rather save a life then snuff it out.

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